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Social Progressive Party of Mordusia[?]

This page contains information about the Social Progressive Party of Mordusia.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: WPS

Nation[?]: Commonwealth of Mordusia (Mordusia)

Seats[?] in National Parliament || The Senate and The Assembly[?]: 0




Preliminary Platform of the Social Progressive Party
Adopted October 3321

The Social Progressive Party of Mordusia has preliminarily adopted the following brief platform. We will meet in one year to hash out a more complete platform.

1) We are fundamentally an anti-capitalist Party. Our primary focus is to abolish capitalism and replace it with a dual system of public and private sectors. In this we maintain connections with our political predecessors.

2) We are fundamentally leftist, and advocate civil liberties for minority populations. But we also advocate universalization of social services.

3) We are fundamentally committed to the re-establishment of the National Service Program and the end of all government contracts, subsidies, and tax breaks to the private sector.

4) We are fundamentally a pacifist Party, advocating peace, neutrality and disarmament in Mordusian Foreign Policy.

5) We are fundamentally an environmentalist Party, advocating restrictions on industrial and residential pollution, environmentally clean energy and a sustainable ecology.

6) We are for expansion of the public sector to include social welfare for all citizens from cradle to grave. If we are required to raise taxes to pay for the programs, we will do so, but the SPP will not hesitate to cut spending in accord with our other platform planks to pay for the programs we advocate.

7) We are fundamentally uncompromising with regard to the advancement of socialism in Mordusia. We will make whatever deals we can to accomplish this goal, and we will stand firm on defense of the programs we advocate, unless it is shown definitively that those programs no longer work. We will not help other parties undermine the advances that society makes.

8) We are fundamentally revolutionary Party, which aims at a radical transformation not only in who rules, but how government operates in the society. We have become convinced that the status quo is broken: strong governing coalitions have no appeared. There have been no blocs rise with the power to actually move a large scale agenda. We aim to change that. We seek to include the voices of the people in our decision making and will open plebiscites across the country to help us decide which bills to advance and which ways to vote.

9) We are a fundamentally secular Party. While we seek to re-establish our historical links with the MYM, we seek to build a solid wall between religion, which is a purely private and personal matter, and government policy. We believe that morality can be explained in humanist terms that allows us to promote Good legislation without reference to a God.

10) When in Government, we will cooperate with other governing Parties. And we will also seek their cooperation in ours. When in the opposition, we will be rigorous opponents of government policy. We reserve the right to reject any bill for any reason at any time, and if we offer an explanation for our decisions, we do so as a courtesy that we are extending to others. We feel no sense of obligation to any other Party, unless we have specifically and explicitly entered into a voting bloc.

11) We reserve the right to stand on principle whenever and wherever we feel we need to. We reserve the right to take any stance which is not covered in this preliminary platform.

(Superceded, but kept for historical purposes.)
Platform of the National Progressive Party
Adopted in December 3305

The National Progressive Party stands on the following principles:

1) First and foremost, we are a nationalist Party. We do not mean this in the sense of national superiority. Instead, we celebrate our Nation's culture, heritage and sense of existence at all levels before we accept the demands that are required of an internationalist position. Where we can be a player in the world, we demand to be treated as equals. Where we can adopt internationalism, it must never come at the expense of our national sovereignty.

2) In foreign relations, we adopt a hard realist position. The world is a world of anarchy, full of sharks who are all egoistically looking out for their own survival. If we, as a state rely on the good judgement and better nature of our neighbors, we will soon become their next meal. The only state we can trust for our survival is the Free Republic of Mordusia. Where we enter into treaties, we should assume that others will violate those treaties as it serves their interests. Nor should we feel bound to remain in treaties that undermine our interests as a nation.

3) At home, the perpetuation of our system of government is paramount. In this, the NPP is and must be essentially conservative: we say firmly, we are not a revolutionary party. Instead, we adopt institutionalism. There is no problem that some part of our political system should not, at least, have the capacity to deal with adequately. This requires flexibility and efficiency at all levels of government, as well as an effective ability of the National Government to deal with regional and local matters as easy as a local government would.We prefer the status quo in most things, though we are open to persuasive argument. We adopt pragmatism as a governing principle. If some program works, we don't mess with it. If a program does not work, we do not hesitate to jetison it. Marriage to a failed policy because of nostalgic allegiance is a mistake.

4) On Military Policy- The best offense is a peaceful, non aggressive stance toward the world and the ability to defend our nation should some neighbor or group of neighbors decide to step up and test our will to fight for our own survival. To this end, we support the NPT, and the disarmament program begun under the previous government. We also support adequate conventional deterrent, partial nationalization of defense industries under the NSP, and Party militias. We also support positive treatment of foreign prisoners of war, and the spreading of pro-Mordusian propaganda across the globe.

5) In Health we support both freedoms of citizens to look to their own health choices and a massive government role in provision of both preventative and restorative health. Health is a Public Good which cannot be denied to any citizen regardless of their ability to pay for it. Therefore, the role of the government should be the provision of public health. Mordusia can accomplish this through the training of primary care preventative health practitioners through the NSP. It can also accomplish this through the provision of free medicine, reproductive health, universal vaccinations and consumer protection against capitalist negligence in food and in the environment. The NPP furthermore promotes mental health through the use of mind altering drugs: So long as the drug is not deleterious to the life of the Citizen, the Government should promote mind expansion as a public good. Finally the NPP advocates public facilities for fitness, such as public gyms, pools, spas, and sports clubs.

6) With regard to economics, the NPP supports a solidly nationalistic attitude. The economy must be bent, unwillingly if need be, to the service of the Republic. We promote only truthful advertising, without call to action. We support a strong national bank and national financial system, leaving local banks to be independent. We support a Dual system, where the State operates necessary industries which it requires, and which provide commodities to the people as public goods, leaving all other industries, such as those who create private goods, luxuries, and non-necessities or differing quality products to the private sector. Internationally, we support Mordusian interests over foreign interests, every time. Under this we include provisions for national, rather than open, control of all companies based in or operating or selling to or within Mordusia, and reciprocal trade. We are opposed to open markets for the sake of open markets: We support them when and only when they serve Mordusian interests. If they serve foreign interests more than Mordusian interests, we oppose those policies. No other state should be permitted, by our nation's laws to benefit off of our national resources, our labor, or our economic system. We support the right of labor to organize, we oppose the strike vote because it damages union solidarity, and we support both the minimum and maximum wages for the purpose of reducing income disparity. Class conflict undermines Mordusian sovereignty, and to the extent that the Government and Legislature of Mordusia is able to prevent that, we should.

7) In Justice, the rights of the accused, and the rights of the minority must always be protected over the rights of the accuser and the rights of the majority. The law should be bent in favor of those with less access to power, for the purpose of leveling the playing field between those with and those without access to power. This means that the burden of proof should always be higher for government suits than for suits filed by citizens against the Government. Where the state prosecutes an individual, the buden of proof must be absolute, and must always fall on the plaintiff. All defendants are considered innocent, until they are proven guilty by irrefutable evidence. It is far better for fifty guilty men to go free than it is for one innocent man to spend a second behind bars. The power of the police must be deeply curtailed, and they should only have the power to arrest suspects. They must not patrol public property, nor should the have the right to violate privacy of individuals, nor should they have the right to search private premises. Criminal defense should always be paid for by the state. We oppose both extradition and the death penalty.

8) On Education, we support a robust public education system which emphasizes critical thinking, pragmatism, and skepticism. We oppose private schooling, except as a compliment to general curriculum meant to free minds. A generally informed, literate and critical population is the best bulwark we have against the rise of tyranny in Mordusia and a key to the maintenance of Mordusian independence from foreign oppressors and radical ideologies.

9) In Media, The NPP supports the elimination of corporate interests from the media. We oppose the idea of corporate speech. We support non-commercial media, both in television and on the radio, and we support a Government controlled broadcast network that televises Legislative debate, speeches from the Government, and informational, non-commercial programming for the benefit of citizen information. We oppose regulation of the media and the content of media beyond limiting the ability of capitalist corporations to advertise their products in manipulative ways or to promote their interests to the detriment of democracy in our society.

10) On Culture, the NPP supports the promotion of Mordusian culture in libraries, museums, and cultural buildings. We oppose copyrights and patents. We oppose limitation of the content of movies.

11) On Science, the NPP promotes the advancement of all useful knowledge. If testing on animals is required for determining safety of useful products, we support that. We support an active role for the government in the research, creation, production and distribution of all medicinal drugs, of both conventional and traditional types of medicines.

12) On Technology, the NPP supports the advancement and the democratization of all useful technologies. We oppose copyrighting of software algorithm, and call for open source technology. We have no position on cloning of humans, and support space exploration by non-profit companies.

13) In terms of ecology, the NPP supports environmental conservation for sustainable use of the environment. There is nothing inherently valuable about the environment, but a clean environment is a necessity like food which is required to sustain life. Therefore, we support sustainable use of the environment, extraction of minerals necessary for National sovereignty in clean and safe ways only, the replanting of trees taken in logging operations, the protection of natural food chains, clean waste disposal, a national recycling program and clean fuel options.

14) In Agriculture, the NPP supports government production of basic cereals, and strategic crops such as industrial hemp and soybeans. We promote land ownership for individual farmers, to the detriment of large scale agribusiness for the sake of both biodiversity and employment of our population. We support quotas to keep fishing stocks healthy, and we have no stance on GM foods which are not proven detrimental to human health.

15) On Civil Liberties, where they can be expanded, we support that. Individual liberty is paramount, and with regard to civil liberty, our stance is "Do what you will, except where it limits other people's rights in the doing: this is the whole of the law."

16) The NPP supports full nationalization of all infrastructure and provision of public goods to all citizens as benefit for paying taxes. The Government should offer quality housing for all citizens, though private homes with more luxury options should remain available at a premium.

17) We support open boarders for the free movement of individuals. We welcome foreign embassies to Mordusia though we reserve the right to not reciprocate sending ambassador staffs. We support the arrival of refugees from tyranny states though will not permit exclaves of foreign nations to affect the policies of Mordusia.

18) With regard to Welfare, the State should ensure that no citizen falls unwillingly into poverty. Our government should focus on provision of jobs for all citizens who want to work, and for those who have work, the ability to live a modest quality of life on a single income per household.

19) On religion, our position is that as long as Religion does not attempt to influence the political system of the Republic, the Government of the Republic should remain out of the free practice of religion. When religion insists on a role in policy creation, the legislature should interfere in the practice of religion. Religions should be treated as corporations for the sake of taxation: no entity, individual or corporate should be above their financial duty to the maintenance of the Republic.

This platform shall guide the policy preferences, votes and proposals of the National Progressive Party going forward.


Advocate General (HoS)
Fr. Joseph Bennots- 3302 to 3303

President of the Republic
Fr. Joseph Bennots- 3303-3304, 3308-3312

Joseph Bennots- 3312-3314
Frederick Friedendorf- 3314- 3316

Foreign Minister
Fr. Joseph Bennots 3298-3299 (Resigned)
Fr. William H. Allen- 3300- 3304
Fred Shulman- 3316-3319 (Resigned)

Internal Affairs
Laura Himmel 3310- 3314

Fredrick Friedendorf 3310- 3314
Laura Burd- 3314- 3316

Fr. Felicia Donnetti 3298-3299 (Resigned)
Gen Willhelmina Westmoreland- 3314- 3316

Justice Gina Rengeld 3310- 3314

Infrastructure and Transport
Greg Thompson- 3316- 3319 (resigned)

Health and Social Services
Fr. Chris Howard 3298-3299 (Resigned), 3300-3304
Ron Houser 3308-3310, 3312- 3319 (Resigned)

Education and Culture
Fr. Janet Blumbeck 3298-3299 (resigned), 3300- 3304
Janine Newcastle 3308-3310, 3312-3319 (Resigned)

Science and Technology
Fr. Irena Frednova 3300-3304

Food and Agriculture
Laura Pint 3312-3314

Environment and Tourism

Trade and Industry
Smitty Clark 3312-3314


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Civil Rightsmoderate permissiveexcellentperfect
Foreign Relationsisolationist-leaningexcellentperfect
Government Responsibilitiesmoderate big governmentexcellentperfect
Marketconvinced regulatorexcellentperfect
Militarymoderate militaristexcellentperfect
Moralitymoderate progressiveexcellentperfect
Religionmoderate secularexcellentperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
February 329811,610,79435,467,47632.74+32.7425075033.33+250
February 330010,946,18250,788,77121.55-11.1815975021.20-91
February 330227,510,25450,650,92854.31+32.7640475053.87+245
February 33046,401,35055,913,84511.45-42.868575011.33-319
February 33064,808,57858,789,3748.18-3.27607508.00-25
February 33083,618,18650,669,3857.14-1.04527506.93-8
February 33106,361,46554,322,90111.71+4.578875011.73+36
February 331216,425,26539,956,94641.11+29.4030675040.80+218
February 331414,996,13955,643,76526.95-14.1620875027.73-98
February 331613,345,68054,452,35624.51-2.4418575024.67-23
February 331810,117,95863,444,52815.95-8.5612075016.00-65
February 332010,740,74661,301,57117.52+1.5713375017.73+13
February 33225,499,68955,862,9019.84-7.687575010.00-58
February 332412,706,89255,954,31122.71+12.8617675023.47+101

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Social Progressive Party of Mordusia.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
Labor Union ReformJanuary 2157January 2158passed
Public Housing BillSeptember 2156September 2156passed
Stop the Mushroom CloudJuly 2156July 2156defeated
Nationalism SucksJuly 2156July 2156defeated
Healthier MordusiansJuly 2156July 2156defeated
Give The People a Live before DeathJuly 2156July 2156defeated
First Strike ActJuly 2156July 2156defeated
Space Exploration ActJune 2156June 2156defeated
Passports BillApril 2156April 2156defeated
Illegal Aliens BillApril 2156April 2156defeated
Military Service ActMarch 2156March 2156defeated
Sports and Athletics actMarch 2156March 2156passed
Addition to Childbirth Encouragement ActFebruary 2156February 2156passed
Nurseries DevolutionFebruary 2156February 2156defeated
Elections Reform BillJanuary 2156January 2156passed
Concealed Carry LawsDecember 2155December 2155passed
Gun ControlDecember 2155December 2155passed
Assembly Name ChangeJuly 2155July 2155defeated
Pension SystemMay 2155May 2155defeated
Education Bill moderatedMay 2155May 2155defeated

Random fact: There are two countries based on Egypt in the game. Cobura is based on modern Egypt with a retro twist, while Hawu Mumenhes is based on Ancient Egypt with a modernist twist.

Random quote: "Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel." - Ernesto "Che" Guevara

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