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Game Time: July 5619
Next month in: 03:10:02
Server time: 16:49:57, March 13, 2025 CET
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Bill: Welfare reform bill


Submitted by[?]: Centre Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: June 3211


A bill to improve our welfare system. Cobura is a rich country with a healthy society - nobody should have to live in poverty or struggle for money.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date04:10:23, November 10, 2011 CET
From Democratic Party
ToDebating the Welfare reform bill
MessageWe support article 2, but oppose article 1. Welfare should be a second chance, not a life style. People need to work for their life.

Date10:27:37, November 10, 2011 CET
From The Peoples Party Party
ToDebating the Welfare reform bill
MessageWe agree with the Deomcratric party,, 2.yes.

Date18:14:32, November 10, 2011 CET
From Centre Party
ToDebating the Welfare reform bill
MessageWe agree and the proposal has been removed. We thank the other parties for their input.

Date03:42:28, November 11, 2011 CET
From Democratic Party
ToDebating the Welfare reform bill
MessageI believe you removed wrong article. I thought I support the other proposal.

Date13:36:27, November 11, 2011 CET
From The Peoples Party Party
ToDebating the Welfare reform bill
MessageYeah looks like your removed the wrong one!

Date18:26:03, November 11, 2011 CET
From Centre Party
ToDebating the Welfare reform bill
MessageYou said proposal one, which when I looked at it was the one about extending welfare to large families!

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 0


Total Seats: 0


Total Seats: 665

Random fact: In cases where players have failed to clearly and accurately reference their nation's RP laws in the "Bills under debate" section, Moderation will rule them invalid if a challenge is made to their validity.

Random quote: "No one today can afford to be innocent, or indulge himself in ignorance of contemporary governments, politics and social orders. The national polities of the modern world maintain their existence by deliberately fostered craving and fear: monstrous protection rackets. The 'free world' has become economically dependent on a fantastic system of stimulation of greed which cannot be fulfilled, sexual desire which cannot be satiated and hatred which has no outlet except against oneself, the persons one is supposed to love, or the revolutionary aspirations of pitiful, poverty-stricken marginal societies like Cuba or Vietnam. The conditions of the Cold War have turned all modern societies - communist included - into vicious distorters of man's true potential." - Gary Snyder

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