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Bill: CNP: Economic Adjustment Act


Submitted by[?]: Conservative Nationalist Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: October 4740


This legislation aims to stimulate enterprise whilst ensuring the national budget is maintained.

Businesses create jobs and generate government revenue. Therefore we must do are best to protect them.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date21:34:23, April 12, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageIn regards to Article 1 of this legislation, we see no reason to change that at this time. The number of proposals a party can have increases how much their voice can be heard in the law, and decreasing the amount, the SDP believe, is useless.

The SDP is strongly against Article 2 of this legislation. Low-income members of our nation struggle to pay for the basic necessities such as food and clothes. This bill would make it harder for members of that socio-economic status to has the minimum they need in life. We encourage the Alliance Party to weigh in on this troubling bill.

Date21:34:55, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageThis bill shall remain in the debate phase for 1 month. In March 4740, this will move into the voting phase regardless of opposition participation or not.

Date21:36:01, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageOnce again the CNP exhibits extreme behaviour.

It clearly doesn't matter to the President, the Prime Minister or the members of the CNP that passing Article 3 would place Mordusia in a minority of SIX countries in the whole of Terra.

More shame. Another sad day for Mordusia.

Date21:38:19, April 12, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageThe SDP believes trade unions, though flawed, allow for the voice of workers to be heard voluntarily. We see no real reason to change this law and encourage the CNP to justify the reasoning behind this bill.

Date21:39:30, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageOOC: SDP, the wrong article went through so apologies. But is changed now.

RP: This government is putting the economy and thus the people of our nation first. Need we remind the house we are delivering policies on a mandate from the Mordusian people. We ask the alliance party to contribute constructively in future.

Date21:45:06, April 12, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageWe are glad to hear the Alliance Party's opposition to this bill. We would like to first point out that the nation of Mordusia lacks a "house", but has a parliament.

We ask the CNP how a sales tax that would damage the livelihood of low-income individuals to buy basic necessities of life is representative of the people? How is banning labour unions which allow workers to gain a voice in our work-force and increase standards for our workers "putting the people of our nation first"?

Date21:49:48, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageIts up to the speaker to address points of order and not the leader of the opposition. It'd therefore be reasonable to ask them to leave such matters to the chair.

This government has been elected with a mandate and therefore we will continue to do what is good for business and what in turn is god for the workers.

Date21:54:17, April 12, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageThe SDP would like to point out that what is good for businesses is not always beneficial of workers. Many businesses value profit over their workers, this is a fact. The CNP is yet to respond to the concerns of SDP and Alliance share about the introduction of sales tax, and the SDP humbly requests the CNP's view on our points.

Date21:59:31, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageA sales tax is not uncommon in many of the most developed nations internationally. It is perfectly reasonable of the government to introduce such a measure. As previously stated, in the upcoming budget statement after the passing of the new tax system, the minister of finance will lay out his plans for protecting the most vulnerable workers.

Date22:08:10, April 12, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageOf course a sales tax is not uncommon, but a sales tax that directly affects low-income members of our society negatively has no place in our country. This bill certainly does not allow for low-income individuals to work up to the middle-income bracket, as if they are struggling to pay for basic necessities like food and clothes, than they do not have the income to create a business, etc.

There are many ways to gain income that does not tax the most vulnerable in our society, and if the CNP wants to hear from the SDP on their ideas of gaining income rather than preying on the low-income, then we would be happy to oblige.

Date22:12:25, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageBy boosting business, we are creating jobs. And by creating more jobs, there will be more highly payed jobs. As we have stated, we hope the opposition trust that sufficient provisions will be made in the upcoming economic statement.

Date22:12:50, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageThe SDP politely asked the government to respond to the points raised by the opposition parties. The Alliance humbly suggests that the CNP has not taken the trouble to look through the debate to address what has previously been raised. However, we leave the SDP to repeat any questions they have asked which they feel have been brushed aside.

For the Alliance's part, please answer this fundamental question, because Parliament would like to have a categorical statement from the government on this issue for historical records, and the people of Mordusia would like to hear what the consequences of their votes in the last election are beginning to look like:

Does it or does it not matter to the President, the Prime Minister or the members of the CNP that passing Article 3 would place Mordusia in a minority of SIX countries in the whole of Terra? A yes or no will be quite sufficient to satisfy us.

Date22:16:57, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageThe president has full confidence in his governments ability to carry out party policy. We can confirm that trade unions are to be abolished, and criminalised under this legislation.

Date22:21:51, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageThat's not an acceptable answer.

Date22:22:23, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageTry again:

Does it or does it not matter to the President, the Prime Minister or the members of the CNP that passing Article 3 would place Mordusia in a minority of SIX countries in the whole of Terra?

Date22:25:07, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageWe acknowledge that this legislation is a first for mordusia and hopefully a first step towards better things. We believe we have already answered this question.

Date22:26:40, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageTry again:

Does it or does it not matter to the President, the Prime Minister or the members of the CNP that passing Article 3 would place Mordusia in a minority of SIX countries in the whole of Terra?

Yes or No is all that is required

Date22:29:40, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageAs speaker, I think its clear that the answer has been given to the party leaders question and they should either take what they got or ask another question. This is holding up proceedings and further scrutiny of this bill.

Date22:30:15, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageTry again:

Does it or does it not matter to the President, the Prime Minister or the members of the CNP that passing Article 3 would place Mordusia in a minority of SIX countries in the whole of Terra?

Yes or No is all that is required

Date22:32:23, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageNo comment from the government is necessary. The party opposite has got the only answer they are going to get.

Date22:34:31, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageIf the government thinks it has answered the question, then perhaps it would reiterate it one last time - with a clear yes or no.
Once that has been done then the question need not be asked again.

Does it or does it not matter to the President, the Prime Minister or the members of the CNP that passing Article 3 would place Mordusia in a minority of SIX countries in the whole of Terra?

Date22:41:59, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageThis government is not interested in other nations and their policies. We are focused on legislation in the country we have been elected to represent. If doesn't matter if 2 nations or 100 nations have the same stance, the simple point is we will deliver what we see is right.

We have full confidence in this bill. It is the measures necessary to restore economic strength after the sheer negligence of the last government.

Date22:46:20, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageSo,is the government happy for the Alliance to paraphrase the answer given to "No, it does not matter".

Unless the CNP correct this interpretation forthwith, then we think it will be clear how the archives of Parliament will read in regards to this bill and the CNP.

Date22:49:02, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessagePoint of order, this has nothing to do with the debate and therefore it is worth noting the alliance party's intent to deviate from the matters at hand.

Date22:52:45, April 12, 2020 CET
FromAlliance Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessagePoint of order and for the record.

The CNP did NOT refute the Alliance's paraphrase of the government's response to the question:

"Does it or does it not matter to the President, the Prime Minister or the members of the CNP that passing Article 3 would place Mordusia in a minority of SIX countries in the whole of Terra?"

The simple paraphrase provided by the Alliance was "No, it does not matter". We leave it to the people of Mordusia and the archives to reflect on what implications that has for the trust which the nation has placed in the hands of the CNP.

Date23:04:17, April 12, 2020 CET
FromConservative Nationalist Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageDue to the lack of interest from the Opposition to engage constructively, the bill is being processed as of now to the voting phase.

Date03:34:17, April 13, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageWe wish for the government to reconsider what they believe is "constructive engagement". We brought up our concerns with this bill and we do not believe the CNP responded effectively to defend this legislation.

More jobs do not equate to more higher paying jobs, that is a false statement. The decrease of the corporate tax rate is not sufficient in creating enough jobs to cover for the poverty caused by the sales tax.

We hope for more protections for the low-income members of our nation in the following financial statements, as this bill failed to do so on every level.

Date00:41:50, April 14, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageWill the government admit that its job loss from the sales tax will cause more individuals to become impoverished than the jobs gained from the cut in the corporate tax?

Date19:28:25, April 14, 2020 CET
FromSocial Democrat Party
ToDebating the CNP: Economic Adjustment Act
MessageClearly the current government does not like to responding to serious questions posed by the oppositions. Truly a shame for the state of our country.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 194


Total Seats: 171


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: Once approved, players should copy Cultural Protocols into a bill in the debate section of their nation page, under the title of "OOC: Cultural Protocols". This bill should include links to the passed Cultural Protocol bill and the Moderation approval.

    Random quote: "Zardugal. . . very successfully almost managed to implement democracy on a global scale, a millennia ago. With a seat in the Security Council we can do it again." - Phoebe Ĥoniato, former Zardic politician

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