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Saiserist League[?]

This page contains information about the Saiserist League.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: jethro

Nation[?]: Respubliko de Zardujo (Zardugal)

Seats[?] in Federacia Parlamento (Federal Parliament)[?]: 0




Saiserist Symbol-

The Saiserist League was originally the brainchild of Daniel Vladimirovich Feterokov, and was originally called the Zardugal Revolutionary Socialist Party, founded in 2492. But hated Germans infiltrated the organization, and the ZRSP became weak and corrupt. But then Volodimir Saiser overthrew the rulers of the ZRSP and reinvented it as the Saiserist League in 1513, with himself as the first Saiser. the Saiserist League believes in:

*One-man rule, democracy being for the cowardly
*That it is the order of nature for the strong to survive off of the demise of the weak
*Militarism and the right of expansion
*That it is the order of nature for the man, being the stronger sex, to dominate women, the weaker
*That it is the order of nature for the Slavic race, being the strongest of all possible races, to subjugate the weaker ones
*Collectivization and the abolition of private property
*Undying vengeance against monarchists, capitalists, conservatives, reactionaries, liberals, democrats, and heretics
*Authoritarianism, nobody must step out of League line
*The State is greater than the individual

-5 Saiserist Truths
*Justice can be dictated
*Values can be dictated
*Truth can be dictated
*All reality is as the Saiser says it is
*Nobody questions the Saiser

Chairmans of the Revolutionary Socialist Party

Daniel Vladimirovich Feterokov 2492-2504
Natasha Danielovich Feterokov 2504-2509
Karl von Friedricht 2509-2513

Saisers of the Saiserist League:

Saiser Volodimir the Magnificent 2513-2528 (Volodimir Saiser)
Saiser Aleksandr I the Intelligent 2528-2547 (Aleksandr Naryshkin)
Saiser Volkovoi the Strong 2547-2564 (Volkovoi, is real name was erased form the records at his order)
Great Interregnum 2564-2567
Saiser Anisim the Devout 2567-2578 (Anisim Ryzhkov)
Saiser Mefodiy the Pious 2578 (Mefodiy Shubin)
Saiser Lev the Proud 2578-2583 (Lev Nazarov)
Saiser Aleksandr II the Forthright 2583-2587 (Aleksandr Fulmonoff)
Saiser Mstislav 2587-present


Saiserism as an Ideology:

The brainchild of Colonel Volodimir Saiser, at the time Second Secretary of the Revolutionary Socialist Party, Saiserism grew from his application of personal views and militaristic and autocratic themes to the philosophy of Revolutionary Socialism, though he continued to borrow a great many ideas and themes from the working of Karl Marx, and it soon grew into a Statist ideology all of its own.

Attempts to classify this philosophy of Volodimir Saiser's failed, for though it bore strong similarities to many other Statist ideologies, most closely Stalinism and Nuncirism, it did not match either of them, though it drifted substantially closer to Stalinist thinking, and thus was put into a Statist category all its own, Saiserism.

Saiserism is very much a Statist ideology, with the belief that the greater good for all can only be served and fulfilled if the State (meaning the small Saiserist ruling class and the Saiser in particular) has control over every aspect of the nation. To this extent the ideology bears much similarity with Stalinist Communism, advocating complete government control of all industries rather than allowing the free-market practices employed by more Fascistic regimes, but Saiserism has a notable difference from Communist ideology. Saiserism has no intention of renouncing the class system as it is classically known. The idea of "seperate but equal, except the Saiser", believing that a class structure must be employed to encourage efficiency both in productivity and how orders are carried out, keeping to the pyramid model, is deep in Saiserist thought. The principles of collectivism and shared economic benefits remain constant, but the Saiserists firmly hold onto the idea of a pyramid structure of class power, rather than class wealth.

Saiserism states that Unity is what is most important for a nation. As such Saiserism requires for the State to force, utilizing the army which must be under complete political control, the nation to worship one color (Silver in the case of the Saiserist League itself) one religion (always one that forces the worship of the nation itself, and either forces or allows the divine worship of the Saiser himself) and in general one school of thought. The State, and entity often referred to in Saiserist texts, is the ultimate ruling body, consisting of the Saiser, the absolute ruler, and a small circle of advisors and magnates advanced either from the Army or the Party.

From this, though, there arises the problem of where this one school of thought is to perpetually come from. As such, in every Saiserist organization there must be a Saiser, an absolute ruler whose authority and judgment must never be questioned and for whom any attempt to suvert their authority must be met by swift and decisive, and preferably public, punishment. All children of the nation should be taught from birth that the Saiser is absolutely never, ever wrong, and that all thought on their behalf is completely subserviet to the thought of the Saiser. Saiserism, however, unlike most autocratic ideologies, does not support hereditary rule, rather allowing every Saiser to designate their most capable successor with the only criteria being that it is not a close relative. This is the only restriction on the Saiser written into the Edicts Saiserica.

Another facet of Saiserism that sets it apart from most other Statist ideologies is its religiosity. Saiserism believes that any nation must have a single religion, either concocted by the State itself or adapted from an earlier one. It is accepted Saiserist dogma that religiosity is one of the best ways to keep a population in line and unified, and allows great energies of the populace to be channeled into working for the State, rather than channeling them into working against the State as atheistic Statist ideologies such as Communism have proven.

The complete treatise on Saiserism is the Edicts Saiserica, a twelve-volume set that explains every minute detail of Saiserist belief in an almst religious tone, with one additional volume devoted to predictions on the future of Saiserism with an analysis of what historical factors and precedents led to the rise of Saiserism. The first twelve volumes are publicly available and are widely promoted by the Saiserist League to help spread the truth of Saiserism, but Volume XIII~Stoletiya is highly protected and available only to committed League members who have served the League with sufficient dedication to get a permit from the Saiser allowing them access to Volume XIII. The Edicts Saiserica is ultimate result of years of labor on behalf of Volodimir Saiser and his closest advisor and friend, Aleksander Dmitriovich Naryshkin.

Volumes of the Edicts Saiserica:

Volume I~ Book of Proisozshdeniye
Volume II~ Book of Osnovniye Principi
Volume III~ Book of the Svyatoye Sobsheniye
Volume IV~ Book of Nenavist
Volume V~ Book of Svet
Volume VI~ Book of Ugroza Demokratov
Volume VII~ Book of Ugroza Liberalov
Volume VIII~ Book of Ugroza Aristokratov
Volume IX~ Book of Ugroza Eretikov
Volume X~ Book of Ugroza Rasistov
Volume XI~ Book of the Velikolepnoye Gosudarstvo
Volume XII~ Book of Liderstvo Saiserica

Volume XIII~ Stoletiya

Quotes that Don Our Saisers Office Walls (Not for Public Display):

“War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it.”
~Benito Mussolini

"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."
~Josef Stalin

"Make the deceit big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
~Adolf Hitler

"Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem."
~Josef Stalin

"Perfection spaws doctrine, dictators and totalitarian ideas."
~Antonio Tabucchi

"A claim for equality of material position or opportunity can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers."
~Friedrich August von Hayek

"Do you know that there are Slavics fighting down there, fighting against us? Why any member of the Great Race would stoop so low to attack their brothers in the name of liars and rats I will never comprehend."
~Our Beloved Founder Saiser Volodimir

"My brothers, words have failed, as I always said they would! It is true, that now is the time for blood and iron!"
~Our Beloved Founder Saiser Volodimir

Saiserist Agenda:

The constitutional right and responsibility to propose a cabinet to the legislature.
Only the Head of State can propose a cabinet coalition.

Government policy concerning granting citizenship.
Citizenship is granted based on race/religion/gender.

Structure of the Executive branch.
o The Head of State is also Head of Government.

Appointments and requirements for government employees.
Government employees are selected and appointed in a political way

Government-issued identity card policy.
All citizens are issued with identity cards and are required to carry them at all times.

The appointment of mayors
The Head of State oversees the appointment of all mayors.

Government policy concerning granting nationality. (national of this state without implication of having citizenship rights)
Only those born to nationals become nationals.

Racial and religious registration of nationals
All nationals are required to register their race and religion


The government's policy concerning biological and chemical weaponry.
The nation reserves the right to develop, construct and store biological and chemical weapons.

The government's policy concerning the use of chemical and biological weaponry in warfare.
The nation reserves the right to use chemical or biological weapons in warfare for any reason.

Civil Defence is the Government's policy on providing shelters to be used in the event of attacks on major cities, mainly nuclear attacks and bombing.
No new buildings may be constructed unless they feature provisions for Civil Defence.

The nation's Defence Industry.
The state owns all defence industries.

Military Stance on Homosexuality
Homosexuality is not tolerated in the military. The military actively seeks to remove homosexuals from it.

Nation's policy with regards to an intelligence agency.
The nation has an intelligence agency that is permitted by law to undertake all types of covert operations in other countries

Discrimination in the military on race/religious grounds
Candidates must be of a certain race/religion to have any place in the military.

The nation's policy on the separation of the police and the military
The military acts as a de-facto police force, with powers of arrest.

Military/National Service
All adults upon completion of schooling must serve a term in the military.

The government's policy concerning the use of nuclear weaponry in warfare.
The nation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in warfare for any reason.

The policy with respect to nuclear weaponry.
The nation reserves the right to develop, construct and store nuclear arms.

The government's policy regarding the treatment of prisoners of war.
Prisoners of war are enslaved.

The government's policy concerning the export of weapons to other nations.
The government allows all arms to be exported freely.

Women in the Military
Women have no place in the military.


The right to perform an abortion for a pregnant woman.
All abortions are illegal.

Government policy towards alcoholic beverages.
The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is outlawed.

Government policy on subsidising contraception.
o Contraceptives are banned for religious reasons.

The right to euthanasia.
Euthanasia is mandated for the old and sick

Food and beverage labeling regulations.
Companies must clearly label food and beverage products, in a manner that can be easily understood.

Listing of controversial ingredients (if food labelling is applied)
Any chemicals used in agrigulture or processing, and any Gentically Modified ingredients must be listed.

Scope of food ingredient labeling (if present).
All ingredients and corresponding nutritional information must be listed.

Food Safety policy.
The government introduces, and actively enforces, food standards provisions.

Licensing of Food Sales.
Food may be sold by licensed vendors only, and shelf lives of foods are enforced.

National Health Care policy.
Health care is entirely public and free; private clinics are banned.

Health and Safety legislation for this nation's industry.
The Government introduces and actively regulates health and safety legislation in all areas of Industry.

The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes.
The medicinal use of cannabis is illegal.

The government's policy concerning organ donations.
Organ donation is universal and compulsory.

Pharmaceutical drugs policy
The government pays for all citizens' pharmaceutical drugs.

The recreational drug policy.
Recreational drug use is forbidden.

Government policy towards smoking.
o Smoking is prohibited.

The funding of sports clubs.
o All sports clubs are government owned and run.

Sale of Tobacco products.
The sale of tobacco products is prohibited.

The government's stance on vaccinations.
The government mandates vaccination for all children.


The government's policy on advertising
Only governmental organisation advertising is permitted.

The banking system.
The government operates and owns all banks.

The government's policy concerning child labor.
Child labour is mandatory; all children must seek employment.

Tax percentage of the profit made by corporations.

The government's policy towards the daily working hours.
Daily working hours are regulated by the government.

Energy Regulation
Energy is provided by nationalised companies.

Sales tax on essential goods such as food and non-luxury clothing.

The government's policy towards fireworks
Fireworks of all sorts are illegal.

Employer's rights in regards to firing striking workers
Government approval is needed before strikers can be fired.

The government's policy regarding foreign investments.
Foreign investors need to obtain government approval for all investments in national companies.

The right to gamble.
Gambling is illegal.

Policy concerning industrial hemp.
Industrial hemp is illegal.

Government policy on industry and subsidies to industrial operations
All industry is owned and operated by the state

Government policy towards labor unions.
o Trade unions may exist and all workers must have membership in one.

Sales tax on luxury goods.

The nation's policy on minimum wage regulation.
o There shall be a minimum wage at a level considered a "living wage," well above the poverty line for a full time worker.

The government's policy concerning phone services.
Telephone lines are provided free of charge to all citizens.

The distribution, purchasing and possession of material depicting pornographic acts.
All forms of pornography are illegal.

Positive Discrimination
The government discriminates against minorities in its hiring.

The right for a person to prostitute himself or herself.
Prostitution is illegal.

Secondary Strike Action
Secondary strike action is illegal. Workers and unions can only go on strike for their own pay and conditions

The Government's position towards the stock exchange(s).
The Government owns the stock exchange(s).

The workers' right to strike.
All strikes are illegal.

Trade Union Strike Ballots
Trade Unions must by law hold a ballot of all members before going on strike, a majority of all members, regardless of if they vote or not must approve the strike action.

Government policy on the DWC ownership of business and industry
Democratic Workers' Councils are not permitted to run a business


The right to appeal against a judgement rendered by a court.
All judgements are final and binding; appealing against them is not possible.

The Government's position towards the administration of law.
o There are no courts, the Head of State will determine what's right or wrong.

Curfew policy. (Curfew time to be determined in the Bill description)
No-one may use streets or public property beyond the curfew time.

Government policy with respect to the death penalty.
The death penalty is applied to most minor and all major criminal offences.

The government's position towards the use of Forensic DNA databases.
o All citizens' DNA is recorded.

The terms of extradition.
The law bars the government from extraditing anyone who is a citizen of the state.

The government's policy concerning gated communities.
o The government sets up gated communities.

The government's stance on illegal aliens.
The government actively searches houses for illegal aliens and expels them from the country.

Government provision of legal aid to the accused.
Legal representation is never paid for by the state.

Malpractice suits.
Only a medical regulatory body can prosecute a doctor for malpractice.

Tort reform on non-civil lawsuits.
Lawsuits may only be filed to force the defendent to revise their actions.

National Police Department
There is a national police department, funded by the government.

The weapons used by police forces.
Police officers carry military-grade equipment.

The use of torture for obtaining information.
It is at the discretion of the police officer to torture suspects for information.

Education in prisons.
Prisoners are not given any form of education.

Prison policy concerning prisoner labor.
Able-bodied prisoners have to work during the day.


Charter School policy (free, privately run, publicly funded schools).
o Charter schools are not allowed.

Education for children under adult age.
Education is compulsory and has to happen at school.

The age until which students, if education were to be compulsary, are required to be educated (limited between 16 and 21).

Higher Education Institutions
The government maintains a system of universities, vocational schools, and colleges nationwide.

The regulation of higher education
The government does not allow private higher education institutions.

Higher Education Tuition Policy
The government fully subsidizes tuition.

Pre-School education.
The government maintains a system of free publically owned nursery and pre-school educational centres.

The education system.
Education is entirely public and free; private schools are banned.

Singing the national anthem in schools.
Children are made to sing the national anthem at the commencement of school each day.

Sexual Education in schools.
Schools should not educate students in sexual matters.

Educational testing policies in the public educational system.
Standardised testing is discouraged in favor of practical testing in the work field.

The teacher's right to discipline children.
Teachers may use corporal punishment at their discretion.


A national radio station subsidized by the government.
All radio stations are owned by the state.

A national television medium subsidized by the government.
All television stations are owned by the state.

Internet regulations.
The government runs it's own internet with government approved content only and no connection to the rest of the world.

The government's policy regarding regulation of media content.
It is forbidden to criticize the government, or publish any material that the government does not approve of.

International media content regulation.
International media content is banned.

The government's policy regarding sexually explicit material on broadcast television.
Nudity on television is banned.

The time at which sexually explicit content may be shown on broadcast television (if allowed).
Sexually explicit content or nudity may only be shown during hours that very few children watch television

The government's policy regarding regulation of video games.
All video games are prohibited.


Protection of original works of technology and arts.
o Technology and art are part of the commons and are not protected by copyright.

National Cultural and Historic Sites and Monuments.
o The State actively removes or modifies cultural and historical heritage which are considered "inappropriate", or if public interest so requires.

The governments policy towards the funding of libraries
The national government controls a vast and comprehensive system of public libraries.

Government regulation of the viewing of movies.
o Only government approved movies are allowed to be viewed.

The government's policy concerning museum funding.
o The national government maintains a system of museums nationwide.


The use of animals in cosmetics research.
o The use of animals to test cosmetic products is unregulated.

The research and development of pharmaceutical drugs
The government subsidizes research and development of prescription drugs and regulates their prices.

The use of animals in medical research.
There are no restrictions on the use of animals for research.


Government policy towards the cloning of human beings.
o Research in cloning technologies is legal, but regulated.

The government's stance on the source code of software.
o The government requires that all source be closed and owned by the government.

The patenting of software techniques.
o Software designs, techniques, formulae and algorithms cannot be patented

Government policy towards space exploration.
o The government shall fully fund a state-owned space agency which controls all national space-related activity.


The right to kill animals.
Killing animals is legal and unregulated.

The government's policy regarding the ownership of domesticated animals as pets.
o People must register domesticated animals with the national government.

The government's policy towards hunting endangered animals.
The government enforces no regulations.

The government's policy regarding the keeping of endangered animals.
Everyone may keep endangered animals, without any restrictions whatsoever.

The government's policy regarding the keeping of exotic animals.
Everyone may keep exotic animals, the trade in exotic animals is unregulated.

Forest Management.
There is a national agency which owns and manages all forest land.

The government's policy concerning forest protection.
The government promotes and subsidises forest clearance.

Government regulation of hunting.
Hunting and fishing is not regulated.

Government policy regarding a national park system.
The government outlaws designation of property for public parks.

Government regulation of pollution in industry.
Industrial pollution is not regulated by the government.

The government's policy concerning private cars.
Private cars are not allowed.

Government-sponsored recycling programs
There is no national policy regarding recycled garbage.

The government\'s policy on tree (re)planting.
The government discourages tree plantation.

Waste disposal responsibility.
Waste disposal is left entirely to the private sector and is unregulated.

Regulation of the quality of drinking water.
The government does not regulate the quality of drinking water.

The Government's stance on whaling.
Commercial whaling is legal and not subject to restrictions.

The government's policy regarding the keeping of wild animals as pets.
All wild animals may be kept as pets, without any restrictions or precautions whatsoever.


Government agricultural and farming subsidies policy.
All agricultural operations are state-owned and operated.

The government's policy concerning farm size.
Small farms are encouraged to merge together into larger ones.

Commercial Fishing Regulation
The fishing industry is nationalised, and the government sets production levels.

The government's policy concerning Genetically Modified Crops.
All activities related to production, selling or researching of GM crops are banned.

Government policy concerning the use of pesticides.
Chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are banned.

Civil liberties

The government's policy concerning adoption.
Adoption is strictly regulated by the government. Only by passing several tests and by following an intensive program applicants can adopt children.

The government's policy concerning who can proceed with adoption; in case adoption is legal.
o Only heterosexual couples may adopt children.

Racial segregation of public amenities (eg. drinking fountains, public toilets)
o All public amenities are segregated.

The citizens' right to assemble in public.
o The police may disperse a group without giving any reason.

The Government's policy regarding bestiality (performing sexual acts with animals).
o Bestiality is illegal.

Weapon concealment
o Any legal weapon may be concealed when carried.

Crossdressing (dressing like the opposite sex) policy.
o Crossdressing is prohibited by the state.

The legality of divorces.
o Divorces are prohibited.

The government's policy regarding the initiation of divorces. (if allowed)
o Only male partners may initiate a divorce

National policy regarding the desecration of the national flag.
The national flag may not be desecrated or used for commercial purposes.

The government's policy regarding foreign marriages.
o No foreign marriages are recognised.

Ownership of guns by private individuals.
o Ownership of firearms is mandatory for all adults.

Government recognition of interracial marriages (if marriages are recognised)
o Any form of unofficial interracial marriage or civil union is banned.

The legality of interracial sex
o Interracial sex is completely illegal.

The confidentiality of letters and correspondence.
o The confidentiality of letters is not inviolable.

Libel laws.
o Individuals may over all defamatory remarks printed about them, even truthful ones

Government policy toward marriage.
The government only recognises civil marriages between a man and a woman.

The government's policy on public nudity
Public nudity is illegal and prosecuted as a civil offence

The government's policy concerning parental qualifications.
The state raises all children in state institutions.

The government's stance on population control:
The government actively promotes population growth.

Right to Privacy.
The government has the right to monitor information of individuals without letting them know.

Displays of public affection and obscenity laws.
All public displays of affection are illegal.

Policy concerning racial segregation in educational institutions.
All educational institutions must be segregated.

Slander laws.
Individuals may sue over all defamatory remarks spoken about them, even truthful ones.

Application of libel and slander laws
Libel and slander laws apply only to claims about public figures.

The legality of slavery.
Slavery and the slave trade is allowed.

Legality of Sodomy
Sexual relations are only legal for procreation.

Weapons allowed to private citizens
Citizens may own any type of weapon. They may be carried anywhere except as determined by the property owner.

Women's working rights.
Women are not allowed to work. The State requires them to stay at home.

Foreign policy

The government's policy regarding foreign embassies.
The government does not allow foreign embassies.

Travel by nationals to foreign nations
The nation does not issue passports to any nationals, except on specific authorisation of the Foreign Minister.

Government policy concerning immigration.
No foreigners are permitted to reside permanently in this nation.

Government policy towards giving aid to foreign countries.
The government never offers international aid

International Trade (This is a default in the absense of a specific free trade agreement or specific trade embargo)
The nation allows for imports, but imposes protectionist tariffs and quotas on all imports

The national refugee policy.
No refugees are allowed to enter the country.

Travel by foreigners to the nation
The nation does not allow any visitors unless a specific permit is authorized by the Foreign Minister.


Eminent Domain.
The government may seize private property for any reason.

Eminent Domain compensation. (if Eminent Domain is legal)
The government does not compensate victims of eminent domain.

Government policy on energy generation.
All power stations are publically owned.

Government policy on the nation's power grid.
The national grid is fully owned by the State.

National Fire Department
There is a national fire department, funded by the government.

Government policy on nuclear power
The government requires most energy to be generated by nuclear power

The government's policy concerning the post office
There is a nationalised post office agency in the nation. Private ones are banned.

Funding of public transport (where applicable)
Public transport is fully subsidised by the government.

Renewable energy sources (eg. solar power, wind power)
No research into renewable energy is permitted

The government policy regarding housing.
The State owns and maintains all housing.

Train Operating Companies (TOC).
There is a single publicly owned national train operating company.


The government's policy regarding Child Benefit.
The State guarantees child benefit to all families.

Guarantee of minimum income.
There shall be no direct cash payments to individuals to guarantee a minimum income.

The government's policy concerning the pension system.
Pensions are illegal, and retirements are banned. Individuals must work until point of total and permanent physical exhaustion.


The Government policy concerning the visitation of foreign missionaries.
Foreign missionaries are not permitted to enter the nation.

The State's intervention in the appointment of ministers of religion.
o The State appoints the heads and other ministers of religions.

Government policy towards evangelism and religious advertising.
o Religions are required to obtain government approval before promoting themselves or advertising in any manner.

Taxation of religious institutions.
o Recognized religions are not taxed.

The State's policy concerning religious clothing.
o People are required to dress according to religious codes

The governments stance on religious schools
o All schools are required to be religious in nature.

Remuneration of ministers of religion.
o The salaries and pensions of ministers of religion shall be borne by the State and regulated by the law.

The government policy with respect to prayer in schools.
o Teacher-led prayers are mandatory in schools.

Government policy concerning religions.
o There is an official state religion, and membership is mandatory.
Saiser League Anthem:
Saiser se Serebro, Stali y Sili (Saiser is Silver, Steel and Strength)

Serebro se tsvet sili
Saiser se chelovik sili
Ve stali mi nahodim nashi dushi
Mi sokrushim vsyo oppozitsio
Nashi vragi sbegiut
Y lideri umriut
Mir nizshe nashi botinok
Pomestitye podlyudei chtobi rabotat
Dlya bolshei slavi Slavyanskoi etnicheskoi prinadlezshnosti
Pod Gosudarstvom y Vechnim Saiser

Pozvolte ulibke Zardugala na nas
Poskolku nasha stal zvonit poperek vsego mira
Poskolku krov yazichnika prolita k osnovaniyu
Ve techeniye dnya mi obedineni y chisti
Tolko nash Vechni Saiser budet videt nas k tomu dnyi
Nasha chest y hrabrost nikogda ne dolzhni vizivat somneniye
Ni nasha bessmertnaya loyalnost k Zardugal
Nikto ne budet stoyat na nashem puti
Pozvolte serebryanomu koltsu slov poperek zemli
Pozvolte kandalam svobodi bit slomannimu
Pod Gosudarstvom y Vechnim Saiser

Mi prizivaem ko vsemu Slavyanom Zemli
Uchastvovat v nashei bolshoi prichine
Deti zavtra dolzhni pet balladi
Iz nashih mogushchestvennih zavoevanni y del
Sdelanni ot imeni Zardugala
Sdelanni dlya Svyatogo Posilnogo na Zemle
Stari Svet budet goret ve zolotom ogne
Ctal dolzhna razorat stariye misli otdelno
Serebro moglo bi bit ustanavlivat novi zakaz
Vse ugli mira
Vse glaza Vechnogo Saisera padaet na
Budet pri Gosudarstvennom y Vechnom Saiser


Silver is the color of strength
Saiser is the man of strength
In steel we find our souls
We will crush all opposition
Our enemies will flee
Their leaders will die
The world is beneath our boots
Put the subhumans to work
For the greater glory of the Slavic ethnicity
Until all are free and equal
Under the State and Eternal Saiser

Let Zardugala smile upon us
As our steel rings across all the world
As the blood of the heathen is spilt to the ground
For the day we are unified and pure
Only our Eternal Saiser will see us to that day
Our honor and courage must never be in doubt
Nor our undying loyalty to Zardugal
Nobody will stand in our way
Our divine mission will go on
Let silver words ring across the land
Let the shackles of liberty be broken
Under the State and Eternal Saiser

We call to all the Slavics of Terra
To join in our great cause
The children of tomorrow shall sing ballads
Of our mighty conquests and deeds
Done in the name of Zardugala
Done for the Holy Messenger on Terra
The old world will burn in golden flames
Steel shall rend old thoughts asunder
Silver might shall erect a new order
All the corners of the world
Everything the Eternal Saiser’s eyes fall upon
Shall be under the State and Eternal Saiser


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationconvinced unitaristexcellentperfect
Civil Rightsfanatical restrictiveexcellentperfect
Ecologyextreme skepticexcellentperfect
Foreign Relationsfanatical isolationistexcellentperfect
Government Responsibilitiesmoderate big governmentexcellentperfect
Marketconvinced regulatorexcellentperfect
Militaryconvinced militaristexcellentperfect
Moralityextreme conservativeexcellentperfect
Religionmoderate religiousexcellentperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
December 249287,39796,192,3460.09+0.0904010.00+0
November 249327,55090,115,1110.03-0.0604010.00+0
November 249719,682,29591,363,41621.54+21.518440120.95+84
July 249920,017,761102,584,51219.51-2.037740119.20-7
July 250320,223,092105,525,13019.16-0.357540118.70-2
October 250421,322,909110,765,00419.25+0.097740119.20+2
October 250815,620,296105,157,08814.85-4.406040114.96-17
March 250917,166,239112,496,06115.26+0.416140115.21+1
March 251311,946,541116,600,59110.25-5.014140110.22-20
March 251716,904,557116,990,80714.45+4.205740114.21+16
May 251717,415,818115,999,66015.01+0.565940114.71+2
May 252115,598,762118,857,96713.12-1.895140112.72-8
May 252525,679,151117,101,92121.93+8.818840121.95+37
May 252931,029,309122,140,88625.40+3.4810340125.69+15
May 253324,388,725123,294,25419.78-5.628140120.20-22
June 253522,699,133120,786,70418.79-0.997740119.20-4
June 253926,573,858119,879,05422.17+3.378940122.19+12
August 253925,908,641116,248,96122.29+0.128940122.19+0
August 254332,374,068125,925,87525.71+3.4210340125.69+14
August 254731,739,457135,056,40923.50-2.219540123.69-8
August 255133,605,248135,830,35824.74+1.2415060025.00+55
August 255532,448,790129,410,92325.07+0.3315260025.33+2
August 255930,724,386137,102,87622.41-2.6613660022.67-16
August 256328,692,361132,222,92021.70-0.7113160021.83-5
August 256727,428,365130,117,47121.08-0.6212660021.00-5
August 257133,341,770132,057,80025.25+4.1715360025.50+27
August 257528,262,191134,198,52221.06-4.1912960021.50-24
August 257928,403,932137,872,12920.60-0.4612660021.00-3
January 258029,597,383117,422,53325.21+4.6015460025.67+28
January 258423,229,782134,413,39417.28-7.9210560017.50-49
January 258824,353,513136,842,24117.80+0.5110760017.83+2

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Saiserist League.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
Disarming ZardugalSeptember 3644September 3644passed
Ratification of the Treaty of SebastoJuly 3644July 3644passed
Call for early elections, May 3644May 3644May 3644passed
Ratification of the Treaty of SebastoSeptember 3642September 3642defeated
Ratification of the Treaty of SebastoJanuary 3642January 3642defeated
Ratification of the Treaty of SebastoMay 3641May 3641defeated
Cabinet Proposal of July 3640July 3640July 3640passed
Call for early elections, June 3640June 3640June 3640passed
Character TransferMay 3638May 3638passed
Authorisation of Force against Traitor HeraklitoApril 3637April 3637passed
Call for early elections, November 3635November 3635November 3635passed
Cabinet Proposal of November 3635November 3635November 3635passed
Treaty of BaofluzNovember 3632November 3632passed
Intervention in VanukuJuly 3632July 3632passed
Polygamy ActFebruary 3632February 3632passed
War Effort ActFebruary 3632February 3632passed
Civil Service Expansion ActMarch 3629March 3629passed
Call for early elections, August 3627August 3627August 3627passed
Ratification of the Treaty of GongmangdoDecember 3626December 3626defeated
Omnibus ReformFebruary 3626February 3626passed

Random fact: The influence a bill has on elections decreases over time, until it eventually is no longer relevant. This can explain shifts in your party's position to the electorate and your visibility.

Random quote: "I believe that guns don't kill people, husbands that come home early do." - Larry the Cable Guy

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