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Game Time: July 5619
Next month in: 03:10:07
Server time: 16:49:52, March 13, 2025 CET
Currently online (1): itsjustgav | Record: 63 on 23:13:00, July 26, 2019 CET

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Bill: Open Society, Open Source


Submitted by[?]: Leviathan Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: June 2333


Information should be free, as should be software code in Malivia. Open source allows for maximum innovation without forcing inventive and enterprising individuals to seek funds from mega-conglomerates to attempt something new.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date15:03:52, December 18, 2006 CET
From Malivia Democratic Party
ToDebating the Open Society, Open Source
MessageWe're thinking the status quo is fine.

Date16:06:50, December 22, 2006 CET
From Protectorate Party
ToDebating the Open Society, Open Source
MessageWe feel that both have their place in Malivian society. Though we support open source we feel that restricting all software to being open limits the ability for software engineers to make a living.

subscribe to this discussion - unsubscribe


Vote Seats

Total Seats: 46


Total Seats: 73


Total Seats: 81

Random fact: Party candidates for head of state elections are not visible to the public. This means that you cannot see who will run and who will not, which adds another strategic element to the elections.

Random quote: "I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all, you live in the heart of the beast." - Che Guevara

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