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Party Legislation
These are the bills[?] that have been proposed by the Selucian Nationalist Party.
- Internationalist Act
- Econ Reform
- Gun Ownership Act
- Controversial Foods Act
- Anti-Cult Education Act
- Local Nuclear Power Act
- Citizenship Act
- Private Property Protection Act
- Police Arms Act
- Illegal Aliens Act
- Anti-Drug Act
- Private Health Care Act
- Post Office Privatization
- Cloning Ban
- Contraception Cutback Act
- Laissez Faire Act
- Local Higher Education Act
- Sherman Private Power Act
- No Public Housing Act
- Cloning Ban (II)
- Chemical/Biological Weapons Act
- No Whores Act
- Private Adoption Act
- Regulated Post Office Privatization
- National Citizenship Act
- Call for early elections, July 2157
- No Cap Act (II)
- Commons Act (Part I)
- Call for early elections, January 2164
- Cabinet Proposal of May 2165
- HoS Powers Act
- Pet Freedom Act
- Rx Drug Reform
- A New Birth-Confederacy Act
- Housing Act
- Head of State Act
- Universal National Animal Act
- Informed Consumer Act
- No Cap Act
- Private Media Act
- Anti-Animal Research ACt
- Human Cloning Ban
- Aid Act
- Private Property Protection Act
- Cabinet Proposal of April 2182
- Final (Hopefully) Animal Act
- National Sport Act
- National Motto Act
- I.D. Requirement Act
- Mayoral Appointment Act
- Nationality Act
- Sodomy Ban
- Women out of the Military Act
- Centralized Economy
- Civil Liberties Repeal
- Religion Introduction Act
- Seat Adjustment Act
- Call for early elections, April 2184
- Cause for Strike Act
- Motto Act
- Motto Act (Binding One)
- Private Property Protection Act II
- Laissez Faire Act (II)
- No Pub(l)ic housing Act (II)
- HoS Powers Act
- SNP Adoption Act
- SNP Equal Opportunity Immigration Act
- SNP Gambling Act
- Crossdressing Allowance Act
- National Unity Motto Act
- Call for early elections, July 2190
- Arms Case Act
- Anti-Drug Act
Random fact: Google Translate can help you with those language translations: https://translate.google.com/ |
Random quote: "I am loyal to the ideas, not to the institutions." - Cyro Aquila, former Selucian politician |