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Game Time: April 5548
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Server time: 04:55:50, September 21, 2024 CET
Currently online (1): Arusu-Ald2 | Record: 63 on 23:13:00, July 26, 2019 CET

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Bill: Select Committee on Defense (Topic: Military reorganization)


Submitted by[?]: Federal List (TfM)

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: July 5521


Mr. Chairman,

I come here before the select committee on defense to discuss the Federal Ministry's of Defence efforts to reorganize our military and prepare it for the next century of warfare. It is this government's believe that our military needs to refocus itself on key aspects and should be modernized to reflect a ever changing world.

We currently plan to:
- Rename the branches to reflect the transition to monarchy
- Decrease the size of the army to around 50,000 active soldiers, selling off excess equipment and modernizing remaining equipment
- Decreasing the size of the airforce, making its primary objective the support of army, navy and the protection of our airspace
- Increasing the size of the navy, recognizing that our navy will be extremely important in protecting economic and geopolitical interests.
- Launching a comprehensive modernization project for all branches of the military in an effort to improve its effectiveness.
- Reform the army its structure to step away from divisional structures and move towards a brigade like structure

We welcome all members of the Select Committee to give their input on our proposed plans.

Archie Whitworth,
Federal Minister of Defence of the Commonwealth of Mordusia



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date20:55:28, July 26, 2024 CET
FromFederal List (TfM)
ToDebating the Select Committee on Defense (Topic: Military reorganization)
MessageAs chairman of this committee, i hereby open the debate on the proposed military reorganization. As the government and subsequently ruling party has layed out its stance, that of supporting and seeking these reforms, i think its best for the honourable opppossition to give a response to the proposed plans.

Archibald Langley,
Chairman on the Select Committee on Defense
(Mordusian People's Party)

Date05:45:05, July 27, 2024 CET
FromMordusian Reform Party
ToDebating the Select Committee on Defense (Topic: Military reorganization)
MessageI would like to thank the committee for inviting us to be part of the military reforms and modernization. It was good that they put an invitation, given that I was the defense minister of the past administration who supported this long-waited reform for the military.

Upon checking on the planned proposal, we will be in full support up to its implementation and execution. The Reform Party and I strongly believe that it is high-time that we launch a full modernization of the Mordusian military to prepare us on any conflict that may arise within or outside the country. Thank you.

Christian Reier
Former Defense Minister
(Mordusian Reform Party)

Date17:42:48, July 27, 2024 CET
FromCountry and Labour Party
ToDebating the Select Committee on Defense (Topic: Military reorganization)
MessageMr Speaker,

We would like to see the state invest in defence related companies to ensure levels of domestic production of equipment including military hardware, and the protect critical jobs in high-tech industries related to national security. Once properly developed and tested this will also provide an opportunity for increasing manufacturing exports.

Date11:34:54, July 28, 2024 CET
FromFederal List (TfM)
ToDebating the Select Committee on Defense (Topic: Military reorganization)
MessageMr. Speaker,

We shall take the comments of the honourable committee with us in determining the final composition of our reforms. We are glad that there is widespread support for reform and investment and we will push forward in our efforts to deliver just that.

Archie Whitworth,
Federal Minister of Defence of the Commonwealth of Mordusia

Date11:35:51, July 28, 2024 CET
FromFederal List (TfM)
ToDebating the Select Committee on Defense (Topic: Military reorganization)
MessageWe shall now move this select committee to a vote. A vote in favour will allow the government to pursue its plans for military reform and come back to us with a bill to debate on the floor, a vote against rejects the notion of military reform.

Archibald Langley,
Chairman on the Select Committee on Defense
(Mordusian People's Party)

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 245


    Total Seats: 0


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: Did you know you can change the official name of your nation? All you need to do is draw up a new name that is in accordance with the Nation Renaming Guide, pass a bill proposing the name change with a two-thirds majority and then post a request to Moderation on the "Renaming Requests" thread. You can change city and region names in this way too.

    Random quote: "A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin." H. L. Mencken

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