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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act


Submitted by[?]: Partito Nazionale Democratico

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: August 4370


Aurora Adorinda, AI Leader,

The Istalia per valori coalition was founded to stop the deprivation of morality in our great nation. This act is fundamental in this party's policy as we believe these so called public freedoms have gone too far. Hence, this bill should show our decent citizrens who is on their side of morals and ethics, and who is against them, on the side of indecency and immorality. This bill will be the beacon of this party's policy in the next legislature as we have been so focused on the economy that we closed a blind eye on all the fundamentally wrong acts being permitted in our country. In the previous government, we have even been allies with a party which promotes this lack of values, which is still possible as long as they respect the sentiment of the population.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date17:10:30, March 22, 2018 CET
FromPartito degli Agricoltori - NCD
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageMr. Speaker,

We as a member if I.p.V fully support this proposal, but we ask our colleagues to drop article 19.

Date18:28:37, March 22, 2018 CET
FromNuova Unione
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageErardo Candela, ULD First Vice-Chairperson

This bill is absolute madness. It fights against the freedom of... of everything. We ask all parties of the Istalian Parliament to vote against this... this... this... I don't know what this even is...

Date01:02:50, March 29, 2018 CET
FromPartito Nazionale Democratico
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageOOC: i am so sorry for not splitting this up, but I gathered that I woud never propose this if I started splitting XD

Date01:17:58, March 29, 2018 CET
FromPartito del Socialismo Istaliano - F.P.
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageFor once, we agree with ULD. This Bill is madness...

Date01:29:19, March 29, 2018 CET
FromPartito Nazionale Democratico
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageAurora Adorinda, AI Leader,

How is it madness if we bring back morals to Istalia? In this liberal environment, we have completely forgotten what dignity is.

Date11:44:36, March 29, 2018 CET
FromNuova Unione
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageElmo Cappola, ULD Deputy Chairperson

In your opinion, this may be the lack of morals. In someone else's; it may be the epitome of them. Why do you want to enforce your views on every Italian, even if they disagree?

Date21:55:03, March 29, 2018 CET
FromPartito Nazionale Democratico
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageAurora Adorinda, AI Leader,

We are not forcing, we are guiding and protecting.

Date22:37:27, March 29, 2018 CET
FromNuova Unione
ToDebating the P.d.l 03/4365 Public Degeneracy Act
MessageElmo Cappola, ULD Deputy Chairperson

How is the delegalization of one-gender marriages protecting anyone from anything?

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 133


Total Seats: 350


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