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Bill: Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal


Submitted by[?]: Anarchistes pour une Société Libre

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill presents the formation of a cabinet. It requires more than half of the legislature to vote yes. Traditionally, parties in the proposal vote yes, others (the opposition) vote no. This bill will pass as soon as the required yes votes are in and all parties in the proposal have voted yes, or will be defeated if unsufficient votes are reached on the deadline.

Voting deadline: September 2502


A cabinet coalition to satisfy the three most powerful Parties in Jelbania.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date22:42:52, December 16, 2007 CET
FromSocialist Jelbanian Party-D.L.J.-D.L.F
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageWe support first of all the unity of the left, like every leftist party should do, for this reason we strongly oppose .

Date22:48:34, December 16, 2007 CET
FromAnarchistes pour une Société Libre
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageIt is a shame you feel that way.
Let me put it this way, would you rather see a cabinet with all the Rightist parties and no Leftists? Or a cabinet where five of the positions are held by Leftists? Those are really the only options right now.

Date22:51:49, December 16, 2007 CET
FromSocialist Jelbanian Party-D.L.J.-D.L.F
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageWe don't think that. There are other options, first of all a centre-left cabinet between the DLJ and the UCC, without rightist parties....our voters have no voted for a trasformist cabinet.

Date22:55:21, December 16, 2007 CET
FromAnarchistes pour une Société Libre
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageThe loss of seats by the rest of the DLJ, and the gaining of seats by the National Bolshevik Party and the Front moral pour Dieu et la Patrie makes me think otherwise.

Date22:57:03, December 16, 2007 CET
FromSocialist Jelbanian Party-D.L.J.-D.L.F
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
Messagethere is a very realistic option on the table, because the DLJ have the 50%+1 of the only a question of choice. If you prefer the RDP to your actual comrades, is only a political opinion, non linked with math.

Date23:01:04, December 16, 2007 CET
FromAnarchistes pour une Société Libre
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageAs I have said, the NBP supports a strong federal government, which the DLJ seems to oppose.

Date23:04:12, December 16, 2007 CET
FromSocialist Jelbanian Party-D.L.J.-D.L.F
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageThe RDP is more federalist than the DLJ and surely more laissez-faire leaning, you should know. You have more points in common with us than with the RDP, the only difference is....the number of their seats.

Date23:07:41, December 16, 2007 CET
FromCentre Dmocratique
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageWe will support this cabinet, as it tries to bring together different viewpoints into a common purpose.

Date23:59:16, December 16, 2007 CET
FromDmocrates de la Gauche
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageNo that is a slogan to stay in government. In reality this goverment tries to bind together secularism with state church. Laissez faire with socialism. Federalism with unitarianism. I understand common purposes. But here there is no common purpose. TO THE PBN: The DLJ is the section of Jelbania that is most pro goverment. The UCC and FMDP are federalist and want much less government interference with goverment. The DLJ is for a strong welefare state. The UCC wants to have a state church and very limited goverment programs. We think you should rethink your position if you believe that this cabinet has any common ground whatsoever.

Date00:35:25, December 17, 2007 CET
FromAnarchistes pour une Société Libre
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageThe DLJ has shown consistently that they would rather ignore issues and relegate them to the local governments than take a position and make Jelbania a better place.

Date06:50:43, December 17, 2007 CET
FromDmocrates de la Gauche
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageWhat are you talking about??? The UCC and FMDP are the ones who are consistently more federalist than the rest of the DLJ? As well I am suprised with the UCC, and their message of running this country now it appears to me that they are here for politics, they don't care who their cabinet is formed with, and I think they are hipocritical for their comments and support for this cabinet. The UCC and FMDP is looking for a free ride and the PBN is not paying attention and is supplying the UCC and FMDP's front seat tickets to the show.

Date07:40:20, December 17, 2007 CET
FromCentre Dmocratique
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageUCC is concerned with governing, whether through the presidency, throught the cabinet, or through various political coalitions.

We might be sorry we ask this question, but what has our party done that is hypocritical? What is wrong with forming a cabinet with other parties? There is no party in Jelbania that we vote with 100% percent of the time or even 75% of the time. We do not compromise any of our principles by being a part of this cabinet.

PFP, please refrain from these negative political attacks.

Date08:07:41, December 17, 2007 CET
FromDmocrates de la Gauche
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageYour party is completely compromising. We never ever thought that an honest party like the UCC would ever bow to communism just to stay in office. You may say there is no crime in agreeing to govern with them, but it shows a lot of hypocritical attitudes to agree to govern with them and to not stick with your values. And I am saying it to you because of your naive comments earlier.

Date18:17:56, December 17, 2007 CET
FromCentre Dmocratique
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageWe're proud to say we've worked with Communist parties in the past (Parti Communiste de Jelbania), socialist parties (Socialist Jelbanian Party), and other leftist parties (practically all of DLJ) and we've never "bowed" to any of them or compromised any of our core principles.

When you decide to waste the Jelbanian people's time with your negative political attacks, it would be better for them to at least be legitimate and truthful.

Date01:03:00, December 18, 2007 CET
FromDmocrates de la Gauche
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageYou see you have used that card so many times and it's old. Stop with the negative political attacks, well I am going to take a quote from a good freind of mine of the PBN, "it's politics" and here's my own quote "toughhen up buttercup" Your party is putting its complete values into recession, the PBN's. I hope that wasn't too negative I wouldn't want to offend anyone. And yes that is the truth toughen up because your whining about beign attacked negativly is wearing out. Because it makes you look like a panzy.

Date01:28:05, December 18, 2007 CET
FromAnarchistes pour une Société Libre
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageThe only one you are making look bad is yourself, friend.
We are all doing what is necessary to have the most effect on the nation.

Date02:21:44, December 18, 2007 CET
FromCentre Dmocratique
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageWell, we'll let the voters decide whether or not we've compromised our values.

We'll do our best to "toughen up buttercup" and we suggest PFP does the same. We'll remind you that it is your party that started whining about hypocrisy.

We're done with this conversation.

Date07:11:04, December 19, 2007 CET
FromDmocrates de la Gauche
ToDebating the Three-Party Cabinet Coalition Proposal
MessageOOC: You mean a computer? It' really like they could tell.

IC: When did we say "could you refrain from being hipocratic?" Ummm. Never. Now I am asking you "Could you please refrain from being hipocratic?" We are trying to look as honest as we can and we don't want a party to make us get all ruffy and lose our cool. And could you stop the personal attacks?"

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 269


Total Seats: 137


Total Seats: 95

Random fact: References to prominent real-life persons are not allowed. This includes references to philosophies featuring the name of a real-life person (eg. "Marxism", "Thatcherism", "Keynesianism").

Random quote: "My tenure will be controversial and it is, quite obviously, true that I am the most right-wing Prime Minister this country has seen in several decades.” - Margaret Woodhall, former Dranian politician

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