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| Details | Ministries | Political Positions | Affiliations | Election Results | Legislation | Legislative Agenda | Voting Record | Actions | Messages |
AM Dolgarian People's Front[?]
This page contains information about the AM Dolgarian People's Front.
This party is inactive.
Nation[?]: Dolgavas Impērija / Dolgavan Empire (Dolgava)
Seats[?] in Dolgavas impērijas parlaments (Imperial Dolgavan Parliament)[?]: 0
Formerly known as the Duchy's People's Party (DDP) of The Grand Duchy of Keymon we left Keymon in 2231, after 30 years in the Keymon Assembly, and arrived in the Dolgorian Empire to start a new party under the name of The Dolgarian People's Front (DPF). Our policies are the same as those of our original party (DPP). We believe in redistribution of the wealth through high taxes and high spending and also strongly believe that the church and the state should be strictly separate. Other polices include: Permissive views on civil rights Strong militarist views Progressive on morality Support big governments Moderate Internationalist views Market: Industries should be Nationalised History: Founded as the Duchy's People's Party (DPP) in Keymon our party fought for support against the oppressive Christian Democrats (CD) and found allies in the returning Red Star Movement (RSM). We managed to gain substantial visiblity on all our policies in keymon yet never managed to gain a large percentage of the seats, due to opposing public views. This lead to a short, but explosive revolution by the DPP's militant wing the Duchy's People's Army (DPA). The DPA struck at the heart of Keymon, attacked Christian symbols, entering the capital and burnt seven Christian churches to the ground in what was known as The Night Of Flames, April 2219, from then on. Further attacks by the DPA included an attack on one of Keymon's Naval ports, were DPA leader Tha Doggfather ordered the crucifixion of all of Keymon's dead marines. Death threats to the CD leader Rufio Carmichael followed these events and Mr.Rocafella, another DPA leader, led mobs on religious cleansing missions through Keymon. However, the DPA came up against a resiliant CD government and the conflict came to a stalemate. The DPP and CD then reached a ceasefire agreement, in which the two DPA leaders Mr.Rocafella and Tha Doggfather were handed over to the government for trial before the Assembly. The pair were found guilty by the Assmebly, much to the disappointment of the DPP and were later sentenced to life enprisionment, after the death penalty had been abolished in Keymon. After the trial of the DPA insurgents the DPP returned to fighting the CD through the political system. We continued to gain much publicity but much of this was in vain as the public just didn't agree with our political views. The only option that we and our allies, RSM, had left was to move nation. We have moved to the Dolgarian Empire and set up an HQ in the Ancient Kirzon Capital, Kizeniv in the province of Kirzon Valley. We have changed our name to The Dolgarian People's Front and are now focused on winning the aupport of the public. We have heard rumours of conflict within the Empire and have decided to set up an official militant wing called The Dolgarian Militant Front (DMF). This group will be lead by General Stalinov and he will be supported by his two lieutenants, Alessandro and Ganbandi. As of Sept 2231 our party has become a member of the Synodus Axis Mundi, a well known party organisation of parties from Likatonia, Valruzia and Hobrazia. We have been invited to join as we were originally a party of Keymon, a small nation placed in the middle of the three founder nations. The prefix of AM before our name stands for Axis Mundi, to show others that we are members of the organisation. |
This party is not part of the national cabinet.
Political Positions
Ideology | Position | Visibility | Coherency |
Centralization | moderate unitarist | moderate | perfect |
Civil Rights | moderate restrictive | moderate | perfect |
Ecology | moderate environmentalist | close to none | perfect |
Foreign Relations | convinced isolationist | close to none | perfect |
Government Responsibilities | convinced big government | excellent | perfect |
Market | convinced regulator | excellent | perfect |
Military | extreme militarist | limited | perfect |
Morality | conservative-leaning | close to none | perfect |
Religion | extreme secular | high | perfect |
This party is a member of the following organizations:
Election Results
History Table
Month | Votes | Total Votes | Votes (%) | Votes (%) (+) | Seats | Total Seats | Seats (%) | Seats (+) |
October 2234 | 3,646,699 | 35,474,652 | 10.28 | +10.28 | 72 | 750 | 9.60 | +72 |
October 2238 | 8,313,570 | 39,441,228 | 21.08 | +10.80 | 152 | 750 | 20.27 | +80 |
October 2242 | 3,716,573 | 43,957,959 | 8.45 | -12.62 | 62 | 750 | 8.27 | -90 |
October 2250 | 7,170,069 | 44,621,978 | 16.07 | +7.61 | 121 | 750 | 16.13 | +59 |
Relative Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.
Absolute Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.
National Graph
This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.
You can view the party's proposed bills here.
Legislative Agenda
This party has to vote on the following bills:
Voting Record
This is the voting[?] record of the AM Dolgarian People's Front.
Bill | Created | Voting started | Vote | Bill Status | Result |
National Reform Bill 4419 | March 4419 | March 4419 | passed | ||
Public Decency Act of 4419 | December 4418 | January 4419 | passed | ||
4419 Logging Licensure Act | November 4418 | January 4419 | passed | ||
National Security Act 4418 | October 4418 | October 4418 | passed | ||
Social Reform Act 4418 | September 4418 | September 4418 | passed | ||
Reform Bill 4418 | June 4418 | June 4418 | passed | ||
Reform Act 4418 | May 4418 | May 4418 | passed | ||
Immigration and Military Reform Act 4418 | March 4418 | March 4418 | passed | ||
Grand Reform Bill | December 4417 | December 4417 | defeated | ||
Farm and Environmental Act 4417 | October 4417 | October 4417 | defeated | ||
Military and Justice Act 4417 | October 4417 | October 4417 | defeated | ||
Bussiness and Social reform act 4417 | September 4417 | September 4417 | defeated | ||
Anti - Labour Immigrant Coalition | April 4417 | April 4417 | defeated | ||
New Moral Reform Act 4417 | April 4417 | April 4417 | passed | ||
National Reform Bill 4417 | March 4417 | March 4417 | passed | ||
Economic Reform Act 4416 | December 4416 | December 4416 | passed | ||
Cabinet Proposal of December 4416 | December 4416 | December 4416 | passed | ||
Moral Reform 4416 | September 4416 | September 4416 | defeated | ||
Right-wing Coalition | September 4416 | September 4416 | defeated | ||
Cabinet Proposal of August 4416 | August 4416 | August 4416 | defeated |
Random fact: Players who deliberately attempt to present a misleading picture of the nation's current RP laws will be subject to sanction. |
Random quote: "Since when did you care about women?" - Faith Chiang, former Gaduri politician |