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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Freedoms and Rights Bill of 4124 Revocation Section A


Submitted by[?]: Authoritarian Luthori Alliance

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: September 4126


While we agreed with some articles of the above bill, some we could not believe were even being proposed. To amend this issue we have broken the bill up by article and are proposing each that we wish to revoke.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date01:20:08, November 26, 2016 CET
FromThe RedMark Party
ToDebating the Freedoms and Rights Bill of 4124 Revocation Section A
MessageI agree wholeheartedly on this bill
excellent proposal!
Chris Boardman - The RedMark Party leader

Date07:59:26, November 26, 2016 CET
From Centrist Alliance
ToDebating the Freedoms and Rights Bill of 4124 Revocation Section A
MessageMr Speaker,

Here we are - the Republicans have shown their 'supporters' their true ideological stance.

Lost their facist past? Is this why white men are deciding raped children must give birth to a child they cannot afford mentally, physically or monetarily?

These new parties, they all have something in common - they're Facists!

Jonathan Edwards
Luthori Prime Minister

Date10:21:07, November 26, 2016 CET
FromAuthoritarian Luthori Alliance
ToDebating the Freedoms and Rights Bill of 4124 Revocation Section A
MessageMr. Speaker,

Yet again we are hearing the age-old arguments of the left that people are growing tired of. If you are against unchecked immigration you are a racist, if you don't support same sex marriage you are a homophobe and apparently now, if you don't support the murder of unborn babies you are a fascist! Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being and either you support it or like our party and the many minor parties, you are against it. I hope the Capitalist Alliance are able to give arguments without resorting to labeling and name calling half of the parties of our Imperial Diet in the future. I yield.

Charles Winston
Republican Leader

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 289


Total Seats: 376


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: Hundreds of vessels were lost while traversing the cold waters of the Sea of Lost Souls. It is located between Seleya and Majatra.

    Random quote: "Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary." - Robert Louis Stevenson

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