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Game Time: July 5520
Next month in: 03:24:56
Server time: 16:35:03, July 27, 2024 CET
Currently online (4): LouisLikker | Tret_les | wdym-Dor | YoungAbz | Record: 63 on 23:13:00, July 26, 2019 CET

We are working on a brand new version of the game! If you want to stay informed, read our blog and register for our mailing list.

User Tamashii

Party: National Party of Baltusia

Nation: United States of Baltusia (Baltusia)

Joined on: 17:25:48, May 21, 2005 CET

Last activity: 15:05:50, August 07, 2008 CET

Last page visited: Bill Page

Random fact: When you join the game, you will find yourself with only zero seats. That's because your party's representatives haven't been elected yet. You need to establish your party's position on issues by proposing several bills that your party wants passed and sending them to vote. This raises your visibility and if you do it enough, you will win seats at the next election.

Random quote: "I came, I saw, I conquered" - Julius Caesar

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