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Bill: Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act


Submitted by[?]: Liberal Party of Hutori

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill asks for an amendement to the Constitution. It will require two-thirds of the legislature to vote in favor. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: March 4336


The Imperial Commonwealth Will be the Union between the Kingdom of Hutori and the Holy Luthori Empire

The Imperial Commonwealth will be headed the Monarch & Sovereign of the Imperial Commonwealth; nominally the head of House Steuart-Carmichael who will serve as incumbent Monarch of that nation. The title of the Monarch can be decided locally by that Nation and any Nation that later Joins the Commonwealth. The Sovereign and Monarch of the Commonwealth will Serve as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and the Unifying Figure of the Commonwealth.

The Individual Nations of the Imperial Commonwealth will have Elected Representatives that will Serve as both Head of State and Representatives of the Monarchy within their Individual Nations. The Individual Nations of the Commonwealth can decide on the Title of Their Elected Head of State. The Elected Representatives Will Executive all Duties and Functions of the Monarch on Their Behalf.

Individual Members of the Commonwealth will have full and complete autonomy over their own National Issues and Policies though will be encouraged to present Joint and United Policies towards international relations and economic matters.

Upon the Passage of this Bill Hutori will be renamed to the Commonwealth of Hutori



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date17:35:02, January 17, 2018 CET
From Liberal Party of Hutori
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageMr. Speaker

With the Passage of the Personal Union Act in Luthori, our Monarch, Queen Sarah IV, has become the Head of State of the Holy Luthori Empire. The Personal Union has become known as the Imperial Commonwealth. Now this Union will not interfere with our national sovereignty; it will merely be a personal union and allow us to come together under a joint Monarch and Head of State. The elected Viceroy will serve as the true elected head of state, and lead us on a daily basis while the Monarch serves as Ceremonial and Constitutional Head of State and the Head of the Commonwealth. This compromise between the Republican and Monarchial forms of government is the easiest method to avoid infighting between the Monarchist and Republicans for a great many more years and bring us together with our brothers and sister in Luthori and other nations that may later chose to join the Imperial Commonwealth.

I open this for debate.

Kayla Wright
Interim Leader of the Royalist Party of Hutori
MP for Bekenial Riverside

Date22:05:34, January 17, 2018 CET
From Scientian Enclave
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageMdm. Speaker,

"Imperial", "empire", all of it sounds very oppressive and anti-democratic. Looking past the words however, this bill proposes that Hutorians be able to elect their own head of state. For this reason, our approval is granted.

- Lyn Kopp
Ambassador of the Ataraxian Confederation

Date22:05:47, January 17, 2018 CET
From Scientian Enclave
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageOOC: Mr. Speaker*

Date04:11:46, January 19, 2018 CET
From National Progress Party
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageMr. Speaker,

As you may know, our party is viscerally against the idea of monarchism and we will always oppose it. However, we can see the good intentions of this bill and that it seems to be a good compromise between republicanism and monarchism. As our nation need more unity and less division, we will be able to accept this compromise.

My main concern is the lack of precision about the position of viceroy. What will be the exact power that the Viceroy will have? Will it be more of symbolic role or will he/she will truly rule Hutori? How will the power be share between the Viceroy and the Chancellor?

If the Royal Liberal Party of Hutori can answer all these questions we will vote in favor.

-Jeffrey Burgole
Chancellor of Hutori

Date04:50:50, January 19, 2018 CET
From Liberal Party of Hutori
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageMr. Speaker

The exact power of the Viceroy position is the exact same as the former President of the Federal Republic. In much the same way the Queen is our Head of State and has the elected government exercise authority on her behalf, the Viceroy will execute power on behalf of the Sovereign of the Commonwealth with the full constitutional authority behind it.

The Sovereign is ultimately "ruler" of Hutori in the Constitional and Legal sense but the Viceroy executes authority on their behalf. In terms however of the breakdown of powers between the Viceroy and Chancellor my suggestion would be following the example set in the Executive Definition Act as set down in the former Federal Republic that originally split power between the President and Prime Minister.

Does this adequately answer the questions of the Chancellor?

Kayla Wright
Interim Leader of the Royal Liberal Party of Hutori
MP for Bekenial Riverside

Date05:03:30, January 19, 2018 CET
From National Progress Party
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageMr. Speaker

I am satisfied by these answers and I would like to thank mrs Wright for providing them.

-Jeffrey Burgole
Chancellor of Hutori

Date05:37:56, January 19, 2018 CET
From Socialist Workers Party
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageMr. Speaker,

We, the SWP, have decided to vote against this measure as we are firmly for a republican government. While we understand the intentions of compromise, our party refuses to vote for measures that shall continue a monarchy.

Alex Stone
Leader of the Socialist Workers Party
MP for Axminster East

Date15:19:24, January 19, 2018 CET
From Hutori Party
ToDebating the Bill P-2: Creation of the Imperial Commonwealth Act
MessageMr Speaker,

We see this as a great opportunity to allow for an elected representative as our head of state while also remaining under the monarchy. The Royal Liberals can count on our support.

Barack Olatunji
Leader of the Conservative Party of Hutori
MP for Alyesbury Centre

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 432


Total Seats: 118


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: It is not allowed to call more than 5 elections in 5 game years in a nation. The default sanction for a player persisting in the early election tactic will be a seat reset.

    Random quote: "You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln

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