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Party vir die Vryheid (PvdV)[?]

This page contains information about the Party vir die Vryheid (PvdV).

This party is inactive.


User[?]: benhol

Nation[?]: Federale Republiek van Seridjan (Saridan)

Seats[?] in Volksraad (People's Council)[?]: 0




The Freedom Party (PvdV), founded in February of 3436, is, though a recent development in Saridanian politics, an answer to the extremist religious policies instigated by the SFP. It is inspired by past Freedom Parties.


The PvdV was formed in February 3436. That same winter, numerous anti-fascist, liberal/libertarian intellectuals and merchants had formed armed militias and unarmed protest groups throughout Tasselstaat. In Vryburg-based lawyer Johan Van Graan's residence, representatives of these groups(some of which were paramilitary, others not), united to form the PvdV.

In the 3436 election, Johan van Graan was elected as the party's sole representative in the Heilige Vergadering(the word Holy/Heilige is in this context rejected by the PvdV).
Led in the Assembly by van Graan alone, the party proposed a series of reforms to the legislature, nearly all of which were rejected. Van Graan attempted to settle internal disputes in the party throughout his first term.

The election of 3441 was a huge success. The party became the largest in the Heilige Vergadering with 41 deputies, and fell short of becoming the largest in the popular vote by just a few hundred thousand votes.
The secular parties(the KKWP and the PvdV) had won a majority(albeit not a super majority), and after failing to establish a minority government on its own, the party turned to the KKWP. They became unlikely partners in a Reformist coalition, a coalition that reached consensus on many issues. Being a minority party did not suit the SFP, which by 3445 had started protesting the development fiercely. When the people voted for the status quo in the elections the following year, Prins Biskop Rupert Tolla resigned, dismantling the SFP in the process. Kanselier van Graan Government failed to pass constitutional reforms, due to a dispute about an amendment that said the President would have the power to chair his own cabinet. The PvdV quickly dissolved the Heilige Vergadering, and in the election, which was very hard fought and polarizing for the nation, the KKWP won a majority(although the PvdV received more votes nationally). Johan van Graan and all of the PvdV ministers resigned, and the relationship between the KKWP and the PvdV grew increasingly hostile.

The PvdV, now in opposition, criticized the KKWP for having shown, in Jaap Janssens' words, "an acute failure to lead" due to their no vote on the constutional reforms.

The PvdV had absorbed many of the anti-communist former supporters of the SFP. These new supporters were much more religious than the traditional base, and this influx strengthened the Reformist fraction substantially, while driving many of the Vryburg Liberals over to the KKWP. This explains the big loss in Tasselstaat.

About the PvdV:

The PvdV, founded as a congress of several groups (primarily in Tasselstaat), had always had a diverse base. Three distinct fractions within the party had their own motives for participation.

Merchants and businessmen from from Witburg(and increasingly Pietersburg) typically represented the Party's lassiez-faire approach to government and economic policies(calling themselves 'the Merchants'). This fraction is mostly led by Jaap Janssens, the CEO of 'Die Janssens/Monanto-Groep'( a very powerful multinational agro-business conglomerate)and a staunch free market capitalist.

Lawyers and Attorneys, led by Johan van Graan, constitute the party's major advocate group for human rights and individual liberty, the Vryburg Liberals. They are much more secularist than the Witbank and Pietersburg businessmen.

The perhaps most noisy fraction, albeit the least powerful one within the party, has been the religious conservative reformist fraction, the Reformists. They would like to see a less oppressive church, but oppose many of the socially liberal policy proposals(such as; legalizing homosexuality or worse yet, gay marriage; legalizing drugs or completely separating church and state) proposed by the Vryburg Liberals.

First and foremost, the PvdV is a party which seeks to ensure the human rights and freedoms of all Saridians. Although it recognizes the country's religious history, it is a semi-secularist party that calls for a greater separation of Church and State , which would in turn secure religious freedoms for all. Additionally, it promotes free trade and a small government. It seeks to reform the state, and make it a modern, functioning democracy.

The PvdV is a proponent of individual freedoms. It is a predominantly urban party(its stronghold being Tesselstaat). It seeks to modernize Saridan's Conservative Hosian culture*. The PvdV is not a radical or revolutionary party, simply a reformist one. It harbors many conservatives, who believe that any major changes should happen gradually.

*Controversial among Reformists.

Party Chairmen:
Johan van Graan , Vryburg Liberal, 3436-3441
Jaap Janssens, Pietersburg Merchant, 3441-


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationmoderate unitaristmoderateperfect
Civil Rightspermissive-leaningmoderateperfect
Ecologymoderate skepticclose to noneperfect
Foreign Relationsmoderate internationalistlimitedperfect
Government Responsibilitiesmoderate small governmentmoderateperfect
Marketmoderate laissez-fairemoderateperfect
Militaryunknownclose to noneperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
August 34361,112,05754,496,3222.04+2.0411010.99+1
August 344122,726,34657,557,08339.48+37.444110140.59+40
August 344621,272,91453,210,92239.98+0.494110140.59+0
July 344821,420,07342,657,70950.21+10.244810147.52+7
August 345322,845,49342,008,54154.38+4.175310152.48+5
August 345822,211,97127,433,82480.97+26.588110180.20+28
August 346317,281,43422,567,44176.58-4.397610175.25-5

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Party vir die Vryheid (PvdV).

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
In the army nowDecember 2868December 2868defeated
DecentralizationDecember 2868December 2868defeated
Religion revolutionDecember 2868December 2868passed
Nature 2870December 2868December 2868defeated
Free Nation IDecember 2868December 2868defeated
Intergration ActSeptember 2868December 2868defeated
Sales Tax IncreaseSeptember 2868December 2868defeated
Corporate Tax IncreaseSeptember 2868December 2868passed
Luxury Tax IncreaseSeptember 2868December 2868defeated
Cabinet Proposal of August 2868August 2868December 2868defeated
UPR Manifest Act IIIAugust 2867August 2867defeated
UPR Manifest Act IIAugust 2867August 2867defeated
UPR Manifest Act IAugust 2867August 2867defeated
KFC and WFC Compliance ActMay 2867September 2868passed
Import Tax BillSeptember 2866October 2867passed
Immigration BillSeptember 2866October 2867passed
Civil Liberties Freedom BillSeptember 2866March 2867passed
Ecology BillSeptember 2866December 2866passed
The "World Foundations Commitee" Proposal (Bill)December 2865August 2867passed
Election BillOctober 2865December 2866defeated

Random fact: Make sure your nation casts its nominations in Particracy's very own Security Council elections! For more information, see

Random quote: "Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom." - Friedrich Hayek

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