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Bill: NEW PLAYERS READ THIS: Single Party State and Outlawing of Fascism RP Law (Non-Voting)


Submitted by[?]: Institutional Party (IPoK)- Orthodox

Status[?]: debate

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.


BILL: To Name The Institutional Party the Single Political Party of Kalistan, and to Outlaw Fascism and Abolition of the Monarchy

The Empire of Ananto and Kalistan, being long established as an absolute Monarchy under the dominion of House Ananto, does declare that the only legal political entity within Kalistan shall be the Institutional Party of Kalistan (IPoK). All other political entities, parties, or organizations are hereby declared Illegal.

Executing Article 1
The core function of the IPoK is to ensure the maintenance of the Monarchy and to cloth the fiat of the Monarch in legal/administrative legitimacy. Therefore, any Party that aims at abolishing the Monarchy outside of the Institutional Party Structure is hereby deemed an illegal political assembly and may be denied the right to Participate in Government at any level.

Executing Article 2
Within the Institutional Party Structure, there may be free exercise of internal democracy. Factions and caucuses may form, and may struggle for control over the legislative agenda and the composition of the Government. The only two exceptions to this is that there may be no specifically or implicitly fascist tendency, nor may there be a specifically or implicitly anti-monarchist tendency. The Institutional Party is and will remain explicitly pro Monarchist and anti-fascist. Other topics are open for debate and legislation.

Executing Article 3
Any caucus that adopts a pro-fascist or anti-monarchist position will be expelled from the National Assembly. The Internal Affairs Ministry shall be entitled to issue orders governing the implementation of the law.

Executing Article 4
Organizations or individuals which aim at overthrowing the established imperialist regime in the country, but outside of the Party Structure shall be dissolved or detained without trial for up to five years.

Offered this Day, First August 5536 by Lord Stephen Wilkes, Chancellor of the Empire in the name of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Select Fredrick II Ananto.

OOC: The bill is an RP LAW in Kalistan. According to the Game Rules, specifically Section 5e, this RP Law can be repealed with a simple majority. This is a mandatory and moderation-enforced RP Law aimed at providing RP continuity in Kalistan. Additional Players may form factions of the Institutional Party of Kalistan, and their Party Name will be in the following format:

Institutional Party (IPoK)- (xxxxx Caucus)

Their Party color must be some shade of Blue, which is the Party's Color.

The Institution of Emperor/Empress is not considered a political office, and therefore, is not covered by this bill.

This is the Non Voting Copy meant to live in "Bills Under Debate". The Voting Copy, passed in National Assembly, is here:



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date12:42:43, August 29, 2024 CET
From Moderation
ToDebating the NEW PLAYERS READ THIS: Single Party State and Outlawing of Fascism RP Law (Non-Voting)

Moderation approval here

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Random fact: "Doxxing", or the publishing of personally identifiable information about another player without permission, is forbidden.

Random quote: "The worst thing the bad guys can do is force us to doubt the good ones." - Viria Agelasta, former Selucian politician

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