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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Intellectual Property Rights Act


Submitted by[?]: I Love Everyone!

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: March 2151


A bill to promote and protect the right of intellectual property in the Democratic Commonwealth of Egelion.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date11:48:02, December 04, 2005 CET
FromI Love Everyone!
ToDebating the Intellectual Property Rights Act
MessageThis bill helps protect computer programmers. Programmers deserve to be rewarded for their hard work, not penalized!

Date11:49:29, December 04, 2005 CET
FromI Love Everyone!
ToDebating the Intellectual Property Rights Act
MessageThis bill helps protect computer programmers. Programmers deserve to be rewarded for their hard work, not penalized!

subscribe to this discussion - unsubscribe


Vote Seats

Total Seats: 394


Total Seats: 309


Total Seats: 0

Random fact: Jelbic = "Group of cultures with an overall Central Asian/Eurasian steppe theme, using a fictional language developed specifically for Particracy".

Random quote: "Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are like us." Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are not like us." Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction." - Charles R. Magel

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