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Nuncpart Supreme Congress[?]

This page contains information about the Nuncpart Supreme Congress.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: VinceG

Nation[?]: Da Sahil Demokratik Jumhoriat (Solentia)

Seats[?] in People’s Jirga (Da Khalko Jirga)[?]: 0




Though drawing its origins back to the Bureaucratic Technocracy Party of the 22nd century, the Nuncirist Party of Solentia was founded in 2277 when a group of Nuncirists fled Aloria after the collapse of the totalitarian Zionist Coalition and the Alorian Revolution.

Originally led by V. D. Garton, the Nuncirist Party rapidly gained great ground, entering into a trilateral coalition with the Imperial Crusade and the Radical Alliance in 2283. It was in this context that the Nuncirist Party was able to declare a State of Highest Emergency and assume direct control. However, by the 2290s the coalition had fallen apart and the Party lay disintegrated.

It was in this context that Deus emerged. Deus and his inner circle of Party operatives, Circle Zero, took over the Party on January 1st, 2300, the New Year Coup. Deus proclaimed the Totalitarian Coalition in 2302 with a group of other parties, and was swept to power in 2308, rapidly consolidating control over Solentia. From 2308 to 2318 the Coalition governed Solentia, stamping out its opponents and launching an invasion of Kazulia. It was in this period that the party became known as Nuncpart. In 2318, the Coalition suddenly broke apart, and Nuncirist authority collapsed.

Some Nuncirists fled to Kirlawa under the banner of the Nuncirist-Totalitarian Party, but others chose to remain, despite the retributive purges of thousands of Nuncirist officials by the new democratic regime. With Deus' disapperance, all seemed lost; however, in 2334, Deus returned at the Grand Nuncirist Congress. Deus' return marked the start of a new chapter in Nuncirist history. The 24th century saw the rise and fall of a variety of totalitarian movements, with Nuncirism perpetually in the background, but this climaxed with the final accords between the Panterrans and Nuncirists, commencing the Archonist Golden Age and a decades-long rule of Solentia. After a successful invasion of neighbouring Wantuni, the combined Archonist regime had made Solentia more powerful than ever before, under Deus as its Eternal Emperor.

All was not well, however: a group of malcontents, afraid of the Archonist regime, had been conspiring against the government, and at the end of the century they struck, forcing apart the Archonists and handing power to the usurper democratic forces which still control Solentia to this day. Despite Nuncirist uprisings in the 25th and 26th centuries, the usurpers have maintained their corrupt control.

A new era is dawning, however. With Deus' return in 2979, Nuncpart has established a network of influence across Terra through the Second Totalitarian International, and is preparing for its Resurgence, and the restitution of the rightful Solentian regime against the usurper democratic forces.


Onward, Nuncirist brothers;
The time for revolution has come!
The strength of corruption is breaking;
Ye can make it dumb!
Freedom, ye false illusion:
Our teachers have shown us light!
Ne'er more shall our many peoples
Bow down and hail your rite!
For we have learnt the lesson;,
Well have we done so and true.
For this is the final anthem
Before Liberty is strewn!

Hail the Nuncirist government;
Hail the Nuncirist party!
All barriers fall down before you!
In true voice and mind, together we sing:
The anthem that nullifies liberty's sting!
Strength! Defender of peoples;
Stability - leader of men!
Security of our nation;
Make clear, the loud Amen!
E'en across the world, this, the final fight!
Deus, leader of nations:
Vigilance our might!


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationmoderate unitaristmoderateperfect
Civil Rightsconvinced restrictivehighperfect
Ecologyconvinced skepticmoderateperfect
Foreign Relationsisolationist-leaninglimitedperfect
Government Responsibilitiesunknownclose to noneperfect
Marketlaissez-faire-leaningclose to noneperfect
Militaryconvinced militaristlimitedperfect
Moralityconvinced conservativehighperfect
Religionmoderate religioushighperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
June 29808,074,846463,174,4641.74+1.7401000.00+0
June 298328,580,187464,225,8636.16+4.4151005.00+5
May 298634,421,615471,121,0017.31+1.1561006.00+1
May 298956,736,952477,859,26911.87+4.571210012.00+6
May 299243,687,199480,241,8769.10-2.7891009.00-3

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Nuncpart Supreme Congress.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
Call for early elections, July 2510July 2510July 2510defeated
Slavery BillFebruary 2510February 2510passed
Senate Resolution 44: Progression of Rights ActJanuary 2510January 2510passed
Supreme Presidential Cabinet 2505 - 2508December 2505December 2505defeated
RadNat Agenda 2505January 2505January 2505passed
Senate Resolution 43: Solentian Environmental Act: Reintroduction IIDecember 2503December 2503passed
Senate Resolution 42: Guest Worker Program: Reintroduction IIIDecember 2503December 2503defeated
Promotion of FaithOctober 2503October 2503defeated
Fishing for FreedomOctober 2503October 2503defeated
Call for early elections, July 2503July 2503July 2503defeated
Call for early elections, January 2503January 2503January 2503defeated
Renewal Of Faith In SchoolingJanuary 2503January 2503passed
NNPPG bill 4May 2501May 2501passed
Administration BillMay 2501May 2501defeated
Privatisation BillMay 2501May 2501defeated
Liberal Reforms 2501January 2501January 2501defeated
Nationalist Agenda 2501January 2501January 2501passed
Cabinet Proposal of March 2500March 2500March 2500passed
Cabinet Proposal of March 2500March 2500March 2500defeated
Condemnation of the Liberal AllianceJanuary 2500January 2500passed

Random fact: Large scale RP planning (such as wars, regional/continental conflicts, economic collapse, etc.) should be planned (as best as it can be) and should have consent of a majority of players involved.

Random quote: "Mine is the first generation able to contemplate the possibility that we may live our entire lives without going to war or sending our children to war." - Tony Blair

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