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Bill: Animal Rights


Submitted by[?]: Kirlawa Green Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: July 2035


Stop torturing living beings for mere cosmetic purposes



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Datenot recorded
FromKirlawa Green Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageStop the injustice!

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FromKirlawa Green Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
Messageps: we do not want to eliminate animal testing for medical purposes, that's another debate

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FromSenatus et Populusque Kirlawan(SPQK)
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageNo and never

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FromFederalist Labour Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageLess Majority Rule....

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FromKirlawa Green Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageWhat do you mean by less majority rule? If you're against majority rule why do you force your opinion about abortion and euthanasia upon other people? Or is that just common sense because it comes from you... If that's not majority rule I don't know what is.

Datenot recorded
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageAbortion kills a un born baby and or gives the power of "definition" to the government concerning when “Killing” is ok. It is impossible to regulate Euthanasia and Abortion clinics. There for it is not possible for the State to enforce any laws concerning these freedoms. "Consent from Patient or Doctor" is utterly ridiculous considering the medical field does in fact make mistakes and misdiagnoses with regularity. Mistakes should not be acceptable concerning “Life”. Supporting legalization of Abortion, Euthanasia and Capital Punishment is denying mistakes even exist.

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FromFederalist Labour Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
Messagelol I left particracy on my computer and it logged me out ehhh.

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FromKirlawa Green Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageWhen someone is suffering immensely and that person wants to die, why not grant him or her that right. Who are you to say what he or she should or should not do. You are, by imposing these laws, doing what you want to avoid: you're imposing your opinion to someone who has choosen to be put out of his or her suffering

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FromFederalist Labour Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageMost people are willing to fight through most any suffering if there is a possibility of hope. The problem is most people take what the Medical Field tells them to be supreme truth without question. Thus, if a medical doctor tells someone that he or she has 6 months to live and suggests euthanasia while he or she is in immense pain. The vast majority will choose to end their lives. And this is wrong because of AGAIN "misdiagnoses". There are countless cases where people have recovered when they "shouldn't" have. I know you have some heard them. Mistakes should never be acceptable concerning life. Here's another little fact for you: People are misdiagnosed and classed in a "persistent vegetative" state 40% of the time.

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FromKirlawa Green Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
Message'Most people are willing to fight through most any suffering if there is a possibility of hope. ' There you said it: most people, but not everyone. Then why not let them have a humain death instead of an agonising death. Why do you want to decide for them? Could you answer that question for me please, cause you are just imposing your opinion onto other people. Let everyone just make up his or her mind! People can coose for themselves! 'We believe the people of our nation should be responsible for the most part for them selves and be free to care, pray and work according to their own personal beliefs and values.'

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FromKirlawan Republican Alliance
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageShould we punish people who don't want to keep fighting? What are we going to do? Institute the death penalty for suicide?

Datenot recorded
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageYou can never regulate suicide that’s ridiculous to even accuse me of that. The fact is if someone wants kill themselves they always can, no matter what the damn law says. But promoting suicide in the medical field is another matter all together. I mean seriously you don't have a problem with someone paying someone else to end their own life based on a diagnoses that might be completely false? I believe people always have the right to suicide - It is just wrong for the medical field to endorse it as an option to people based on their recorded imperfect practice. Suicide/ Euthanasia should never be a capitalist business!

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FromFederalist Labour Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageWhy did it log me out again? I just logged in :).

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FromKirlawan Republican Alliance
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageAre we promoting suicide by saying it exists? No one is holding a gun to anyone's head saying: "Kill yourself, or I'll shoot you."

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FromFederalist Labour Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageNo but you are promoting the INDUSTRY OF SUICIDE!

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FromFederalist Labour Party
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageYou didn't answer my question.

Datenot recorded
ToDebating the Animal Rights
MessageThe Draconic Party recognises the sactitiy of all life, and believes that the torment of living creatures for mere cosmetic purposes is unnecesary. We therefore think the goverment should discourage use of laboratory animals and promote alternative methods. We do not, however, believe more bureacracy and unnecesary regulations will be necesary here.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 335


Total Seats: 256


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: Cultural Protocol bills must provide a real-life equivalent or short description for the ethnic groups, languages and religions contained in them, such that it would be easy for an unfamiliar player to understand (e.g. "Dundorfian = German"). Where appropriate, they should also provide guidance to players on where to find help with translations and character names. This might include, for example, links to Google Translate, Behind the Name's Random Name Generator and Fantasy Name Generators.

    Random quote: "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." - Thomas Jefferson

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