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Bill: Pdl 01/5013 - On the name "Quanzar": remembering the sufferings of the regimes of the Quanzar and how inappropriate the use of this term shall be


Submitted by[?]: Fiamma Blu - Alleanza Istaliana

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: November 5103


Mme/Mr President,
it is time to finally re-establish what the term "Quanzar" means for the istalians and what memories of suffering the regimes that used that name have left in our people!

We have to reaffirm this: the use or adoption or even the mention of the term "Quanzar" is an insult to the memory of our fathers and of those who died for their liberty and identity.The term "Quanzar" for the istalians has meant and should meant oppression and cultural eradication.

These are the historical references about what Quanzar means for our country:
The conquest of the istalian lands of mostly selucian and augustan heritage by part of a majatran empire, the Empire of Quanzar, which did everything to majatranize our lands and our people because of the fierce opposition to this foreign domination. Not even the great Ahmadi Califate was able to suppress our ancestral culture or whip out our ancestral religion and in this part of Majatra we were among the few people that were able to fully keep their identity.

Quanzar was the name of the Emirate established in the peninsula, last remnants of the once mighty Empire of Quanzar, who in 1958 conquered the first veritable istalian nation, the Kingdom of Istalia, and which for more than 2 centuries ruled on our country trying to eradicate our culture. The emirate wasn't able to do so, nor the Union of the Quanzarian Soviet, socialist successor state of the Emirate still lead by the minoritarian majatran leadership.

After the Istalians were able to retake control of their own country, the istalians regimes, the first 3 Istalian Republics, for most of their lives fully democratic regimes, were suppressed for 3 times by foreign and minoritarian forces which adopted the term Quanzar as a form of derision against the Istalians and that imposed to us authoritarian regimes led by the infamous Kings of the House of Hessex, solentian branch of the House of Kansar, hosianized and luthoranized descendants of the Quanzar emirs.

These are the proofs: -

Those who used the term Quanzar centuries and millennia ago are the ones responsible of the imposition over our people of authoritarian and not at all democratic regimes and which tried everything to eradicate our culture, persecuting istalians ideals and form of political aggregations (, even banning the use of our own language persecuting and deporting our people and even stripping children from their families ( This is the true Quanzar legacy.

The last century the term Quanzar was once again used to try to destroy our culture and our identity and it was used to tarnish the memory of centuries of pride and struggle, to tarnish the memory of those who made great our country and that defended first of all liberty, rights and democracy.

For this reason the term Quanzar shall be considered as a inappropriate term to be used in our country and this shall be reaffirmed in official texts, books, historical records and so on. We have to put an end to the brainwashing of our children to whom for a century it was taught that the term Quanzar is something part of a benevolent history.

Any reference to the term Quanzar shall be considered shameful like all those references about regimes and political ideologies like nazism, fascism, archonism, pan-terranism, and so on.

- Oreste Margheriti, BF



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date18:25:26, April 13, 2022 CET
FromPartito Popolare Osiano
ToDebating the Pdl 01/5013 - On the name "Quanzar": remembering the sufferings of the regimes of the Quanzar and how inappropriate the use of this term shall be
MessageWe can vote in favor of this however we saw the proposed law still in debate about the crime. Of apology and we fear that it could be a little too extreme. Can FB better specify its motivations about?
Ferdinando Rumor

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