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| Details | Ministries | Political Positions | Affiliations | Election Results | Legislation | Legislative Agenda | Voting Record | Actions | Messages |
Mordusian-Luthorian Association[?]
This page contains information about the Mordusian-Luthorian Association.
This party is inactive.
User[?]: AdAstraMor
Nation[?]: Commonwealth of Mordusia (Mordusia)
Seats[?] in Federal Parliament of Mordusia[?]: 0
Mordusian-Luthorian Association also known as Luthorian-Mordusian Association or MLA, is pro-Luthorian royalist party in Republic of Mordusia which seeks to restroe House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead to de-facto control of Mordusian throne. |
This party is not part of the national cabinet.
Political Positions
Ideology | Position | Visibility | Coherency |
Centralization | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Civil Rights | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Ecology | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Foreign Relations | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Government Responsibilities | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Market | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Military | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Morality | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Religion | unknown | close to none | perfect |
This party is a member of the following organizations:
Election Results
History Table
Month | Votes | Total Votes | Votes (%) | Votes (%) (+) | Seats | Total Seats | Seats (%) | Seats (+) |
April 5345 | 5,822,899 | 12,905,785 | 45.12 | +45.12 | 338 | 750 | 45.07 | +338 |
Relative Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.
Absolute Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.
National Graph
This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.
You can view the party's proposed bills here.
Legislative Agenda
This party has to vote on the following bills:
Voting Record
This is the voting[?] record of the Mordusian-Luthorian Association.
Bill | Created | Voting started | Vote | Bill Status | Result |
Economic Reform Act of 4360 | July 4360 | July 4360 | passed | ||
Centre-Right Cabinet Proposal | June 4360 | June 4360 | defeated | ||
Federal Reform Act 4360 | April 4360 | August 4360 | defeated | ||
Call for early elections, March 4360 | March 4360 | March 4360 | passed | ||
Abortion Reform Act. | February 4360 | June 4360 | defeated | ||
Sinclair-Sadiq Act | November 4359 | April 4361 | passed | ||
Budget Proposal of May 4359 (A New Deal for Mordusia) | May 4359 | September 4359 | passed | ||
Tax Moderation Act 4359 | May 4359 | September 4359 | passed | ||
Grand Coalition for Mordusia | May 4359 | May 4359 | defeated | ||
Cabinet Proposal of March 4359 | March 4359 | March 4359 | defeated | ||
Name Change Act | December 4358 | December 4358 | defeated | ||
Organ Donations | November 4358 | August 4359 | passed | ||
Cabinet Proposal of September 4358 | September 4358 | September 4358 | defeated | ||
Grand Coalition for Mordusia | August 4358 | August 4358 | defeated | ||
Call for early elections, August 4358 | August 4358 | August 4358 | defeated | ||
“Holy Quadrinity” Cabinet Proposal of August 4358 | August 4358 | August 4358 | defeated | ||
Tax Proposal of April 4358 | April 4358 | August 4358 | passed | ||
Cabinet Proposal of April 4358 | April 4358 | April 4358 | defeated | ||
Gender Identity Act | November 4357 | November 4357 | defeated | ||
Energy Act | November 4357 | November 4357 | passed |
Random fact: After 3 days (72 hours) your account will be inactivated by Moderation. If you want to be reactivated you can request reactivation located here: http://forum.particracy.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4360 |
Random quote: "We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice." - Friedrich August von Hayek |