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Bill: "Our nation is ours to share"


Submitted by[?]: Democratic-Republican Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: January 2181


As our national anthem says, we must practice what we preach.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date21:56:12, February 03, 2006 CET
FromLibertarian Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageWell within a year we would have a population of around 10 billion, so then all your welfare would have to stop as we wouldn't have enough money to pay anyone anything!

Get real, this proposal is ridiculous, not thought through, and economic suicide. It would inevitably lead to the vast majority of the population starving as there would not be enough food to go around!

Date21:59:17, February 03, 2006 CET
FromLibertarian Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageBut then you know this will not pass, indeed you do not want it to pass, you are only proposing it to send our political positions to the right wing while leaving yours in the left.

Now this does not concern the Libertarian Party as we are already right wing, it will though, be interesting to see how the rest of your left wing allies vote. If they vote no their positions swing to the right. If they vote yes they risk bankrupting the nation and leading to mass starvation of the workers they say they represent.

What a dilemna.

Date22:00:41, February 03, 2006 CET
FromDemocratic-Republican Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageNot true. Food can be imported. As well as, what's wrong with a large population? It increases our work force, makes us stronger in the long term. It is well thought through, you just don't like the kind of thinking. You would leave Terra in shards for our children!

Date22:04:11, February 03, 2006 CET
FromDemocratic-Republican Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageAnd we are offended by the accusation we do not want this to pass! This is one of the thing the DRP stands for!

Date22:21:19, February 03, 2006 CET
FromPeoples Revolutionary Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageWe do not agree with #1 and #3.

Date22:36:26, February 03, 2006 CET
FromLibertarian Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageWhat would you buy the food with? We would be bankrupt!

Where would you employ this vast workforce? In nationalised industry?

So you pay them with other peoples money? That would lead to the massive devaluation of the HLR, and mean we could even less afford to buy in food let alone pay them all integration aid!

If you truly beleive this you are even more stupid than you sound! (and we honestly did not think that possible).

Date23:03:45, February 03, 2006 CET
FromLibertarian Republican Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageIn your ideal, free market society with no social programs, what would be wrong with open immigration?

Date23:19:43, February 03, 2006 CET
FromLibertarian Party
ToDebating the "Our nation is ours to share"
MessageAs long there was no welfare there would be fewer problem, as long as they are not being fed by money stolen from other people we could be persuaded. However, any government must protect its citizens, and open unlimited immigration would massively threaten the fabric of society putting a strain on the ability even of the private sector to provide sufficient housing, food, trasnport, water, sewage, roads etc. This would drive up the price, which would lead to higher wage demands, these demands would not be met as the employers would have a huge surfeit of potential employees, (more people wanting work lead to lower wages). This would all put a huge strain in the economy.

Now if our Libertarian ideal were to be achieved globally then that would be a different matter, and we could then support totally free and open immigration and emmigration.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 86


Total Seats: 126


Total Seats: 81

Random fact: It is possible for a player to transfer ownership of a character or a royal house to another player. This should be done in a public way, such as on the Character Transfers thread, so that if a dispute arises in the future, Moderation can be pointed towards evidence of the transfer.

Random quote: "Proud Darnussians? Darnussian is an insult, nothing more! You should all try to be more like we are, the Narikatonites!" - Nikolai Shukanov, former Narikatonite politician

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