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Saiserist League[?]

This page contains information about the Saiserist League.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: Lord jethro IV

Nation[?]: Kingdom of Hutori (Hutori)

Seats[?] in House of Parliament[?]: 0




Saiserist Symbol-

The Saiserist League was originally the brainchild of Daniel Vladimirovich Feterokov, and was originally called the Zardugal Revolutionary Socialist Party, founded in 2492. But hated Germans infiltrated the organization, and the ZRSP became weak and corrupt. But then Volodimir Saiser overthrew the rulers of the ZRSP and reinvented it as the Saiserist League in 1513, with himself as the first Saiser. Upon Saiser Volkovoi's death the League foundered for a few years in the morass of Inner League politicking, under the leadership of a greedy obese man named Baluntunski. A Silvershirt named Anisim Ryzhkov, under the strict guidance of a shadowy Deltarian named Zakhar Kravchenko, killed Baluntunski and was blessed with becoming Our Saiser, and brought the Inner League firmly to heel. Kravchenko, though, remained the kingpin of the League, through Anisim's reign and onwards. A dispute between Saiser Mstislav, the strongest of all the Saisers since the First Great Interregnum, and Kravchenko, supposedly over their relative allotments of political power, led to a tragic mutual homicide. Very little about the incident is known. However, due to the Saiserist League's proudly strict autocratic structure, the power vacuum caused by both their deaths led to the League's complete implosion, and it appeared that Saiserism, Pan-Slavism and Slavist supremacy might be lost forever. However, a young Athlorcaean named Konstantin Dyurkigov rediscovered the lost, forgotten and ignored Edicts Saiserica, and became both enamored and obsessed with them. Konstantin saw that this was Athlocaeao's and Bog's way of telling him that he must take up and restore the shattered Saiserist mantle. In the blank political landscape of Athlorcaea-Hutori the Saiserist League arose again. Saiser Konstantin seized control of Athlorcaea and radically transformed it into the first Saiserist state, called Central Greater Terran Region One. CGTR1 became the focal point of the New World Order, a massive international military and political organization headed by Saiser Konstantin that led one of the most successful series of military campaigns in history, and Saiser Konstantin quickly became known as the most feared man in all Terra. However, before the New World Order could reach its zenith and begin a long-anticipated World War IV, Konstantin's successor Yermolai was murdered under mysterious circumstances, and the New World Order imploded, with all of the higher Saiserist League echelons and the legendary amounts of treasure plundered from all corners of Terra during the reign of the NWO disappearing into the mist. The Saiserist League is at last beginning to show its face again, slowly creeping out from the shadows, believed to now be led by a Saiser Rodion, though that is established by rumor only. The Saiserist League believes in:

*One-man rule, democracy being for the cowardly
*That it is the order of nature for the strong to survive off of the demise of the weak
*Militarism and the right of expansion
*That it is the order of nature for the man, being the stronger sex, to dominate women, the weaker
*That it is the order of nature for the Slavic race, being the strongest of all possible races, to subjugate the weaker ones
*Collectivization and the abolition of private property
*Undying vengeance against monarchists, capitalists, conservatives, reactionaries, liberals, democrats, and heretics
*Authoritarianism, nobody must step out of League line
*The State is greater than the individual

-5 Saiserist Truths
*Justice can be dictated
*Values can be dictated
*Truth can be dictated
*All reality is as the Saiser says it is
*Nobody questions the Saiser

Chairmans of the Revolutionary Socialist Party

Daniel Vladimirovich Feterokov 2492-2504
Natasha Danielovich Feterokov 2504-2509
Karl von Friedricht 2509-2513

Saisers of the Saiserist League:

-Beginning of the Era of the Three Great Saisers-
Founder Saiser Volodimir the Magnificent 2513-2528 (Volodimir Saiser)
Saiser Aleksandr I the Intelligent 2528-2547 (Aleksandr Naryshkin)
Saiser Volkovoi the Strong 2547-2564 (Volkovoi, his real name was erased form the records at his order)
-End of the Era of the Three Great Saisers-

First Great Interregnum 2564-2567

-Beginning of Kravchenko Era-
Saiser Anisim the Devout 2567-2578 (Anisim Ryzhkov)
Saiser Mefodiy the Pious 2578 (Mefodiy Shubin)
Saiser Lev the Proud 2578-2583 (Lev Nazarov)
Saiser Aleksandr II the Forthright 2583-2587 (Aleksandr Fulmonoff)
Saiser Mstislav the Noble 2587-2599 (Mstislav Naryshkin, son of Saiser Aleksandr I the Intelligent)
-End of Kravchenko Era-

Second Great Interregnum 2599-2628

-Beginning of the Konstantinian Era-
Refounder Saiser Konstantin the Glorious 2628-2667 (Konstantin Dyurkigov)
Saiser Yermolai the Steadfast 2667-2675 (Yermolai Ekhrin)
-End of Konstantinian Era-

Third Great Interregnum 2675-2735

Saiser Rodion 2735-present


Saiserism as an Ideology:

The brainchild of Colonel Volodimir Saiser, at the time Second Secretary of the Revolutionary Socialist Party, Saiserism grew from his application of personal views and militaristic and autocratic themes to the philosophy of Revolutionary Socialism, though he continued to borrow a great many ideas and themes from the working of Karl Marx, and it soon grew into a Statist ideology all of its own.

Attempts to classify this philosophy of Volodimir Saiser's failed, for though it bore strong similarities to many other Statist ideologies, most closely Stalinism and Nuncirism, it did not match either of them, though it drifted substantially closer to Stalinist thinking, and thus was put into a Statist category all its own, Saiserism.

Saiserism is very much a Statist ideology, with the belief that the greater good for all can only be served and fulfilled if the State (meaning the small Saiserist ruling class and the Saiser in particular) has control over every aspect of the nation. To this extent the ideology bears much similarity with Stalinist Communism, advocating complete government control of all industries rather than allowing the free-market practices employed by more Fascistic regimes, but Saiserism has a notable difference from Communist ideology. Saiserism has no intention of renouncing the class system as it is classically known. The idea of "seperate but equal, except the Saiser", believing that a class structure must be employed to encourage efficiency both in productivity and how orders are carried out, keeping to the pyramid model, is deep in Saiserist thought. The principles of collectivism and shared economic benefits remain constant, but the Saiserists firmly hold onto the idea of a pyramid structure of class power, rather than class wealth.

Saiserism states that Unity is what is most important for a nation. As such Saiserism requires for the State to force, utilizing the army which must be under complete political control, the nation to worship one color (Silver in the case of the Saiserist League itself) one religion (always one that forces the worship of the nation itself, and either forces or allows the divine worship of the Saiser himself) and in general one school of thought. The State, and entity often referred to in Saiserist texts, is the ultimate ruling body, consisting of the Saiser, the absolute ruler, and a small circle of advisors and magnates advanced either from the Army or the Party.

From this, though, there arises the problem of where this one school of thought is to perpetually come from. As such, in every Saiserist organization there must be a Saiser, an absolute ruler whose authority and judgment must never be questioned and for whom any attempt to suvert their authority must be met by swift and decisive, and preferably public, punishment. All children of the nation should be taught from birth that the Saiser is absolutely never, ever wrong, and that all thought on their behalf is completely subserviet to the thought of the Saiser. Saiserism, however, unlike most autocratic ideologies, does not support hereditary rule, rather allowing every Saiser to designate their most capable successor with the only criteria being that it is not a close relative. This is the only restriction on the Saiser written into the Edicts Saiserica.

Another facet of Saiserism that used to set it apart was its religiosity. However, after the recent Second Foundation by Saiser Konstantin, that has been heavily revised. The twin deities, Athlorcaeo and Bog, are now treated as metaphorical terms for the Truth within the Edicts Saiserica. To make the undying importance of Our Saiser clear, He is still referred to as the Holy Messenger Upon Terra, which He is, but under the reforms of Saiser Konstantin religious practices in any way are considered anathema to the Saiserist ideal, apart from selfless worship of the Saiser's utter perfection. As such the Saiserist League now devotes itself, militantly if necessary, to violently smashing down all established religious orders, identifying a great deal with the same pursuit by the Communists, with whom the Saiserists have had long ideological kinship.

The complete treatise on Saiserism is the Edicts Saiserica, a twelve-volume set that explains every minute detail of Saiserist belief in an almst religious tone, with one additional volume devoted to predictions on the future of Saiserism with an analysis of what historical factors and precedents led to the rise of Saiserism. The first twelve volumes are publicly available and are widely promoted by the Saiserist League to help spread the truth of Saiserism, but Volume XIII~Stoletiya is highly protected and available only to committed League members who have served the League with sufficient dedication to get a permit from the Saiser allowing them access to Volume XIII. The Edicts Saiserica is ultimate result of years of labor on behalf of Volodimir Saiser and his closest advisor and friend, Aleksander Dmitriovich Naryshkin.

Volumes of the Edicts Saiserica:

Volume I~ Book of Proisozshdeniye
Volume II~ Book of Osnovniye Principi
Volume III~ Book of the Svyatoye Sobsheniye
Volume IV~ Book of Nenavist
Volume V~ Book of Svet
Volume VI~ Book of Ugroza Demokratov
Volume VII~ Book of Ugroza Liberalov
Volume VIII~ Book of Ugroza Aristokratov
Volume IX~ Book of Ugroza Eretikov
Volume X~ Book of Ugroza Rasistov
Volume XI~ Book of the Velikolepnoye Gosudarstvo
Volume XII~ Book of Liderstvo Saiserica

Volume XIII~ Stoletiya

Quotes that Don Our Saisers Office Walls (Not for Public Display):

�War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it.�
~Benito Mussolini

"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."
~Josef Stalin

"Make the deceit big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
~Adolf Hitler

"Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem."
~Josef Stalin

"Perfection spaws doctrine, dictators and totalitarian ideas."
~Antonio Tabucchi

"A claim for equality of material position or opportunity can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers."
~Friedrich August von Hayek

"Do you know that there are Slavics fighting down there, fighting against us? Why any member of the Great Race would stoop so low to attack their brothers in the name of liars and rats I will never comprehend."
~Our Beloved Founder Saiser Volodimir

"My brothers, words have failed, as I always said they would! It is true, that now is the time for blood and iron!"
~Our Beloved Founder Saiser Volodimir

Saiser League Anthem:
Saiser se Serebro, Stali y Sili (Saiser is Silver, Steel and Strength)

Serebro se tsvet sili
Saiser se chelovik sili
Ve stali mi nahodim nashi dushi
Mi sokrushim vsyo oppozitsio
Nashi vragi sbegiut
Y lideri umriut
Mir nizshe nashi botinok
Pomestitye podlyudei chtobi rabotat
Dlya bolshei slavi Slavyanskoi etnicheskoi prinadlezshnosti
Pod Gosudarstvom y Vechnim Saiser

Pozvolte ulibke Zardugala na nas
Poskolku nasha stal zvonit poperek vsego mira
Poskolku krov yazichnika prolita k osnovaniyu
Ve techeniye dnya mi obedineni y chisti
Tolko nash Vechni Saiser budet videt nas k tomu dnyi
Nasha chest y hrabrost nikogda ne dolzhni vizivat somneniye
Ni nasha bessmertnaya loyalnost k Zardugal
Nikto ne budet stoyat na nashem puti
Pozvolte serebryanomu koltsu slov poperek zemli
Pozvolte kandalam svobodi bit slomannimu
Pod Gosudarstvom y Vechnim Saiser

Mi prizivaem ko vsemu Slavyanom Zemli
Uchastvovat v nashei bolshoi prichine
Deti zavtra dolzhni pet balladi
Iz nashih mogushchestvennih zavoevanni y del
Sdelanni ot imeni Zardugala
Sdelanni dlya Svyatogo Posilnogo na Zemle
Stari Svet budet goret ve zolotom ogne
Ctal dolzhna razorat stariye misli otdelno
Serebro moglo bi bit ustanavlivat novi zakaz
Vse ugli mira
Vse glaza Vechnogo Saisera padaet na
Budet pri Gosudarstvennom y Vechnom Saiser


Silver is the color of strength
Saiser is the man of strength
In steel we find our souls
We will crush all opposition
Our enemies will flee
Their leaders will die
The world is beneath our boots
Put the subhumans to work
For the greater glory of the Slavic ethnicity
Until all are free and equal
Under the State and Eternal Saiser

Let Athlorcaeo smile upon us
As our steel rings across all the world
As the blood of the heathen is spilt to the ground
For the day we are unified and pure
Only our Eternal Saiser will see us to that day
Our honor and courage must never be in doubt
Nor our undying loyalty to Athlorcaea
Nobody will stand in our way
Our divine mission will go on
Let silver words ring across the land
Let the shackles of liberty be broken
Under the State and Eternal Saiser

We call to all the Slavics of Terra
To join in our great cause
The children of tomorrow shall sing ballads
Of our mighty conquests and deeds
Done in the name of Athlorcaeo
Done for the Holy Messenger on Terra
The old world will burn in golden flames
Steel shall rend old thoughts asunder
Silver might shall erect a new order
All the corners of the world
Everything the Eternal Saiser�s eyes fall upon
Shall be under the State and Eternal Saiser


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationconvinced unitaristexcellentperfect
Civil Rightsfanatical restrictiveexcellentperfect
Ecologyconvinced skepticexcellentperfect
Foreign Relationsextreme isolationistexcellentperfect
Government Responsibilitiesmoderate big governmentexcellentperfect
Marketextreme regulatorexcellentperfect
Militaryconvinced militaristhighperfect
Moralityextreme conservativeexcellentperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
July 2629100,812138,019,8750.07+0.0703000.00+0
January 263233,430,831142,290,13223.49+23.427130023.67+71
July 263429,591,958149,455,81119.80-3.705930019.67-12
January 263743,654,257144,446,64730.22+10.429330031.00+34
July 263916,079,401150,761,01310.67-19.563230010.67-61
January 264218,290,890141,483,41712.93+2.264030013.33+8
July 264417,743,406141,650,42512.53-0.403730012.33-3
January 264718,095,046144,564,54112.52-0.013730012.33+0
July 264913,488,517130,783,05210.31-2.20293009.67-8
January 265213,589,959122,440,51211.10+0.793330011.00+4
July 265423,547,618121,806,25119.33+8.235830019.33+25
January 265714,399,68367,332,02921.39+2.057230024.00+14
July 265970,422,799156,770,69944.92+23.5313430044.67+62
January 266268,026,474156,027,74243.60-1.3213030043.33-4
January 2668151,769,492151,898,56699.92+56.327575100.00-55
February 267031,127,81931,127,819100.00+0.087575100.00+0
February 2676157,146,907157,239,32599.94-0.067575100.00+0
September 273753,987,365199,952,36327.00-72.9420375027.07+128

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Saiserist League.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
LDP-20: End the Draft ActFebruary 4058February 4058defeated
LDP-19: Smokers' Rights ActFebruary 4058February 4058defeated
LDP-18: Personal Liberty ActJanuary 4058January 4058defeated
Cabinet Proposal of February 4057February 4057February 4057passed
Lagard Independence Referendum ActOctober 4056December 4056defeated
Income tax proposal of July 4056July 4056July 4056defeated
S.U. 28-2: Tax Reform of 4056April 4056June 4056defeated
Bill LDP-17: Drug Legalization ActMarch 4056July 4056defeated
Cabinet Proposal of March 4056March 4056April 4056defeated
S.U. 28-1: Abortion Liberation ActFebruary 4056June 4056passed
Bill LDP-16: Financial Reform ActJanuary 4055February 4063passed
Bill LDP-17: Foreign Policy ActJanuary 4055January 4055passed
Call for early elections, October 4054October 4054October 4054defeated
L-18: Hutorian Defense ActSeptember 4054February 4055passed
L-16: Hutorian Healthcare ActSeptember 4054February 4055passed
L-17: Death Penalty Reform Act of 4052September 4054September 4054defeated
OOC/RP: Senate Authorization for the Use of Force (Partipcation in the 6th Dundorf Civil War RP)July 4054August 4054passed
Cabinet Proposal of April 4052April 4052June 4052passed
Bill HIP–18: Curfew Localization ActMarch 4052March 4052passed
Bill HIP–17: Gambling Localization ActMarch 4052March 4052passed

Random fact: Zardugal is a nation based on the old Byzantine Empire, with a modern twist and the Esperanto language. Zardugal is located on the continent of Majatra.

Random quote: "George W. Bush will protect your unborn fetus, then send your grown child to die in war." - Rick Claro

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