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Bill: Prostitution Act
Submitted by[?]: New Democratic Party
Status[?]: defeated
Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.
Voting deadline: July 2038
WHEREAS a significant amount of criminal activity is associated with illegal prostitution, and, CONCERNED by the power the illegality of prostitution gives criminals over prostitues who may be abused or forced to work in the profession, NOW THEREFORE, the Parliament of Ikradon DECIDES to make prostitution legal and to regulate all prostitutes and brothels in order to ensure greater safety for those engaged in such employment and remove the criminal element currently profiting from the business. |
Article 1
Proposal[?] to change The right for a person to prostitute himself or herself.
Old value:: Prostitution is legal but not recognized under government employment regulation policy.
Current: Prostitution is illegal.
Proposed: Prostitution is legal and a recognized profession.
These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:
Date | not recorded | From | Irkan Tomorrow Cabal | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | THE OUTRAGE! |
Date | not recorded | From | Socialist Party of Ikradon | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | The Socialist Party strongly opposes this piece of legislature. We will never support legislature that encourages increased buying and selling of humans - something that should never be a part of a civilized society. Furthermore, we do definately not believe that the best way to combat a problem is to encourage it... |
Date | not recorded | From | Democratic Socialist Party | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | We believe that, as much as we would hope it to happend, protitution will never disappear from Ikradon or any other nation. Accepting this, we feel it is better to give the state ways to control prostitution better by this bill, rather than keep it illegal and without control. |
Date | not recorded | From | Progressive Pragmatists | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | Our party supports this bill but would rather have prostitutes given offical status. As for the Socialist parties comments, it is not the buying and selling of human beings but the buying and selling of services (in this case sex). When Prostitution is illegal prostitutes enjoy little protection from violence, the money made leaves the econemy and goes to the black market, and it being illegal and unofical makes it so theres no way by which the government can regulate it for the prevention of sexualy transmented disease (condems manditory, monthly SDT tests). Prostitution has been illegal for centuries and it has not goen away. Lets just do what is the lesser of evils... |
Date | not recorded | From | Progressive Evolution Party | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | PEP would only favor measures that either banned or fully recognized this institution so as to be certain it is fully and carefully regulated. We will not accept this piecemeal legislation under any terms. |
Date | not recorded | From | New Democratic Party | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | The objections are noted and the bill has been changed accordingly. |
Date | not recorded | From | Progressive Evolution Party | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | Given the lack of appropriate regulation of the industy incorporated into this bill to demand and ensure the safety of sex workers, we vote NAY. Again, piecemeal legislation is entirely unacceptable. |
Date | not recorded | From | Irkan Tomorrow Cabal | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas ut nisl ac nunc tristique dictum. Etiam ut felis. Maecenas in velit non tellus porta consectetuer. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam venenatis. Aliquam sem nulla, viverra ac, porttitor at, cursus vel, dolor. In feugiat mollis turpis. Nam non nunc non neque condimentum commodo. Duis et dolor. Donec vitae sem. Sed erat. Ut vitae libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis nisl eget augue. Nunc auctor, nisl vitae scelerisque tempus, nibh dolor auctor eros, vel pretium ante mi eu justo. Maecenas at quam. Morbi auctor, wisi non congue fringilla, erat turpis semper pede, id lobortis elit metus at lacus. Aliquam quis lorem a purus convallis dapibus. Ut ante justo, laoreet non, consectetuer id, pretium quis, wisi. Nullam massa. Morbi rhoncus nisl a nulla. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris purus metus, bibendum non, commodo quis, rutrum ut, enim. Pellentesque laoreet, dui ut vestibulum laoreet, dui purus ornare mi, sed rutrum urna ligula a purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur consectetuer risus quis pede. Nam massa pede, auctor quis, blandit ac, luctus a, elit. Fusce id nunc quis libero consequat euismod. Fusce ipsum neque, vulputate quis, bibendum et, mattis a, metus. Vivamus tristique accumsan dolor. Vestibulum tincidunt, ante at tempor bibendum, lacus lacus venenatis tellus, id adipiscing tortor augue at tortor. Sed sagittis. Cras cursus lectus ac ante blandit facilisis. Aliquam scelerisque velit vitae metus. Integer mollis dapibus lorem. Cras sapien turpis, faucibus eu, fermentum a, ullamcorper at, lacus. Praesent dui erat, mollis sed, ultricies sodales, mollis et, mi. Vestibulum ut enim. Proin imperdiet nulla et erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec massa. Aenean ultricies mauris at quam congue egestas. Morbi justo. Nulla facilisi. Nam placerat, ante at hendrerit auctor, risus risus sollicitudin arcu, id varius lorem arcu vel wisi. Nulla est. Vestibulum ut ligula. Suspendisse ac diam. Suspendisse quis tellus eu mauris ullamcorper luctus. Quisque diam tortor, tempus sit amet, egestas ac, sollicitudin eget, mauris. Praesent fermentum. Fusce vulputate molestie lacus. Fusce et neque. Phasellus non augue. Proin neque lacus, aliquam ac, nonummy nec, posuere dictum, tortor. Etiam sed enim in elit ullamcorper pulvinar. Quisque blandit fermentum odio. Proin sagittis tellus sed enim. Maecenas quam tellus, aliquet in, iaculis non, malesuada vitae, nisl. Mauris auctor. Quisque dapibus. Nunc diam. Aliquam sit amet felis. Suspendisse tortor. Fusce ullamcorper accumsan ligula. Vestibulum suscipit erat. Nulla mi. Donec molestie. Curabitur egestas porta nisl. Maecenas hendrerit tristique libero. Sed in ante. |
Date | not recorded | From | Progressive Pragmatists | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | If one is going to post, please post something coherent... |
Date | not recorded | From | New Democratic Party | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | "DECIDES to make prostitution legal and to regulate all prostitutes and brothels" Is this inadequate for the PEP? If so, what would they prefer? |
Date | not recorded | From | Progressive Pragmatists | To | Debating the Prostitution Act |
Message | Great, another dead-lock... |
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Vote | Seats | |||
yes | Total Seats: 50 | |||
no | Total Seats: 50 | |||
abstain | Total Seats: 0 |
Random fact: Cultural Protocol bills must provide a real-life equivalent or short description for the ethnic groups, languages and religions contained in them, such that it would be easy for an unfamiliar player to understand (e.g. "Dundorfian = German"). Where appropriate, they should also provide guidance to players on where to find help with translations and character names. This might include, for example, links to Google Translate, Behind the Name's Random Name Generator and Fantasy Name Generators. |
Random quote: "The goal of life is living in agreement with nature." Zeno (335 BC - 264 BC), from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers |