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Bill: Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire


Submitted by[?]: Covenanters (IA)

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill asks for an amendement to the Constitution. It will require two-thirds of the legislature to vote in favor. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: October 2149


The Imperial Commonwealth will become The Holy Luthori Empire (not Luthoran to avoid confusion with Lutheran Churches) with the motto "Bóg, Honour, Ojczyzna", meaning "God, Honour, Fatherland".

The szlachta (nobles, members of the Sejm) shall elect a Rzeczpospolita Emperor by a 2/3rds majority in the sister bill 'Election of the First Rzeczpospolita Emperor', preserving the principles of Golden Liberty. The Emperor shall serve for life or until the nobility decide by a 2/3rds majority to replace him.

The regions currently known as Voivodships will become Rzeczpospolita Kingdoms, each with a client Rzeczpospolita King, elected by a method chosen by each Kingdom's legislature.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date12:31:34, December 01, 2005 CET
FromSocial Calvinist Unionist Party
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageThis one I can support. However, I have an Idea for the national motto; Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna. It means "God, Honor, Fatherland". Another possible motto is "Za wolność Waszą i Naszą", which means "For your freedom and ours". I think the first one is better for the situation, though.

Date12:36:13, December 01, 2005 CET
FromSocial Calvinist Unionist Party
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
Messageeeeep. That didn't turn out well. It would be "Za wolnosc Waszs i Nasza'

Date13:06:13, December 01, 2005 CET
FromCovenanters (IA)
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageMotto changed.

Date13:06:45, December 01, 2005 CET
FromCovenanters (IA)
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageWe need to settle that matter of who shall be Rzeczpospolita Emperor before I put this to the vote.

Date14:37:17, December 01, 2005 CET
FromCovenanters (IA)
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageI didn't realise how close the elections were (doesn't 7 years fly?)

Let's get this through, then elect the Rzeczpospolita Emperor.

Date19:19:11, December 01, 2005 CET
FromCovenanters (IA)
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageWhy is the LEC against this?

Date23:23:22, December 01, 2005 CET
FromSocial Calvinist Unionist Party
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageHonor in Polish is spelt "Honor" =D.

Date00:22:11, December 02, 2005 CET
FromCovenanters (IA)
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageOops! We could change it. I'd quite like to have the English translation alongside it anyway...

Date02:30:36, December 02, 2005 CET
FromLuthori Green Party
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageI'm against it because I don't want an empire.

Date03:29:45, December 02, 2005 CET
FromUnited Conservative Party
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageBut an Empire we shall have.

Date05:00:35, December 02, 2005 CET
FromLuthori Green Party
ToDebating the Second bill for the formation of the first Holy Luthori Empire
MessageAnd the rebel alliance (also known as the LPA) will prevail.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 441


Total Seats: 84


Total Seats: 114

Random fact: Unless otherwise stated, monarchs and their royal houses will be presumed to be owned by the player who introduced the bill appointing them to their position.

Random quote: "The honest politician is one who, when he is bought, stays bought." - Simon Cameron

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