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Bill: Bill NP-101: Omnibus bill; a more human Hutori


Submitted by[?]: National Progress Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: July 4608


(This bill was proposed by the leader of the Naitonal Progress Party Lucas Douglas with the collaboration fo all members of the cabinet from the National Progress Party)
This bill aim to repeal all the outragous policies that have recently been voted by te parliament and to restore Hutori to its former glory.

Description of the modification:
1. Restoration of the power of the ministry of Environment and Tourism to properly regulate pollution in industry
2. Restoration fo Abortion Right
3. Complete restoration of the right to gender reasigment surgery
4. restoration of all the social services that were dismantle (namingly the pharmaceutical drugs subsidies for low income system and the guarantee of minimum income system)
5. Restoration fo the Hutorian Central Bank that shall still operate with the system create by the ''Bill NP-99: Central bank administation act'' (



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date17:47:09, July 17, 2019 CET
FromReform Party
ToDebating the Bill NP-101: Omnibus bill; a more human Hutori
MessageWe the Reform Party wished to condemn this bill. Without voting power of our own, we see this omnibus as using a needed banking reform to push immoral social policies and expand the welfare state.

This is a clear attack in the Freedom of Religions. Public taxes are involuntary, and it would be wrong to force pro-life citizens to fund abortion.

Illegality of abortion aside, taxpayer funded abortions attack the conscience of many taxpayers. This is enforced secularist, which is equally as bad as enforced religion.

Date18:21:21, July 17, 2019 CET
FromNational Progress Party
ToDebating the Bill NP-101: Omnibus bill; a more human Hutori
MessageMr. Speaker,

We are not using the reform of the banking system to push for other social policies. We simply included the reform of the banking system in that bill because we wanted to make a bill containing all the things that we consider essential for Hutori and reforming the banking system is one of the thing we consider to be important for Hutori.

Secondly, I think it is extremely far-fetched to claim that funding abortion is an attack on freedom of religion. Indeed, some people have a religious opposition to abortion but we could technicly say that about any policy whatsoever. For exemple, some people have a religious oppostion to any kind of war, does that mean we are to stop using taxpayer money to fund our millitary? The link between governement funding for abortion and religious freedom is very thin. For what I know, giving funding for abortion isn't going to stop anyone from going to thte church they want or pray the fod they want to pray.

-Lucas Douglas
Leader of the National Progress Party

Date18:22:41, July 17, 2019 CET
FromNational Progress Party
ToDebating the Bill NP-101: Omnibus bill; a more human Hutori
Message*pray the god

Date20:08:52, July 17, 2019 CET
FromHutori Party
ToDebating the Bill NP-101: Omnibus bill; a more human Hutori
MessageMr Speaker,

It is extremely disappointing and frankly disgusting that the NPP continues to insist on allowing abortions right up until the moment the baby is born. It has been proven that a child can survive when being born as early as 23 weeks into the pregnancy, which is only partway through the second trimester. Would the NPP suggest that that child is not a human yet? We support women's right to choose, but we also recognize the need for restrictions and actually put science over ideology.

As for article 5, how does the NPP propose we stop people from just simply choosing not to work and taking a government check? We believe that the government should only be giving welfare to those who truly need it, but the NPP believe in just giving it to anyone who wants it. This policy is unfair to the hardworking Hutorian taxpayers who will have to bear the cost of it.

And finally, we agree that there is a need for a central bank, which is why we have proposed Bill C-30: Bank of Hutori Act, 4607 ( We cannot support politicians being able to interfere with our central bank, it must be free from political influence. Our bill creates a strong Bank of Hutori that is free from political interference.

Rt. Hon. Riley Pettipas
MP for Prosperity Centre
Prime Minister of Hutori

Date01:59:28, July 18, 2019 CET
FromUnited Hutori Party
ToDebating the Bill NP-101: Omnibus bill; a more human Hutori
MessageFirst of all,

The bills legislation on the central bank can be removed the second "Bill C-30: Bank of Hutori Act, 4607" passes. Second of all, I am not so keen on the restriction on pollution as stated in the first legislation proposed. Finally, on the terms of the government maintaining a minimum income for all etc. I am currently abstain leaning against as for I do not believe the peoples tax payer money should really go to other people who simply could not get a good paying job.

John Volser
Leader of UHP

Date09:41:49, July 18, 2019 CET
FromNational Progress Party
ToDebating the Bill NP-101: Omnibus bill; a more human Hutori
MessageMr. Speaker,

Of course, we agree with the Prime Minister about abortion. No abortion should ever be perform such late in pregnancy and luckily, it will never happen under these legislation since no doctor would ever accept to perform such late abortion. Let's not forget that we live in ac ountry were doctor can be held accountable for their actions. If a doctor irresponsably perform a abortion that is deem to be dangerous because of the ability to survive of the fetus, that doctor can very well be put in jail. But the thing is that, sometime, such late abortion can be necessary for multiple reasons, that I will not all list here. The reasoning behind that policy is that no watter what, the governement should interfer in that issue, abortion should only concern the patient and her doctor. In other word, we only want this policy because we believe that the governement should restrain itself from regulating abortion so we can let doctors do their job.

Fruthermore, if this bill is to pass, we have no intention to simply give free moeny to people simply because they don't fell like working. That would make no sense. We intend to put in place some regulation to verify that all the beneficiary of the governement welfare program truly needs them.

-Anthony Smith
Minister of Health and Social Services

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