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Bill: The Responsible Abortion Act


Submitted by[?]: Söhne der Freiheit

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: May 2075


It's irresponsible and detrimental to our moral fiber and blurs the line between moral and immoral killing for people to obtain abortions simply because they failed to practice safe sex, or abstain from sex in general. Although the CTP denounces contraception, it believes that it is a better choice than killing.

So the CTP proposes a restriction of abortion's legality to purely medical matters and rape. Anyone wishing to obtain an abortion would have to receive a prescription from a doctor authorized by the state, and this prescription would have to be validated by the local government. In the case of rape the local police commissioner would confirm the woman was in fact raped or most likely raped. It would also be legal if in the process of giving birth that proceding would kill either the mother or the baby.

The prescription must be validated or invalidated within a week, and if it is not, it is considered valid.

Giving an illicit abortion bears fines up to $25,000, up to six months in jail, and may result in a medical liscense to be revoked.

Doctors authorized to prescribe abortions are subject to routine inspections by the regional government.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date12:10:11, July 02, 2005 CET
FromPeople's Party
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageI'd support, unfortunately i don't think it will pass..

Date12:12:17, July 02, 2005 CET
FromSöhne der Freiheit
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageYour support is appreciated nonetheless, and I am more optimistic.

I think this proposition is reasonable, and leaves room for moderation.

Date14:33:49, July 02, 2005 CET
FromRight Wing Liberals Party
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageI wil support
Where i come from Abortion law was passed to stop abortions and it could only be used in the case of mental illness well 18,000 Women have a mental illness each year...

Its just an excuss for poor lifestyle.

Date16:13:37, July 02, 2005 CET
FromProletariat Revolution Party
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageUnfaovurable, and an insult to the dignity and rights of woman.

Date16:15:11, July 02, 2005 CET
FromLiberal Party for Equality
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessagePreventing abortion is condemning two people to a life of misery at once. The unwilling mother who will have her life ruined by a child she has no money or inclination to support, and the child who exists knowing that it is unwanted.

During the first trimester the fetus is not sentient, or in any respect a person - all it is is the potential to be a person. Saying that we should be preserving that potential is like saying that every sperm and egg that exists in our bodies should become children, because they all also have that potential - there is no difference between them and a fetus in the early stages.

Abortion is necessary for population control too. children that at present are being aborted, if born would put a drain on public services and many of them would live in low income or single parent families and therefore require support. If the government is going to forbid them from being aborted, they have to at least lend financial support to their upbringing.

There is also the consideration of health. Many older or frail women have abortions because they believe that giving birth and nursing a child would damage their own health. This, I presume, does not come under 'medical emergency' unless there is the prospect of fatality - but what mother wants to bring a child into the world which she is then too weak to care for?

I dont believe in abortion after the second trimester, because then it is both pysically and mentally dangerous for the mother, and the fetus does have the beginnings of consciousness. However, for the reasons I have outlined above (and some) I cannot support further restrictions.

Date21:31:05, July 02, 2005 CET
FromEdelweiss Party
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageThis proposal is in our policy so - we support without any comments.

Date00:36:19, July 03, 2005 CET
FromLiberal Party for Equality
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageThat is a bad reason for supporting. Justify! read what I wrote and tell me how it makes sense to disagree.

Date01:02:29, July 03, 2005 CET
FromSöhne der Freiheit
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageThe Greens can support or not supprt any bill for any reason they want.

Date01:04:21, July 03, 2005 CET
FromSöhne der Freiheit
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageI disagree with any unnecessary abortion as I believe life is sacred and must be protected.

I believe this life begins at the moment of fertilization and as such abortion out of mere convenience is unacceptable.

Date23:44:32, July 03, 2005 CET
FromLiberal Party for Equality
ToDebating the The Responsible Abortion Act
MessageThat is biologically ridiculous - a ball of only a few cells has no more or less right to be called alive than a sperm cell and an egg cell.

But thank you, however, for voicing some reasons why you favour this. I have still to hear counterarguments for many of my other points.

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