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United Capitalist Party - CSMD[?]

This page contains information about the United Capitalist Party - CSMD.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: Rial Swift

Nation[?]: Dovriges Republik (Davostag)

Seats[?] in Riksdag (National Diet)[?]: 0




We are the Conservatives of St Muron but we fight for lower taxes and higher wages for the common folk of all of the Confederation. We want to modernize the economy and strengthen the army, to make this Confederation great again! (Formerly the St. Muron Capitalist Party)

Our Current Party Members
Leader of the Party - Berto Collingwood
Head of Government and Second in Command - Terry Ronnel
Minister for Foreign Affairs - Nero Aberdero
Minister for Internal Affairs - Piero Fabbri
Minister for Finance - Edith Reece
Minister for Defense - General Rico Kennard
Minister for Justice - His Honorable Reverend Sasha Amoretto
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport - Leslie Kimball
Minister for Health and Social Services - Doctor Abraham Faraldo
Minister for Education and Culture - Jemima Haig
Minister for Science and Technology - Doctor Javiera Adriaans
Minister for Food and Agriculture - Fulbert Clemensen
Minister for Environment and Tourism - Manon Corti
Minister for Trade and Industry - Thad Archer

Our Former Leaders
Harvey Horse (4391-4403)
Lief Grassblock (4403-4414)
Alexina Walsh (4414-4426)
Humphrey Hipp (4426-4442)
Ben Herbert (4442-4448)
Nancy Walsh (4448-4461)
Albert Ross (4461-4480)

Our Former Members
Harvey Horse - Former Leader (4391-4403)
Lief Grassblock - Former Financial Minister (4391-4403) and Leader (4403-4414)
Lysette Lyndon - Former Trade and Industry Minister (4391-4415)
Robert Harlan - Former Infrastructure and Transport Minister (4391-4415)
Alf BigNose - Former Education and Culture Minister (4391-4420)
Marcus Goldstein - Former Food and Agriculture Minister (4391-4420)
Alexina Walsh - Former Internal Minister (4391-4414) and Leader (4414-4426)
Paula Castilla - Former Internal Minister (4414-4427)
Doctor Theodore Karter - Former Science and Technology Minister (4391-4427)
Professor Emil Hilcox - Former Enviroment and Tourism Minister (4391-4431)
Zoe Zebrassa - Former Financial Minister (4403-4434)
Jason Huarez - Former Infrastructure and Transport Minister (4415-4440)
Amelia Davis - Former Education and Culture Minister (4420-4440)
Emilia Davies - Former Trade and Industry Minister (4415-4440)
Matthew Liverstone - Former Food and Agriculture Minister (4420-4440)
General Heinrich Eisenberg - Former Defence Minister (4391-4440)
Humphrey Hipp - Former Justice Minister (4391-4426) and Leader (4426-4442)
Drake Subworth - Former Foreign Minister (4391-4442) and Head of Government (4442-4448)
Ben Herbert - Former Head of Government (4391-4442) and Leader (4442-4448)
Nancy Walsh - Former Financial Minister (4435-4448) and Leader (4448-4461)
Doctor Morgan Karter - Former Science and Technology Minister (4427-4448) and First Minister (4448-4476)
Albert Ross - Former Foreign Minister (4442-4461) and Leader (4461-4480)

Our Party History

Our first Election was in 4391 and the leader of our party, his honorable, Harvey Horse finished with 9.73% of the popular vote while winning 9.68% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

In the election of 4397 our candidate Harvey Horse ran yet again for office of President. He won 28.79% of the popular vote and 28.58% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

Harvey was originally going to run in the election of 4403 but passed after a sudden heart attack at the age of 63, he was replaced by Financial Minister Lief Grassblock.

In the election of 4403 our candidate Lief Grassblock ran in his first election as leader of our party. He won 31.75% of the popular vote and was the first candidate in party history to make it to the second round of the election, he won 44.56% of the popular vote. He won 31.33% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

In the election of 4409 our candidate Lief Grassblock won an astounding 43.82% of the popular vote and 43.17% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

Lief officially resigned from head of the St. Muron Capitalist Party in 4414 to go on a world tour and then settle down for retirement. Alexina Walsh took his place as leader.

In the election of 4415 our candidate Alexina Walsh made party history when she became the first nominee to win the office for President. She won an astounding 50.36% of the popular vote and 50.12% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly

In 4418 Her Honorable Alexina Walsh called for early elections in a hope that it would coincide with the Election Bill she had sent to the Supreme Confederal Assembly. The bill failed but the elections went ahead as planned. Alexina Walsh won an astounding 85.82% of the popular vote and 54% of the seats in Assembly.

In 4419 Her Honorable Alexina Walsh made the coalition between the Capitalists and Republicans by adding CSM, which stands for Coalition for St. Muron, onto the end of the party name. Proclaiming that all central right wing parties should work together to obtain peace within the nation in a speech she presented before the two political parties.

In that same year an early election was held yet again and the results were disastrous but the party remained in power thanks to the SMRP supporting the leadership of Alexina Walsh. She won 33.33% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly and 67.70% of the popular vote.

In 4420 another election was held, the election result was a little better than the previous election with 26.44% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly and 65.78% of the Popular vote in the Second Round.

In November of that year Ms Walsh stood infront of the Confederal Assembly and gave a speech about the Hutori threat and foreign threats and maintaining our full independence. The article can be found at this URL:

After realising the mistakes of her predecessors, President Walsh officially renamed the party in 4421 to the “United Capitalist Party”. Ms Walsh addressed not only her party but the Supreme Confederal Assembly also about the change in how the party will function. The party would see to address more national problems than regional problems in St. Muron. Ms Walsh was quoted as saying “We will fail in a divided future but succeed in a united one!”

In 4424 President Walsh officially announced that she would be retiring from politics after the next election. She named the Minister for Law Mr Humphrey Hipp. She praised him and guaranteed that he would do his best in the role of leader. Hipp said he was going to tighten the justice system and strengthen the military.

In 4426 the new leader of our party Humphrey Hipp ran a successful election and won the presidency. He won 20.67% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly, he has thanked his supporters and promised a successful term as President.

In 4427, long Science Minister Doctor Theodore Karter passed away after finally succumbing to his long lasting Motor Neuron Disease. He died peacefully beside his family in their home within the richer district of St Leonard. His achievements have been plentiful within his life including the advancement of research for his disease as well as similar diseases. His son Morgan, who is also scientist in the same field of Engineering as his father, has commented that he will be putting up a donations page on the internet for further research of the disease. "I hope to one day find the cure for this disease and to take my Father's place as Science Minister. President Hipp announced that Morgan would replace his father and that the government will financially assist him.

In 4430 Humphrey won another successful election with the much appreciated support of the Davostan United Front and St. Muron Republican Party. We won 14.72% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly. In his re-inauguration speech, President Hipp announced that he would focus on maintaining solid foreign relations with the Hutorians and internal stability by driving the Satanists out once more.

In 4434 Humphrey Hipp won another successful election in the Supreme Confederal Assembly. He won 79 seats, 17% of the national vote and the Presidency without the assistance of the Coalition for St. Muron and Davostan,

In 4438 Humphery Hipp lead us through our most succesful election yet with him winning all 450 seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly as well as the Presidency. President Hipp announced that this would be his last election as President and would step down in 4442. He named long term First Minister Ben Herbert as his replacement. Ben named long term Foreign Affairs Minister Drake Subworth as his replacement.

In 4442 Ben Herbert won his first election and took power in parliament, winning a total of 155 seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly as well as the Presidency. He announced swift change was to be brought to the nation as well as the suppression of the far left and right wing parties. "These people are insane if they think they can take power and destroy our great nation."

In December 4443 President Ben Herbert addressed the Supreme Confederal Assembly about the rising tensions within parliament and the nation: "We must stay united and strong! We cannot let mere radicals tear the bonds we have built over the years. When the great Alexina Walsh was President she united us all with her speech about strength in unity, let me unite you now! Let us stand strong and defend our nation with pride and honor!"

In 4446 Ben Herbert won his second election and became President for a second term, securing 142 precious seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly. He addressed the nation in his inauguration speech; "Thank you to the loyal citizens of this Confederation who voted for me and my patriotic party in this election.For those who voted for those far wing parties have voted for destruction and have courted chaos! In these next 4 years I will keep up my loyal and righteous service to this nation!"

In 4448 a shock turn of events occurred when President Herbert and First Minister Subworth were caught accepting a bribe by the Presidential Security. The day following the bribe, President Herbert and First Minister Subworth resigned. Daughter of Alexina Walsh, Nancy Walsh, has officially taken up leadership of the party with Doctor Morgan Karter taking up Head of Government candidacy

In the early election of 4449, daughter of Alexina Walsh and current party leader Nancy Walsh won the presidency and gave her inaugural address in front of the Supreme Confederal Assembly: "Thank you to everyone that supported myself and my fellow Capitalists in the election and congratulations to the other parties for doing well also as well as to the Satanists for winning the most seats. Within these next 4 years I will make sure to keep the peace, not only internally but also abroad. I encourage those with different schools of thought to go forth and show the world who you are, no matter if you are capitalist, satanist or communist. Thank you and bless this confederation!"

The election of 4453 had a shocking turn out with Nancy Walsh winning 178 seats but losing the presidency, this is the first time since 4414 that a party besides the United Capitalist Party had taken the presidency. Ms Walsh addressed her supporters and thanked them for another successful election, she also mentioned that she would try her hardest to win the presidency in the next election.

In the election of 4456 Nancy Walsh won 148 seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly and 41% of the national vote. Yet again she was unable to win the presidency.

In the election of 4460 Nancy Walsh won 168 seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly and 41% of the National Vote. Yet again she was unable to win the Presidency.

In 4461, due to the stress of the previous election and the death of her mother Alexina, Nancy Walsh stepped down from party leadership and retired from politics.

In the election of 4464 Albert Ross won 43% of the popular vote and 42% of the seat. Ross was unable to win the election due to the Communists winning.

In the election of 4468 Albert Ross finally won the presidency with 58% of the popular vote and 56% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

In the election of 4472 Albert Ross won the presidency unanimously and won all the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

In 4472 Albert Ross announced that the election of 4476 would be his last and that he'd step down. Doctor Morgan Karter and a majority of the other members of cabinet announced that they'd retire prior to the election of 4480.

In the election of 4476, Albert Ross kept the presidency with 99.92% of the national vote but won only 56.67% of the seats due to the return of the Common Sense Conservative Party.

In 4480, First Minister Berto Collingwood officially took the reigns of the UCP and led them to their first defeat in the Supreme Confederal Assembly, winning only 16.89% of the seats but winning the presidency with 100% of the votes.

In 4484, Berto lost the presidency to the CSCP, winning only 33.15% of the vote and 31.33% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

In 4488 the decline continued. Berto won only 14% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly and 13.2% of the national vote.

In 4492 the party won 13.62% of the national vote and 15.33% of the seats in the Supreme Confederal Assembly.

In 4495, Berto Collingwood officially announced the disbandment of the UCP at the end of the century, prior to the 4500 elections. The official statement can be found here:


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationunknownclose to noneperfect
Civil Rightsunknownclose to noneperfect
Ecologyconvinced environmentalistclose to noneperfect
Foreign Relationsunknownclose to noneperfect
Government Responsibilitiesunknownclose to noneperfect
Marketunknownclose to noneperfect
Militarymoderate pacifistlimitedperfect
Moralityunknownclose to noneperfect
Religionunknownclose to noneperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
February 43915,784,45459,726,9719.68+9.68283009.33+28
February 439718,193,87663,654,77828.58+18.908630028.67+58
February 440320,132,93163,689,55031.61+3.039430031.33+8
February 440927,405,63763,483,98843.17+11.5613230044.00+38
February 441526,852,10953,578,67950.12+6.9515330051.00+21
August 441829,779,04557,383,11351.90+1.7816230054.00+9
July 441918,195,23854,483,05033.40-18.5010030033.33-62
June 442015,301,39255,554,95927.54-5.8511945026.44+19
December 44224,630,75031,478,86914.71-12.836545014.44-54
December 44265,032,42924,614,64520.44+5.739345020.67+28
December 44304,379,37929,745,98314.72-5.726645014.67-27
December 44346,037,13835,404,50817.05+2.337945017.56+13
December 443811,893,75611,926,25899.73+82.68450450100.00+371
December 444218,611,39954,238,60634.31-65.4115545034.44-295
December 444619,019,75660,502,93531.44-2.8814245031.56-13
July 444917,726,95957,896,36730.62-0.8213845030.67-4
November 445221,489,87154,028,39439.78+9.1617845039.56+40
November 445617,512,16153,264,72132.88-6.9014845032.89-30
November 446020,908,54253,362,94339.18+6.3017545038.89+27
December 446019,164,91850,857,75437.68-1.5016845037.33-7
December 446422,810,66853,947,44742.28+4.6018845041.78+20
June 446822,838,28939,000,43558.56+16.2825445056.44+66
June 447212,099,10112,099,101100.00+41.44450450100.00+196
June 447633,334,18058,823,65956.67-43.3326445058.67-186
June 44805,360,32032,378,14616.56-40.117645016.89-188
June 448419,691,55762,739,58031.39+14.8314145031.33+65
June 44888,732,35765,252,02413.38-18.006345014.00-78
June 44928,113,26358,355,39613.90+0.526945015.33+6
June 44968,659,62263,161,42113.71-0.196445014.22-5

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the United Capitalist Party - CSMD.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
Maximum Security Act 007May 2422May 2422defeated
Maximum Security Act 006May 2422May 2422defeated
Maximum Security Act 005May 2422May 2422defeated
Open Software and Copyright LawsMarch 2422August 2430passed
Separation of Church and State ActMarch 2422April 2422passed
Generating energyMarch 2422March 2422defeated
Park and Forest ActsJanuary 2422January 2422defeated
Fix the Flag ActJanuary 2422January 2422defeated
Anthem in schoolsNovember 2421November 2421defeated
Make a good use of our militaryNovember 2421November 2421defeated
To serve societyNovember 2421November 2421defeated
Ban AbortionNovember 2421November 2421defeated
Avoiding abuses from UnionsNovember 2421November 2421defeated
Public NudityNovember 2421November 2421passed
Company Control Act ReviewOctober 2421October 2421defeated
Cabinet Proposal of June 2421June 2421June 2421passed
Trees and Water ActMay 2421June 2421defeated
Housing ActMay 2421May 2421defeated
Spanish and English requirements along with quota control for all immigrantsApril 2421October 2421defeated
Anti-Smoking BillApril 2421April 2421defeated

Random fact: There are two countries based on Egypt in the game. Cobura is based on modern Egypt with a retro twist, while Hawu Mumenhes is based on Ancient Egypt with a modernist twist.

Random quote: "Modern technology owes ecology an apology." - Alan M. Eddison

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