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Bill: Bursă de valori


Submitted by[?]: Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: July 4156


As elsewhere, we maintain that the irresponsibility of certain high financiers should not be allowed to tank the economy for everyone. It's hard to run a business when you're in an unnecessarily-provoked recession!



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date21:02:25, January 24, 2017 CET
From Partidul Poporului Noului Endralon
ToDebating the Bursă de valori
MessageMr. Speaker,

And how does regulating the stock exchange work? The free sale of stocks and bonds is a freedom that the government has no say over. And the gentleman of the socialist party has no idea what they are it seems.

First, a company gives out stocks or shares, these are parts of the company which they sell off to individuals on the stockmarket to obtain money. This money they then use to pay of debts, increase their investments and to grow their economic activities.

Second, when the stock increases in value the company is profitable and thus does something good because the people like them and buy their stock for various of reasons. If their stock prices drop then they are either running the company into the ground or made some major errors.

Third, these increase and decrease of stock prices regulate companies into holding favourable news reportages of them, producing more goods following the acceptable norms. So energy providers will provide more green energy or hire disabled workers to increase their public image whilest doing something that helps the economy.

Wealthy investors invest their captial in companies, it doesnt harm the economy at all. It makes businesses able to create economic growth for our nation. When a recession hits us then it means the market is purging itself from rotten and corrupt parts. Its a natural thing, see it as your body purging a decease.

We vote against this bill.

Vlad Popescu
Economic Spokesman for the NEPP

Date22:05:25, January 24, 2017 CET
From Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc
ToDebating the Bursă de valori
MessageMr. Speaker,

A fine exposition of the "naturalistic" view of economics. But a truly impoverished grasp of nature! The PNŢ maintains that there are no "natural laws" to human dealings. They emerge organically in from our inborn essence through our social dealings. No cold rational calculus can accurately account for that. Even avarice is not a law, only a tendency; and that means we can transform it!

I ask the honourable member what he understands by the word "socialism." Does the organic view of human commerce resemble the Metzist view, with its iron laws, its economic determinism? We observe that man's nature grows from some seed hidden within him. For us, it comes from the transcendent source of all life, the Boh we were taught to worship by our Lord and Saviour Eilyahu Hosios.

For the honourable member, "socialism" is a mere slur. It has no inherent meaning. The truth is that we are the only party in the Adunarea that consistently advocates for the vast majority of men and women in our society, who win their bread by the sweat of their brow and disdain to live off the backs of others.

How easy it is for those who esteem themselves high and mighty to brush off human suffering as a market "purging itself from rotten and corrupt parts." I the honourable member, whose party claims allegiance to the principles of Hosian democracy, are you not merely classical liberals who pay lip service to the Church when it suits you? I do not know your hearts as the Lord does, but your actions speak to a love of mammon that exceeds that of your neighbour. Never forget the teaching of our prophets of the Katub: our Lord delights in seeing the proud rulers of this earth brought to silent awe before his majesty, and "Where will you stand in that day?"

Fr. Dragoș Năstase
Spokesman for Finance

Date22:58:46, January 24, 2017 CET
From Classical Liberal Independence Party
ToDebating the Bursă de valori
MessageOur party fully supports the NEPP on this issue!

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