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Kirlawa-Luthori Friendship and Collaboration Treaty

This treaty was drafted in October 5490 by the Conservative Party.

Status: ratification[?]


The Holy Luthori Empire, represented by His Majesty's Government and its successors states (henceforth known as Luthori) and the Poblacht na Choiarlabhan (henceforth known as Kirlawa) and its successor states have entered, under there own free will, this treaty as a sign of closer friendship, mutual interest, and desire to benefit their respectives nations/peoples. Therefore, the two nations have agreed on the following, legally binding articles.

I. Mutual Sovereignty
A. Luthori and Kirlawa recognize one another's territorial integrity and consider it inviolable in accordance with World Congress Security Council Resolution 88.
B. Both countries will not interfere in one another internal affairs in accordance with World Congress Security Council Resolution 88 and the Declaration of Natural Human Rights (World Congress Security Council Resolution 100).
C. Both countries respect each other's governance systems, religions, cultures, and other characteristics that make each country unique.

II. Diplomatic Relations
A. Luthori and Kirlawa will maintain embassies in each other's respective capitals.
B. Consulates outside the capital may be established based on mutual consent.
C. Both countries' diplomats and diplomatic posts shall be granted sovereign immunity.
D. Diplomats may be expelled or declared persona non grata in accordance with diplomatic custom.
E. His Majesty, the Emperor of Luthori will confer upon the head of state a ceremonial presents as a sign of friendship.

III. Foreign Policy
A. Luthori and Kirlawa will form working groups on issues of mutual interest and concern, including in areas of mutual disagreement, to foster positive, win-win solutions.
B. If conditions allow, both countries will endeavor to establish a high-level dialogue to take place annually and alternating between each country as the host to further deepen diplomatic ties and address mutual interests.
C. Where possible, both countries will coordinate their foreign policies to to avoid harming one another's national interests.
D. A permanent state of neutrality will exist between both countries.

IV. Trade and Investment
A. Luthori and Kirlawa will place no tariff, fee, or any other regulatory hindrance on their trade in goods and services.
B. Both countries will allow free investment in one another's markets, with investors treated as if they were nationals.
C. Both countries will treat one another's corporate entities (private, public, and state-owned) and investors as if they were nationals.
D. Trade and investment restrictions for morality or national security reasons are acceptable, but both parties will enter consultations to provide adequate explanation of positions, laws, regulations, and/or any other matters to minimally disrupt trade.
E. Any disputes arising from any alleged violations of this section will be resolved by the two parties via mutual consultations.
F. Failure to resolve said disputes will result in arbitration via a World Congress-appointed body.

V. Culture
A. Luthori and Kirlawa will allow free exchange of cultural goods and services, including but not limited to art exhibitions, concerts, festivals, film screenings, lectures, and religious services.
B. Both countries will establish a museum exchange program to allow items of significant cultural importance to be placed on loan at one another's museums.
C. Both countries will treat each other's students as if they were nationals for the purpose of education and not discriminate when it comes to access or tuition.
D. Both countries will establish a scholarship program to fund 100 of one another's students to attend university and seek to mold them into future leaders for their relationship.
E. Both countries will create an educational exchange program to allow 25 of each country's top academics to study at a university of their choice as a visiting scholar for one year, renewable up to five years.
F. Both countries will create a people-to-people exchange program to encompass national cohorts from the upper (higher) school, university, post-graduate school, and professional levels - with each cohort consisting of 20 individuals - to visit each other's countries for a period of two weeks (one week in each country), whereby the cohorts will meet with national, cultural, and education leaders and undergo deep language and cultural experience to improve cultural understanding.
G. Both countries will ensure courses on each other’s language, history, culture, religion are taught at the upper, university, and post-graduate school levels.
H. Both countries will establish a library and/or a literature exchange program where translations of fundamental texts will be funded, loaned, exchanged, and published.
I. Both countries will allow their respective media organizations to operate freely in the country - with only exceptions being national security.

VI. Ratification and Modification
A. This treaty will be ratified according to the respective legal procedures of Luthori and Kirlawa.
B. Modifications to this treaty will be based on mutual consultations, with new articles ratified in accordance with VI. A.
C. Should either party seek to exit this treaty, the exiting party will provide a notification of no less than 12 months to allow sufficient time for renegotiations and/or consultations.

Signed by:

Mr. Andrew Meyer
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Ciaran Fitzhugh
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kirlawa.


The treaty consists of the following articles.


The treaty has been formally ratified by the following nations.

Holy Luthorian Empire (Luthori)October 5494
Poblacht na Choiarlabhan (Kirlawa)August 5493

Pending Ratifications


The treaty contains no articles that can be verified.


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Ratification Map

Ratification Map

Random fact: When your party holds the foreign affairs department, you can create new treaties. However, before writing anything new, it is a good idea to search for existing treaties which already accomplish what you desire.

Random quote: "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." - Native American proverb

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