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Rifondazione Socialista - A.S.[?]

This page contains information about the Rifondazione Socialista - A.S..

This party is inactive.


User[?]: decly

Nation[?]: Repubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia)

Seats[?] in Congresso Generale[?]: 0




Fondato in Istalia nel Giugno 2937 come Area Laburista.
Rifondato nel 4343 come Rifondazione Socialista.

Siamo un partito di centro sinistra, che si innesta nel filone delle esperienze sindacali, radicali, democratiche e socialiste dei secoli passati.

La finalità politica del partito è quella di promuovere l'avanzamento sociale e culturale dei cittadini, con fine ultimo la felicità di un popolo di individui liberi e solidali.

Il partito ritiene che lo Stato debba poter garantire ai suoi cittadini un'istruzione pubblica d'eccellenza, per garantire che, sin dalla nascita, ogni cittadino possa ambire a raggiungere, grazie al merito ed al duro lavoro, qualunque posizione sociale e lavorativa.
Lo Stato deve dunque impegnarsi costantemente nella creazione di nuove occasioni culturali e lavorative.
Se la meritocrazia dev'essere principio assoluto, ciò non toglie che lo Stato non debba trascurare quanti, nonostante l'impegno e l'applicazione, siano rimasti indietro.
Il benessere deve essere, ad ogni modo, il più equo e diffuso possibile, anche tramite sussidi di disoccupazione e pensioni di vecchiaia e invalidità.
Lo Stato Sociale dev'essere dunque fiore all'occhiello della Repubblica.
Lo Stato deve perciò garantire la miglior assistenza sanitaria possibile a tutti coloro che ne necessitino, siano cittadini Istaliani o di altri paesi.

"Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza"
Il partito si fa promotore dei diritti civili e naturali di tutte le donne e gli uomini presenti entro i confini della Repubblica, siano essi suoi cittadini o meno.
Lo Stato deve dunque essere un incessante difensore del diritto di ogni essere umano di poter esprimere le proprie opinioni, ove queste non siano in profondo contrasto con i principi ultimi dello Stato stesso. Ad ogni donna ed uomo dev'essere garantita la libertà di pensiero, credo, parola e l'esercizio della stessa.
Lo Stato dev'essere, quindi, assolutamente equilibrato e neutrale nei confronti di ogni organizzazione, sia essa politica, religiosa, etica o civile; compito della Repubblica Istaliana sarà di garantire aiuti e sostegno economico a ciascuna realtà in misura equa e proporzionale alla sua rappresentanza.
Dovere assoluto dello Stato dev'essere quello di rimuovere ogni discriminazione, di genere, etnia e credo.
Fine ultimo dello Stato è quello di garantire ad ogni essere umano il diritto alla felicità.

"La terra su cui viviamo non l'abbiamo in eredità dai nostri padri ma in prestito dai nostri figli"
Il partito si impegna nella promozione di leggi ed iniziative a favore di uno sviluppo sostenibile che concili esigenze energetiche, produttive e lavorative con la necessità di difesa dell'aria, dell'acqua e del sottosuolo dall'inquinamento.
Punto di arrivo dev'essere una società ecosostenibile.

Il partito, pur accettando il principio di proprietà privata e di libero mercato, ritiene che sia compito dello Stato intervenire affinchè il mercato non sia fonte di sperequazione e malessere sociale.
Lo Stato dunque deve incentivare e conciliare la piena occupazione e lo sviluppo economico con la maggior diffusione possibile del pubblico benessere .
Compito dello Stato dev'essere quello di salvaguardare il mercato dal formarsi di monopoli o cartelli, incentivando le liberalizzazioni ed il diritto ad una sana e onesta competizione economica.
Convinzione del partito è che lo Stato debba comunque partecipare nei settorii essenziali dei servizi e dei trasporti tramite partecipazioni dirette o una ferrea regolamentazione, al fine di non trascurare le esigenze dei cittadini in questi delicati ambiti.

Il partito ritiene che la Repubblica debba intrattenere rapporti cordiali di cooperazione e collaborazione economica, sociale e culturale con tutti gli altri stati democratici della Terra.
La Repubblica deve altresì garantire ai suoi cittadini il diritto alla sicurezza, tramite le proprie forze militari, cui spetterà il compito di difendere i confini inviolabili della Nazione. La Repubblica dev'essere promotrice di pace, progresso e democrazia nel mondo tramite azioni diplomatiche e non belliche, se non in casi di estrema e disperata necessità.


Founded in Istalia in June 2937 as a Labor Area.
Refounded in 4343 as Socialist Refoundation.

We are a center-left party, which is grafted into the strand of the union, radical, democratic and socialist experiences of past centuries.

The political aim of the party is to promote the social and cultural advancement of citizens, with the ultimate goal of the happiness of a people of free and supportive individuals.

The party believes that the state should be able to guarantee its citizens a public education of excellence, to ensure that, from birth, every citizen can aspire to achieve, thanks to merit and hard work, any social and work position.
The State must therefore constantly engage in the creation of new cultural and working opportunities.
If meritocracy must be an absolute principle, this does not mean that the State should not neglect those who, despite their commitment and application, have remained behind.
In any case, well-being must be as fair and widespread as possible, including through unemployment and old-age and invalidity benefits.
The welfare state must therefore be the pride of the Republic.
The State must therefore guarantee the best possible health care to all those who need it, be it Istalian citizens or of other countries.

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, they are endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood"
The party promotes the civil and natural rights of all women and men present within the confines of the Republic, whether they are citizens or not.
The State must therefore be an incessant defender of the right of every human being to be able to express their opinions, if these are not in profound contrast with the ultimate principles of the state itself. To every woman and man the freedom of thought, creed, word and the exercise of the same must be guaranteed.
The State must therefore be absolutely balanced and neutral towards any organization, be it political, religious, ethical or civil; The task of the Istalian Republic will be to guarantee aid and economic support to each of them in a fair and proportionate proportion to its representation.
The absolute duty of the state must be to remove all discrimination, gender, ethnicity and belief.
The ultimate goal of the state is to guarantee every human being the right to happiness.

"The land on which we live we have not inherited it from our fathers but on loan from our children"
The party is committed to promoting laws and initiatives in favor of sustainable development that reconciles energy, production and work needs with the need to protect the air, water and the subsoil from pollution.
Point of arrival must be an eco-sustainable society.

The party, while accepting the principle of private property and free market, believes that it is the duty of the state to intervene so that the market is not a source of social unequaling and malaise.
The State must therefore encourage and reconcile full employment and economic development with the greatest possible diffusion of public welfare.
The task of the state must be to safeguard the market from the formation of monopolies or cartels, encouraging liberalization and the right to a healthy and honest economic competition.
The party's conviction is that the State must nonetheless participate in the essential sectors of services and transport through direct participation or strict regulation, in order not to neglect the needs of citizens in these delicate areas.

The party believes that the Republic should have cordial relations of cooperation and economic, social and cultural cooperation with all other democratic states of the Earth.
The Republic must also guarantee its citizens the right to security through their military forces, which will have the task of defending the inviolable borders of the nation. The Republic must be a promoter of peace, progress and democracy in the world through diplomatic and non-military actions, if not in cases of extreme and desperate need.


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationmoderate unitaristexcellentperfect
Civil Rightsmoderate permissiveexcellentperfect
Ecologymoderate environmentalistexcellentperfect
Foreign Relationsmoderate internationalistmoderateperfect
Government Responsibilitiesmoderate big governmentexcellentperfect
Marketmoderate regulatorexcellentperfect
Militarymoderate pacifistexcellentperfect
Moralitymoderate progressiveexcellentperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
June 2940276,096314,253,3440.09+0.0903990.00+0
June 294434,431,240208,172,71216.54+16.456439916.04+64
June 294860,941,599245,880,05624.79+8.2510439926.07+40
June 29529,851,043226,380,4734.35-20.43243996.02-80
June 29569,424,998182,294,5445.17+0.82293997.27+5
June 296015,805,727171,864,2279.20+4.036939917.29+40
June 2964132,289,806323,093,03540.94+31.7516839942.11+99
June 2968165,570,861320,680,46051.63+10.6921139952.88+43
June 2972231,514,968314,344,66973.65+22.0228037574.67+69
June 297663,505,95399,175,46564.03-9.6230937582.40+29
June 298063,832,274101,847,49362.67-1.3629437578.40-15
June 298459,873,718103,747,64357.71-4.9628537576.00-9
June 298863,372,187103,445,97861.26+3.5528437575.73-1
June 299067,900,23398,541,83268.90+7.6428737576.53+3
June 299460,308,129103,248,04358.41-10.4926137569.60-26
June 299869,640,16685,476,21181.47+23.0631237583.20+51
June 300260,667,76595,199,41463.73-17.7527137572.27-41
June 300663,998,17698,648,45164.87+1.1526737571.20-4
June 301077,023,24688,406,38687.12+22.2533037588.00+63
June 301459,480,417102,516,99858.02-29.1024837566.13-82
May 301570,587,45395,510,01473.91+15.8929337578.13+45
May 301964,618,273113,757,84456.80-17.1024137564.27-52
May 3023114,567,918273,182,19541.94-14.8718337548.80-58
January 3027114,333,042229,461,56449.83+7.8920937555.73+26
January 3031285,963440,789,0190.06-49.7603750.00-209
January 3035211,238359,497,6400.06-0.0103750.00+0
January 3039360,829396,168,6500.09+0.0303750.00+0
January 3043329,902409,697,1860.08-0.0103750.00+0
July 331010,999,71140,723,02627.01+26.93187524.00+18
July 331625,196,05953,740,41246.88+19.87357546.67+17
July 332215,427,25658,969,75926.16-20.72187524.00-17
July 332812,347,09450,718,38124.34-1.82187524.00+0
July 333411,312,78852,583,82721.51-2.83177522.67-1
May 333610,332,95056,570,68618.27-3.25137517.33-4
September 333810,464,97559,573,61817.57-0.70127516.00-1
September 334414,763,89260,538,79324.39+6.82197525.33+7
September 335011,058,98960,012,31518.43-5.96137517.33-6
September 33565,884,15764,386,0459.14-9.295756.67-8
September 33625,171,28960,239,8308.58-0.555756.67+0
May 33646,416,63860,670,91110.58+1.995449910.82+49
May 33685,525,50756,824,9199.72-0.85464999.22-8
May 33727,163,93158,864,61712.17+2.456149912.22+15
May 33766,347,31663,048,57810.07-2.10494999.82-12
May 33806,385,25461,001,88410.47+0.405149910.22+2
January 33847,103,51057,380,57112.38+1.916349912.63+12
January 33887,792,60558,175,93513.39+1.026649913.23+3
January 33927,453,11259,714,30012.48-0.916349912.63-3
January 33968,447,39565,336,35912.93+0.456549913.03+2
January 34006,057,35360,413,96410.03-2.905049910.02-15
January 34048,975,44258,412,37015.37+5.347649915.23+26
January 34089,393,30056,057,83616.76+1.398449916.83+8
January 34128,360,91957,561,22014.53-2.237349914.63-11
September 389127,443,47857,245,64447.94+33.4129560548.76+222
September 389619,752,44141,482,33447.62-0.3228960547.77-6
September 390127,270,17042,947,71563.50+15.8837360561.65+84
September 390629,654,78343,935,87067.50+4.0038860564.13+15
November 390811,788,10811,788,108100.00+32.50605605100.00+217
October 391012,551,91012,551,910100.00+0.00430430100.00-175
October 391411,825,55311,825,553100.00+0.00430430100.00+0
October 391811,987,64911,987,649100.00+0.00430430100.00+0
October 392212,015,22012,015,220100.00+0.00430430100.00+0
October 392611,686,65111,686,651100.00+0.00430430100.00+0
October 393012,142,75012,142,750100.00+0.00430430100.00+0
May 393424,831,52846,549,65653.34-46.6621843050.70-212
May 393831,663,01444,550,04471.07+17.7329243067.91+74
May 394227,901,96241,968,37766.48-4.5927143063.02-21
May 394616,707,23562,398,26326.78-39.7111343026.28-158
May 395018,629,11153,021,75635.13+8.3613940034.75+26
April 43464,257,40160,645,9917.02-28.11456357.09-94
April 43506,750,64762,629,50410.78+3.766763510.55+22

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Rifondazione Socialista - A.S..

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
dn 2321 - difesaApril 2321October 2321passed
dn 2321 - sanita'April 2321October 2321passed
Nazionalizzazione industrie di armiApril 2321July 2321defeated
Clandestini, 2321March 2321May 2322defeated
Coprifuoco Regionale, 2321March 2321May 2322defeated
Varie, 2312March 2321August 2321defeated
ReligioneMarch 2321July 2321defeated
Devoluzione dei rifugiMarch 2321July 2321defeated
Industria difesaFebruary 2321August 2321defeated
EsercitoFebruary 2321August 2321passed
ServiziFebruary 2321August 2321passed
Educazione e CulturaFebruary 2321July 2321defeated
Militare 2321February 2321July 2321defeated
Sviluppo armi chimicheFebruary 2321July 2321defeated
Prostituzione, 2320January 2321May 2322defeated
Discriminazione Positiva, 2320January 2321May 2322defeated
Armi chimicheJanuary 2321July 2321defeated
NazionalitàJanuary 2321July 2321defeated
Carta d'identitàJanuary 2321July 2321defeated
Tassa sui Beni di Lusso, 2320December 2320May 2322defeated

Random fact: In cases where players have failed to clearly and accurately reference their nation's RP laws in the "Bills under debate" section, Moderation will rule them invalid if a challenge is made to their validity.

Random quote: "No man has ever been born a Negro hater, a Jew hater, or any other kind of hater. Nature refuses to be involved in such suicidal practices." - Harry Bridges

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