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| Details | Ministries | Political Positions | Affiliations | Election Results | Legislation | Legislative Agenda | Voting Record | Actions | Messages |
Demokrātiskā Strādnieku Partija[?]
This page contains information about the Demokrātiskā Strādnieku Partija.
This party is inactive.
Nation[?]: Dolgavas Impērija / Dolgavan Empire (Dolgava)
Seats[?] in Dolgavas impērijas parlaments (Imperial Dolgavan Parliament)[?]: 0
Demokrātiskā Strādnieku Partija / Democratic Workers' Party DSP / DWP * Formed: 2884 * Ideology: Communism, Marxism-Leninism * General Secretary (HOS Candidate): 2884-2888 Sultanmahmut Nurmagambetov 2987- Rūdolfs Mīlenbahs * Parliamentary Leader (HOG Candidate): 2987- Stanislavs Vācietis * Head of State: 2885-2888 Sultanmahmut Nurmagambetov 2988- Rūdolfs Mīlenbahs * Head of Government: * |
This party is not part of the national cabinet.
Political Positions
Ideology | Position | Visibility | Coherency |
Centralization | unitarist-leaning | moderate | perfect |
Civil Rights | restrictive-leaning | moderate | perfect |
Ecology | convinced skeptic | close to none | perfect |
Foreign Relations | isolationist-leaning | limited | perfect |
Government Responsibilities | moderate big government | excellent | perfect |
Market | regulator-leaning | moderate | perfect |
Military | extreme militarist | moderate | perfect |
Morality | unknown | close to none | perfect |
Religion | convinced secular | limited | perfect |
This party is a member of the following organizations:
Election Results
History Table
Month | Votes | Total Votes | Votes (%) | Votes (%) (+) | Seats | Total Seats | Seats (%) | Seats (+) |
April 2885 | 197,308,759 | 197,542,361 | 99.88 | +99.88 | 500 | 500 | 100.00 | +500 |
December 2923 | 107,095,085 | 218,796,014 | 48.95 | -50.93 | 49 | 99 | 49.49 | -451 |
January 2988 | 33,898,241 | 129,155,273 | 26.25 | -22.70 | 71 | 199 | 35.68 | +22 |
Relative Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.
Absolute Graph
This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.
National Graph
This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.
You can view the party's proposed bills here.
Legislative Agenda
This party has to vote on the following bills:
Voting Record
This is the voting[?] record of the Demokrātiskā Strādnieku Partija.
Random fact: In cases where a party has no seat, the default presumption should be that the party is able to contribute to debates in the legislature due to one of its members winning a seat at a by-election. However, players may collectively improvise arrangements of their own to provide a satisfying explanation for how parties with no seats in the legislature can speak and vote there. |
Random quote: "Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are like us." Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are not like us." Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction." - Charles R. Magel |