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Bill: Federal Welfare Act. (4027)


Submitted by[?]: Центральная партия

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: August 4029


In the coming days, this government will usher in a renewed budget and taxation plan. These legislations will force the Ministry of Health and Social Services to accommodate for these changes. These cuts should not hinder the welfare of the citizenry. But will rather hail the return of a means-tested system of welfare which was not committed to taxing the middle and upper classes at the highest of levels. We propose to reconfigure our basic income system to one that is built on the foundation of temporary or permanent support, for it is not justified to refuse to work and reap what you did not sow. This legislation will usher in a new mindset to the public, that is for progress and internal cohesion and one that would put an end to the "want to see, come see" mentality which we have admittedly endorsed.

Golovina Stanislavovna
Chancellor of the Federal Social Benefits Office.
Chairwoman, State Duma Committee for Social Services and Welfare.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date11:06:26, May 12, 2016 CET
From Центральная партия
ToDebating the Federal Welfare Act. (4027)
MessageMr. Speaker,

I open the floor to active debate by the various parties. Whilst I understand that the electoral term is almost upon us, I believe that we can still get work done.

Golovina Stanislavovna
Chancellor of the Federal Social Benefits Office.
Chairwoman, State Duma Committee for Social Services and Welfare.

Date17:22:01, May 12, 2016 CET
From Ультра-националистич
ToDebating the Federal Welfare Act. (4027)
MessageWe will not accept anything like this. Everyone should make their own in the world, not be thrown money at. They should make their own money. Those of our race are able to do this - those who are not, do not deserve it.

Date22:07:03, May 12, 2016 CET
From Центральная партия
ToDebating the Federal Welfare Act. (4027)
MessageMr. Speaker,

Seeing that the Ультра-националистич is a new addition to the parliament, I would like to firstly welcome them to the State Duma. May you debates and time here be filled with productivity. I will divide the speaker for Ультра-националистич's statement into two section, due to my nature of order.

1. I am sure the Ultra-Nationalist Party would have someone who knows a thing or two on basic income. If not, I am more than willing to break it down. Basic income is a sum of money given to every person in a community. It will eliminate poverty, create a safety net for those who lose their jobs and gives people the ability to say no to a lifestyle or job they don't like. It should ideally be set at a point where people can live in reasonable conditions without having to rely on a job.The basic income should be only enough for people to buy food and live with a roof over their head. It’s necessary to implement because of the rise of inequality, poverty and the increasing automation of jobs.

The cost of a basic income is very large e.g for a population of 4 million at $15000 per year per person is 45 billion dollars per year. This will be funded primarily through an increase in taxation and abolishment of old poverty support systems but should overall keep wages for everyone the same. The reason is because jobs will pay less due to employers having to pay higher taxes but the difference will be negated by the basic income. Having a basic income will not cause too much inflation because more money is not being introduced, it is just being redistributed and more goods will not be purchased because only the people in poverty will have an increase in spending.

Some say that with a basic income no one will want to work but this is not true. There is so much work being done in the world that is not paid at all for example housework, volunteering, going to the supermarket, looking after family, research, creative projects like art, music etc yet people do it anyway. Secondly the vast majority of people are also not satisfied with just food and a roof over their head either and that’s all the basic income will provide for.

Some say that if people don’t have a job then they don’t deserve to eat, this is an old ideology based on the idea that we have limited resources. Times have changed and as of now with current technology it’s very easy to feed and house every person on this planet. The number of people who actually want to sit down and do nothing with their life are very few and giving everyone what they need to survive will vastly outweigh the costs of supporting these people.

2. I quote the speaker from the Ultra-Nationalist Party, "Those of our race are able to do this - those who are not, do not deserve it." Mr. Speaker, such a comment should not be tolerable in this parliament. It is racist, and above all discriminate. This is a multicultural society. By saying "Those of our "Race" is subjective and it shows that the Ultra-Nationalist Party has a far-right. This nation has come too far, way too far to have to come back to this vexatious, frivolous and barbaric mentality. We are a nation of progress not backwards thinking/movement. We have people of different ethnic backgrounds in this assembly, it is discriminatory to them, and to those they know. Do not let me have lecture your party on your racist slander in this parliament because i will slam you with the science of your own racist brains. I have a PhD in Neuroscience and Theology, and I am not afraid to use them.

Golovina Stanislavovna
Chancellor of the Federal Social Benefits Office.
Chairwoman, State Duma Committee for Social Services and Welfare.

Date22:51:24, May 12, 2016 CET
From Ультра-националистич
ToDebating the Federal Welfare Act. (4027)
MessageMr Speaker,

May I point out that those who do not work and do not earn an income are simply WEAK. This party will not tolerate such asocial behaviour. Nor will we tolerate this 'welfare' system. This is derogatory to the great minds of our race and our ability to move past having hand-outs.

Furthermore, you may slate us all you want but what we know to be true is that our race is far superior in intelect, strength and power. We are able to do things that others are not. This puny idea of 'Multiculturalism' is a disgrace to our great nation, and we need to do away with it.

These immigrants have tarnished our nation for far too long, and our party believes that our nation needs to be pure once again. We cannot support asocial scum - nor can we support those who are not of the race. We are far-right because we know what is right, unlike you socialist scum.

We would also like to say that you cannot silence us - we have free speech and we intend to exercise that right. The only progress we can make is to become pure again.

Long live Trigunia! Long live the Race!

Dmitri Bolanyev -
Chairman of the Trigunian Purist League and Shadow-Chancellor of the Ultra Nationalist Party

OOC: I just want to mention that this aint my IRL view - I'm actually a liberal lol. Just thought it'd be fun to RP something like this.

Date22:59:14, May 12, 2016 CET
From Тори партия
ToDebating the Federal Welfare Act. (4027)
MessageMr Speaker,
This party believes in giving every person the chance and the right to make their own way in life. Why should tax payers be forced to foot the bill for people who are unwillingto go out and find a job. We would also like to point out that many people who don't want to havea job because they are to lazy or too pickey with the job they are doing will instead spend their life scrounging of the system. People need to encouraged to work not spend their time taking money that is not theirs to have and spending it on drugs and alcohol.

The system that is being proposed is utter madness and will be bias to people who aren't working. People who are I work will not receive these benefits, so why would someone want to work when instead they can stay at home watching tv that has een paid for by their hard working neighbours.

Date00:08:49, May 13, 2016 CET
From Центральная партия
ToDebating the Federal Welfare Act. (4027)
MessageMr. Speaker,

Firstly, We must avoid comparing not having a job and not working. To not work and to not have a job are not the same. A job means you work for someone else. There is no reason to require someone to work for someone else. That is the very definition of indentured servitude. You must work for another person until such time as you have enough capital to work for yourself. If the only job you can accept is one which keeps you in that station, you'll never be able to grow your capital and you will be a wage slave. The solution to this is a guaranteed basic income.

It should also be noted that at present, the poor don't participate in the economy as much as they could because they have less than enough money to satisfy wants, so those goods aren't produced and those jobs aren't created.
A billionaire may be satisfied with 47 homes and 100 cars, but he/she will have extra money leftover and not have anything he/she wants to spend it on. That money is essentially taken out of the flow of the economy. Yes. I'm saying giving money to poor people will help the economy.
Plus, if someone should decide not to work, Good! We have millions who would want to take their jobs. Happier workplaces means better products and higher productivity.

Secondly, I will acknowledge, that nationalism is a concept which can drive a nation to be more productive, but ultra-nationalism takes it too far. Ultra nationalism opens to radical doorways to open discrimination against other ethnic groups. The Ultra-Nationalist party and its far-right leader, have not felt the burn of pure racism and discrimination for they have never been on the receiving end. The Party's Leader says that the other ethnic races have tarnished our nation. He also said that since are far-right we know what is right. The party believes that they are right, we are wrong, they are big and we are small and there is nothing we can do about it. I can assure you there is something we can do, that is by debating you down and hitting you with your own hypocrisy. Multiculturalism is the driving force of a country's cultural identity. Each ethnic here, since we have many deputies of different ethnic background, many of their ancestors played such important roles in helping to craft our nation and our cultural identity. By removing a country's ethnic groups, you are opening the gates for the destruction of our cultural identity. It was not us Rodshyans alone who were complicit in the construction of our culture,It was the Kozaki, the Hulstrians, the Majatrans , the Dolgavans, the Egelionese and the Kizenians who were complicit also. What the ultra-nationalist party is trying to bring into this nation is ethnic assimilation. Under the premise of wanting a homogeneous society, the ultra-nationalist party is willing to destroy our culture. But they refuse to care, for once more, they are never on the receiving end.

I can bet my house, my car, even the clothes on my back, that the Ultra-Nationalist party does not know the crap Trigunians are faced with in other countries. Just as you are trying to install ethnic assimilation in this country, the Yeudish Republic of Beiteynu is actively segregating other ethnic groups, including Rodshyans, from their yeudish populous, under the premise of wanting a homogeneous society. Yet you want to bring that here at home and do it to other ethnic groups who have done completely nothing to harm us? No!, not here. If this government is to step down now and the Ultra-Nationalist Party and their tailgating puppet, the "Tory Party", are to assume power, you will see how fast our culture will be sweep away from our hands.

I am not going to stop you from exercising the rights within the democratic system,but If you have a certain level of influence over people, as would a political party, then being down right wrong is now harmful to the well-being of the citizenry. You can call my party Socialists, I have no problem with that, it simply shows that you are incapable of (i) having a basic vocabulary and (ii) an inability to think before you speak. Look at me, a woman, making you, a man, look completely and utterly retarded in-front of your supporters and the public. I am sure you are supports will dislike me for I speak common sense and reason, and I am humane. Your supporters can babble all they wish, they can scorn me, they can try to attack me, but it is not going to stop from opening my mouth, yes my big mouth, and instilling some sense into you.

But your incoherent rambling is only a small factor of a much larger problem, there is an anti-intellectual strain making moves throughout the world. Multiculturalism, made this country, it is brought production and holistic development in the masses, a famous scholar said,"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." So Mr. Bolanyev if you and your party are to stand on the shoulders who came before you, you may just see that (i) The topic at hand is beneficial and (ii) Multiculturalism built most of the advanced nations we have today.

Mr. Speaker, I believe that my time is up, I also believe that my first statement is a response to the Tory Party's statement, I yield my time. (*Cheers from across the Соединенные Трыгоня Benches in support of Golovina Stanislavovna*)

Golovina Stanislavovna
Chancellor of the Federal Social Benefits Office.
Chairwoman, State Duma Committee for Social Services and Welfare.

OOC: I am not taking it as though it is your actual view on the topics discussed. I can differentiate.

Date00:08:18, May 14, 2016 CET
From Центральная партия
ToDebating the Federal Welfare Act. (4027)
MessageMr. Speaker,

This legislation will be sent into voting after the General Election.

Golovina Stanislavovna
Chancellor of the Federal Social Benefits Office.
Chairwoman, State Duma Committee for Social Services and Welfare.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 221


Total Seats: 152


Total Seats: 127

Random fact: Large scale RP planning (such as wars, regional/continental conflicts, economic collapse, etc.) should be planned (as best as it can be) and should have consent of a majority of players involved.

Random quote: "The National Rifle Association says, 'Guns don't kill people; people kill people,' but I think the gun helps." - Eddie Izzard

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