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Bill: Keymon Slavery Ban: Anti Democratic Industrialist Front


Submitted by[?]: Lotus Coalition of the Endless Knot

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: May 2286


"Recognising that although they have always been a controversial political party, the recent swing further to the right by the Democratic Industrialists represents a direct threat to freedom, liberty and democracy we propose this agreement. All signatory parties to this refuse to work with the Democratic Industrialists in any form of coalition, cabinet or political agreement until they abandon the pursuit of implementing slavery in Keymon. Furthermore if such a assurance is made by the Democratic Industrialists not to pursue slavery and a signatory party subsequently enters into some form of coalition, cabinet or political agreement with them, that party hereby agrees to abandon any such coalition, cabinet or political agreement if a move to implement slavery is once again made.

Furthermore this agreement also extends to cutting off all support to the Democratic Industrialists as long as they remain ties to the Keymon Conservative Church in its present form. If the Democratic Industrialists cease supporting the Keymon Conservative Church or the Keymon Conservative Church significantly alters its position so as not to advocate the murder of Zen Buddhists then this article becomes null and void."

-- Suzanna Kukai, Minister of Internal Affairs



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date18:17:43, September 16, 2006 CET
From Democratic Industrialists
ToDebating the Keymon Slavery Ban: Anti Democratic Industrialist Front
Message"We ask the Zen Collective: Who will prevail; a group of poor Buddhists or a group of poor mercenaries hired by the landowning elite? Furthermore, it shall now be our said duty to 'remove' all the Zen Collective leaders from their posts by next year. We consider ourselves openly at war with the Zen Collective. We shall do all in our power to remove them from the government. "
--Archbishop Wilson Simmons

"I have realized my fault, unlike Wilson Simmons, and leave the Democratic Industrialists today."
--Barney Barnes

Date18:48:50, September 16, 2006 CET
From Christian Democrats
ToDebating the Keymon Slavery Ban: Anti Democratic Industrialist Front
Message"Conflict between parties is part of democracy. As long as the Democratic Industrialists and the Zen Collective follow Keymon's laws, this will be permitted. I therefore hope that the comment regarding mercenaries was hyperbole, or the Democratic Industrialists will have a lot to answer for."

-- Director General Alice Watterson

Date19:38:42, September 16, 2006 CET
From Democratic Industrialists
ToDebating the Keymon Slavery Ban: Anti Democratic Industrialist Front
Message"Yes, as the Christian Democrats suggested, the comment regarding the mercenaries was indeed an exageration, however, I wouldn't be surprised if rioting from angry conservatives occurs in the future."
--Takuchi Matsusaki

Date00:11:11, September 17, 2006 CET
From Christian Democrats
ToDebating the Keymon Slavery Ban: Anti Democratic Industrialist Front
Message"Keymon's justice laws have been gutted recently. However, I can assure everyone that all protests must be conducted peacefully. I will be directing Minister Kukai to direct appropriate resources to ensure that the rights of citizens to protest peacefully is protected."

-- Director General Alice Watterson

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 47


Total Seats: 63


Total Seats: 10

Random fact: When you join the game, you will find yourself with only zero seats. That's because your party's representatives haven't been elected yet. You need to establish your party's position on issues by proposing several bills that your party wants passed and sending them to vote. This raises your visibility and if you do it enough, you will win seats at the next election.

Random quote: "The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it." - Edward Dowling

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