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Bill: Lodamunese Military Act


Submitted by[?]: Pro Lodamunese Unitarian Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: August 3923


Recommending a complete state controlled military as private controlled military organizations are looking out for themselves and if it is profitable for them to attack our people of lodamun while in the midst of war, don't think they won't do it

Knowing that not all PMC's will do this, but we believe if the government should have complete control over military operations, our people our businesses our nation will be much safer



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date05:54:27, October 16, 2015 CET
FromMetzian Party of Lodamun
ToDebating the Lodamunese Military Act

I will support this bill.

Stefan Harris
Ministry of Defence

subscribe to this discussion - unsubscribe


Vote Seats

Total Seats: 92


Total Seats: 240


Total Seats: 242

Random fact: Players must never be asked for their Particracy password. This includes Moderation; a genuine Moderator will never ask for your password.

Random quote: "We can only protect liberty by making it relevant to the modern world." - Tony Blair

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