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Bill: UF NPP (with UFP support) Cabinet


Submitted by[?]: Unionist Front (⚔️)

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill presents the formation of a cabinet. It requires more than half of the legislature to vote yes. Traditionally, parties in the proposal vote yes, others (the opposition) vote no. This bill will pass as soon as the required yes votes are in and all parties in the proposal have voted yes, or will be defeated if unsufficient votes are reached on the deadline.

Voting deadline: November 5218


Proposing a Cabinet



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date16:32:25, November 28, 2022 CET
From Unionist Front (⚔️)
ToDebating the UF NPP (with UFP support) Cabinet
MessageMr. Speaker,

This proposal is a unity proposal between the UF and the NPP. We have also included the UFP, which will increase the stability of the coalition. This will give us almost 200 seats, abd thus provide a cabinet that truely represents the all segments of Hutori society.


Date22:48:02, November 28, 2022 CET
From Progressive Conservative Party of Hutori
ToDebating the UF NPP (with UFP support) Cabinet
MessageMr. Speaker,

The UF's proposals here smell of desperation and frankly wreek of pettiness. We offered a proposal that would have given 7/14 seats at the cabinet table to the UF, far higher than their proportion of Senate seats. Our offer was deemed "absurd" by that party.

We know the UF and NPP have a long history of, what can only be described as, hatred toward each other. If this was the sole concern, we could understand the hesitation. However, our proposal would have ensured neither party would have to serve under the Premiership of the other party. Yes, Progressive Conservatives, as the second smallest party, would have held the premiership, but we asked for no other seat at the table.

Mr. Speaker, Progressive Conservatives extended an olive branch and the UF snapped that branch straight in half. I would recommend that when the UF ultimately fails to win a majority once again next month, they don't come crawling to us for coalition support.

Hon. Martin Bezan
Senator for Tremaine—Interlake—Eastman
Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party

Date00:15:29, November 29, 2022 CET
From Unionist Front (⚔️)
ToDebating the UF NPP (with UFP support) Cabinet
MessageMr. Speaker,

The party with less than 20 seats can hardly be entrusted with the mandate of leading a government. We did not snap the branch in half, we proposed 3 cabinets that would have given majority of cabinet seats to other parties to ensure that we get a deal.

The PCPH simply wanted to be play kingmaker and be given Premiership and recognized as the arbitrator holding the 2 parties together. The attempt to frame it as anything else is what is truely absurd. A genuine offer would have only included the 2 parties with Premiership given to the UF (as largest party) or NPP (since UF already have HoS). It makes no sense for PCPH to be the glue that sticks the 2 parties together and that it be placed at the Head of Government.

True the NPP and UF are not political allies. But when push comes to shove we have worked together for the sake of Hutori, and I believe we would continue to do so no matter our differences.

Appetantly the PCPH believes any party will win a majority. This will not happen. The balance of power will remain hung on parties putting aside differences and working together to achieve a majority. It's the basics of Parliamentary democracy and how Hutori has operated for centuries.

The UF will continue to work towards uniting Hutori as a nation first, and we will not rule out working with any party the people of Hutori entrust with heir votes in order to achieve a stable government. We will reach out to the PCPH after the elections because we will need to work together. If not for the sake of our parties, for the sake of Hutori and her future generations.

I hope the Torries will change their mind and when push comes to shove put the interests of the nation above thier own.

Long Live Hutori


Date01:45:42, November 29, 2022 CET
From Unionist Front (⚔️)
ToDebating the UF NPP (with UFP support) Cabinet
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