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Game Time: July 5619
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Server time: 16:49:58, March 13, 2025 CET
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Bill: Marriage Recognition Bill 3727


Submitted by[?]: Royal Conservative Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: October 3728


To recognise all foreign marriages. This bill recognises that different cultures have different customs to us. Therefore the marriages of foreign nationals who were married in another nation should always be recognised as legitimate by our government.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date16:00:34, September 14, 2014 CET
FromUnited Conservative Party
ToDebating the Marriage Recognition Bill 3727
MessageIf a foreigner comes to Aloria they must abide by our laws and customs.

Date17:33:46, September 14, 2014 CET
FromLiberal Republican Party
ToDebating the Marriage Recognition Bill 3727

Date23:44:35, September 14, 2014 CET
FromAlorian Front Party
ToDebating the Marriage Recognition Bill 3727
MessageI do not suppprt recognizong arraigned marriages.I agree with the United Conservative Party

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 300


Total Seats: 160


Total Seats: 40

Random fact: The use of proxy servers makes it impossible to detect multiing and is therefore forbidden. Players who access Particracy through a proxy will have their accounts inactivated.

Random quote: "We have a culture, a strong, vibrant, 'real' culture. Most of the outside world does not. They haven't bled enough for it." - Lászlo Nádašdy, former Deltarian nobleman

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