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Bill: Unconditional Pardon for Michael Lekapenos


Submitted by[?]: Blanka Zardigalo Partio

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: May 3593


Madame Speaker,

Michael Lekapenos is a political prisoner languishing unjustly in some godforsaken secret prison, in blatant breach of Zardic law and custom. We hereby propose that the parliament move to have him UNCONDITIONALLY PARDONED by His Royal Highness, Robert I Wiencek. Mr. Lekapenos should be presented a signed copy of the Royal Pardon personally by His Majesty, in a televised event, and furthermore His Majesty should shake Mr. Lekapenos' hand and apologise for the UNJUST and ILLEGAL imprisonment.

Michael Lekapenos should then be compensated with the ownership of his seized properties fully restored to him and all tax arrears dropped without prejudice, and a cash settlement of 750,000 ZAR.

Francis Garret
Member of Parliament, BZP



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date08:57:53, December 16, 2013 CET
FromZardio Federisma Partio
ToDebating the Unconditional Pardon for Michael Lekapenos
MessageMadame Speaker,

Perhaps the BZP needs a lesson in politics but this is the legislative branch and we cannot compel the executive to act in a manner it does not wish to act. Further we are not a court and cannot assign compensation of such in this described legal manner.

Gerald Hutler
ZPP Floor Leader

Date16:41:55, December 16, 2013 CET
FromBlanka Zardigalo Partio
ToDebating the Unconditional Pardon for Michael Lekapenos
MessageMadame Speaker,

Would Gerald Hutler care to elaborate on whose decision it was to send Lekapenos to a secret prison, when his party controls only the Finance Ministry?

Francis Garret
Member of Parliament, BZP

Date19:43:00, December 16, 2013 CET
FromZardio Federisma Partio
ToDebating the Unconditional Pardon for Michael Lekapenos
MessageMadame Speaker,

The move to hide him incognito came from the Division of Corrections and Prisons of the Ministry of Justice.

Gerald Hutler
ZPP Floor Leader

Date20:48:20, December 16, 2013 CET
FromBlanka Zardigalo Partio
ToDebating the Unconditional Pardon for Michael Lekapenos
MessageMadame Speaker,

Then why hasn't the Labour Party addressed this?

Francis Garret
Member of Parliament, BZP

Date12:13:05, December 17, 2013 CET
FromUnited Congresso Federale
ToDebating the Unconditional Pardon for Michael Lekapenos
MessageMadame Speaker,

I think that Mr . lekapenos should 've been judged by the International Court of Justice . He will not treated like a king. He will be treated like everyone else who went through the International Court of Justice . Also, this is a parliament not the Zardic federal court.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 400


Total Seats: 350


    Total Seats: 0

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