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Game Time: April 5520
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Bill: The main unions have announced a one-day strike on June 27th


Submitted by[?]: Course of Freedom (Kellins faction)

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: February 5248


"The dialogue with the social partners is broken. We can no longer trust this government and its austerity reforms. Everything goes into the pockets of the richest and nothing into the pockets of the workers. We have had enough and on December 27 we are calling for demonstrations and strikes against the anti-social policies of this government. The resistance will be in the streets and it is just beginning." said Drew Dowd, the leader of one of the major trade unions.

The new reforms are unpopular, especially the sales tax increase and the pension cuts. Major disturbances are announced all across the country as the anger of the population is growing.
According to a recent poll, only 20% support the austerity plan of the cabinet.



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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 401


Total Seats: 92


Total Seats: 68

Random fact: The use of proxy servers makes it impossible to detect multiing and is therefore forbidden. Players who access Particracy through a proxy will have their accounts inactivated.

Random quote: "Soldiers are not the enemies of the movement. They're potential allies. They're more than that. Soldiers are the only people in America who are paying a stiff price for this war. Everybody else profits. Soldiers are the ones losing their lives, losing friends, having their lives disrupted. The real victims of American imperialism are its soldiers." - Fred Gardner

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