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| Details | Ministries | Political Positions | Affiliations | Election Results | Legislation | Legislative Agenda | Voting Record | Actions | Messages |
Big_Bastard Party[?]
This page contains information about the Big_Bastard Party.
This party is inactive.
User[?]: Big_Bastard
Nation[?]: Dolgavas Impērija / Dolgavan Empire (Dolgava)
Seats[?] in Dolgavas impērijas parlaments (Imperial Dolgavan Parliament)[?]: 0
This party is not part of the national cabinet.
Political Positions
Ideology | Position | Visibility | Coherency |
Centralization | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Civil Rights | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Ecology | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Foreign Relations | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Government Responsibilities | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Market | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Military | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Morality | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Religion | unknown | close to none | perfect |
This party is a member of the following organizations:
Election Results
History Table
Month | Votes | Total Votes | Votes (%) | Votes (%) (+) | Seats | Total Seats | Seats (%) | Seats (+) |
June 2324 | 25,053 | 53,305,104 | 0.05 | +0.05 | 0 | 500 | 0.00 | +0 |
Relative Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.
Absolute Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.
National Graph
This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.
You can view the party's proposed bills here.
Legislative Agenda
This party has to vote on the following bills:
Voting Record
This is the voting[?] record of the Big_Bastard Party.
Bill | Created | Voting started | Vote | Bill Status | Result |
Mazaak valsts, vairaak briiviibas pilsonjiem 2653 | March 2653 | March 2653 | passed | ||
Par cilvektiesibam vienota Dolgava | January 2653 | January 2653 | defeated | ||
Call for early elections, September 2652 | September 2652 | September 2652 | defeated | ||
Mazaak valsts, vairaak briiviibas pilsonjiem 2651 | March 2651 | March 2651 | passed | ||
Ak, Dolgava, tu zeme sveta | January 2651 | January 2651 | defeated | ||
Kaartiibas un droshiibas likums | December 2649 | March 2651 | passed | ||
Tiesibas uz streiku! | November 2649 | October 2650 | defeated | ||
Bernu tiesibu likums | January 2649 | January 2649 | defeated | ||
Labu tikumu likums | November 2648 | December 2648 | passed | ||
Izglitiba nevis parmaciba | January 2648 | January 2648 | passed | ||
Mazaak valsts, vairaak briiviibas pilsonjiem 2647 | September 2647 | December 2648 | defeated | ||
Labklaajiibas likums | September 2647 | December 2648 | defeated | ||
Briivu skolu likums | September 2647 | December 2648 | defeated | ||
Centralizacijas likums | January 2647 | January 2647 | passed | ||
Arlietu likums | January 2647 | January 2647 | passed | ||
Arodbiedriibu likums | March 2645 | March 2645 | passed | ||
Ar kaujas saucieniem uz lupam | March 2645 | March 2645 | defeated | ||
Par cilveka tiesibam vienota Dolgava | January 2645 | January 2645 | defeated | ||
Dolgavas sapnis | September 2644 | October 2644 | defeated | ||
Satiksmes likums | September 2644 | September 2644 | defeated |
Random fact: It is the collective responsibility of the players in a nation to ensure all currently binding RP laws are clearly outlined in an OOC reference bill in the "Bills under debate" section of the nation page. Confusion should not be created by displaying only some of the current RP laws or displaying RP laws which are no longer current. |
Random quote: "An "acceptable" level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job." - Author Unknown |