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Bill: Abolition of Capitalism Act


Submitted by[?]: Dorvische Kommunistische Partei

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: August 4289


Comrades, the global capitalist system has completely failed the people, economically, socially and morally. Let us be brave enough to embrace the only possible solution: communism.

Long live the revolution!

Friedrich Pfeiffer
General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date10:38:53, October 18, 2017 CET
FromGrüne Demokratische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr Pfeiffer,

May it be of interest to you that Dorvik is the richest nation in the world? With one of the highest standards of living? And may it be of interest to you that no communist nation has ever, in the past, been anywhere near the wealth and living standards of our nation, no matter how long they were communist for?

Communism is not only a system which takes away all of one's rights, and makes us slaves to a system we cannot change or hold to account, but it relies so heavily on the organisation of government that it will invariably lead to corruption, undemocracy and ultimately dictatorship.

Edmond Albrecht
Co-Leader of the NPB

Date11:58:15, October 18, 2017 CET
FromDorvische Kommunistische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr. Albrecht,

If you had a greater understanding of the objective reality of Metzist Science, you would not be offering us such foolish and trivial claims and commentaries. The great economic, social and political scientist, Karlstein Metz, accurately predicted over 2,500 years ago that capitalism is doomed to destruction by its inherent weaknesses and contradictions, and must inevitably be replaced by a communist form of social, political and economic organisation.

The greatest living Metzist scientists today confidently predict capitalism will collapse within Dorvik in the next 20 years, and collapse Terra-wide in the next 30 years. We are living in the End Times of Capitalism.

The question now is not whether capitalism will survive. It will not. The question is whether the transition to communism will take place in an orderly way, or whether there will first be a total collapse of our economy and a massive social and political breakdown. We, in the Dorvish Communist Party, urge the State Councillors here assembly to be far-sighted enough to accept the inevitable and choose the least disruptive option.

Communism is the future. The only future.

Power to the workers!

Friedrich Pfeiffer
General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

Date12:14:42, October 18, 2017 CET
FromGrüne Demokratische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr Pfeiffer,

Metz did predict the end of capitalism 2 and a half millennia ago. It appears that capitalism is still here and thriving. Your kind has predicted this end-time for capitalism for 2,500 years and it has never came true. There is nothing objective about your views, they are subjective and based on what you want to happen.

Capitalism has survived for 3,000 years and is still strong. It will survive another 3,000 years. You are predicting a load of nonsensical events which you have no backing for. I could say that the world will end in 30 years due to a great flood caused by the wrath of the sea god and my prediction would be just as likely as yours.

When your Metzist psuedoscience finally stops doing the whole 'waiting on the messiah' horsecrap and shows me some real evidence of world-wide downturn, I will then and only then accept you are right. Til then, you are an irrelevant lunatic frothing at the mouth for an apocalypse that shall never come. In 20 years time, I will rub this very conversation in your face.

Edmond Albrecht
Co-Leader of Pragmatismus

Date12:49:35, October 18, 2017 CET
FromDorvische Kommunistische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr. Albrecht,

Certain calculational errors about the End Date of Capitalism have been made in the past, but these were merely interpretational errors based on a misreading of Metzist Science and the works of Karlstein Metz. We have every confidence that the current prediction, of the destruction of capitalism Terra-wide within the next 30 years, is correct. In fact, we have been very conservative with our estimation, and believe we may actually have understated the length of time remaining. All of the foremost authorities of Metzist Science in Terra today are in consensus about this.

Friedrich Pfeiffer
General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

Date14:31:52, October 18, 2017 CET
FromGrüne Demokratische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr Pfeiffer,

Who are these Metzist scientists and how are they to be trusted? It's odd that you've missed the mark 2,000 times for a prediction, but this time it's definitely right.

Edmond Albrecht
Coleader of Pragmatismus

Date17:49:31, October 18, 2017 CET
FromDorvische Nationale Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
Message*RP members cheer Albrecht*

Date23:18:58, October 18, 2017 CET
FromDorvische Kommunistische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr. Albrecht,

On 7th February 4281 a group of renowned Metzist experts from all across Terra met in Haldor to form the International Committee for the Estimation of the End Date of Capitalism (ICEEDC). With the assistance of a powerful computer, they calculated that capitalism will terminate Terra-wide on 6th November 4320, and in Dorvik on April 17th 4310. We have no reason whatsoever to believe these very eminent and learned scholars are wrong. They have never been wrong about anything before.

Friedrich Pfeiffer
General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

Date23:24:34, October 18, 2017 CET
FromGrüne Demokratische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr Pfeiffer,

They have never been wrong about anything before? Well, perhaps you're too young, but I remember in 4262 when 'Metzist Scientists' calculated the end of capitalism to be January 18th 4279. And I remember the prediction of a world-wide stock exchange crash in 4259 by a prominent Trigunian Metzist to occur within four years of that time. Or what about the prediction in 4267 by Metzists that there would be a violent revolution within 10 years in most of Majatra?

And please, enlighten me, what will be the signs of the end of capitalism? Will the seas turn red? Will a white horseman appear? Will the first born of everyone who opposes your party die? Will locusts engulf Miktar?

Edmond Albrecht
Coleader of Pragmatismus

Edmond Albrecht
Coleader of Pragmatismus

Date23:33:09, October 18, 2017 CET
FromDorvische Kommunistische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMt Albrecht,

I confess I have not studied the particular example you have given, but I can tell you that over the years, there have been many false claims and false predictions made by individuals who lacked a full grasp of the complex subtleties of the science of Metzism. This time, however, we have absolute confidence our experts have got it right. It would be an objective impossibility for so many esteemed Metzist scientists to be wrong about this.It really would.

History will bury you, Mr. Albrecht, and capitalism with it.

Friedrich Pfeiffer
General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

Date23:37:32, October 18, 2017 CET
FromGrüne Demokratische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr Pfeiffer,

May I remind you that several thousand years ago the scientific consensus was that Terra was flat, black and white people were different species, atoms were solid, cells didn't exist and flying is impossible? You and your crackpots will die off, one day. You will be a footnote in history, and in fifty years time when capitalism still stands - you will be a historical laughign stock.

Edmond Albrecht
Coleader of Pragmatismus

Date00:00:44, October 19, 2017 CET
FromDorvische Kommunistische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageThose comparisons are not even relevant, since the scientific theory of Metzism supercedes the physical sciences, such as biology, geology and physics. It is far more accurate and reliable. Again, we have no doubt whatsoever about our predictions. The End of Capitalism is coming, and coming soon.

What matters now is how our political leaders handle the transition. If we have foresight, it could be more smooth and harmonious.


Friedrich Pfeiffer
General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

Date00:05:02, October 19, 2017 CET
FromGrüne Demokratische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr Pfeiffer,

So your subjective opinion comes above objective science? How is Metz objectively right when all of his prediction have not materializes and his system has created desolate, starving countries while capitalism has brought bountiful food, housing and jobs.

Furthermore, your threats of violence are not acceptable.

Edmond Albrecht
Coleader of Pragmatismus

Date00:15:55, October 19, 2017 CET
FromDorvische Kommunistische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr. Albrecht,

We have already explained this. The scientific theory outlined by Karlstein Metz 2,500 years ago is objectively correct, and capitalism is scheduled to perish in 30 years time.

Metzism cannot be held responsible for the fact a few misguided individuals have abused or misinterpreted Metzist science.

Friedrich Pfeiffer
General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

Date16:22:33, October 19, 2017 CET
FromGrüne Demokratische Partei
ToDebating the Abolition of Capitalism Act
MessageMr Pfeiffer,

Why is Metz always right? Why is it objective?

Edmond Albrecht
Coleader of Pragmatismus

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    Random fact: Particracy is set in the fictional world of Terra, which mirrors the real world of today and yet is not quite like it.

    Random quote: "I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization." - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

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