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National Liberal Party[?]

This page contains information about the National Liberal Party.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: ChengherRares1

Nation[?]: Rìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania)

Seats[?] in Pàrlamaid (Parliament)[?]: 0




National Liberal Party created

Motto of the party
-still searching-

Creation date
March 4509 (1/1/2019) (As Libertarian Party of Rutania, RLP)
February 4610 (23/7/2019) (As National Liberal Party)

Ideology of the party
The National Liberal Party is a conservative party with some twists here and there. The National Liberal Party bases on idea of small government, low spending, low taxes, moderate capitalist values and maintained economic growth. On social issues we believe in conservative values, despite we do think in some liberal ideals. Internationally we are neutral pro-isolationism, focusing on home issue, we desire strong army and strong police, as well putting economy above nature. And not the last, political freedoms. We believe in moderate values of freedom, freedom that is not dangerous the nation's integrity and liberty. Government intervention in people's lives should be limited as much as possible though.

Party Office Location:
419, Principal Street, Vandenburg, Rutania(March 4509-present)

Historical names for the party
The Rutanian Capitalist Party (RCP) (March 4509-September 4511)
Color of the party: pale blue (6a5acd) (4509-4511)

The Rutanian Libertarian Party (RLP) (September 4511-present)
Color of the party: yellow (ffff00) (4511-4523)

The Rutanian Libertarian Party (RLP) (September 4511-present)
Color of the party: DodgerBlue (1E90FF) (4523-present)

The Rutanian Libertarian Party (RLP) (September 4511-January 4547)
Color of the party: OliveDrab (6B8E23) (4524-January 4547)

The National Liberal Party (NLP) (February 4610-present)
Color of the party: GoldenRod (FFD700) (February 461-present)

Seats over time:
4509- 0 seats
4513- 91 seats
4517- 67 seats
4521- 161 seats
4525- 157 seats
4529- 79 seats
4531- 67 seats
4535- 61 seats
4539- 70 seats
4543- 208 seats
4547- no seats till 4610
4610- ? seats

Structure of the party
Leader(usually the president)
Finance candidate
-temporary candidates for Cabinet on other position than Finance
-administrators and managers of public assets
-economic analysts
-future members

In total: 800 members currently

The party is comprised of:


Role: Leads the party and its policies

-Can propose bills
-Can put to vote changes inside the party
-Can appoint or let elections happen for his or other positions inside the party
-Sets up policies and proposes agendas to be followed
-Has the final word in debates and confirms or cancel bills
-He can be the leader as much as he wants or can


Role: Important role as adviser and helper

-Can propose bills that will be debated
-Can help leader in his decisions through advice and proposals
-His opinion has weight as leader can be influenced in his final positions
-Receives reports and info from the party and others
-Great importance in sending news for the party
-His appointed by the leader or elected if possible


Role: Economic advisor and candidate to the Cabinet

-Can propose economic themed bills to be debated on
-Gives advice to the leader on economic issues
-Can help leader in his decisions
-His opinion also matters in some way
-Analyst (Economy)
-His appointed by the leader or elected if possible


Role: Diverse

-Secretaries that keeps the management of information and documents
-Administrators administrate the bank accounts, real estate and other assets of the party
-Advisers have the role in debates and adding points

Elections inside the party
Positions are usually without a clear term limit

The position is usually won if you are appointed by an existent leader or inherit the position from him.
*There is an exception if leader does holds elections for this position or he does not appoint/does not pass the position as inheritance (in case of sudden death, indecision or decision to hold elections)

The position is usually won if you are appointed by an existent leader
*There is an exception if leader does permits elections happen for this position (in case of a decision for holding elections)

The position is usually won if you are appointed by an existent leader
*There is an exception if leader does permits elections happen for this position (in case of a decision for holding elections)

The positions are usually won through anonymous elections by all party members including leader
*There are exception if leader appoints a new member or decides to extend ones term limit


Party Leaders overtime
February 4610-present - Alexander Wright

Cabinet members from our party, name, profession and years active:
Cengher Rareș as Finance between years 4526 - 4530
George Powell as Trade & Industry between years 4526 - 4530

Cengher Rareș as Finance between years 4543 and 4547
Boțan Gabriel as Trade & Industry between years 4543 and 4547 (RLP time)


President of NLP (and RLP)
Presidents over time (Rutania):

4531-4535 Boțan Gabriel (RLP)

Historical Leaders and Co-Leaders
Boțan Gabriel- The founder father of RCP
May 1482-present, aged 62
Years active as a leader: 35 (March 4509-present)
Years active as other: -4 years as president between 4531-4535

The future leader had grown in a small family and from a young age started his interest in politics. Over years he leaned on the right and some years on the left. After a time he began promoting libertarian ideals. This leader is known as the party *Founding Father*, as he is the first to come with the idea that Rutania needs a new democratic and freedom-loving party.
He is renown for his LGBT support (obviously if he is gay), for his activism in the party and in the state matters, recognized as an active and charismatic leader, proposing bills and taking decisions. However he is experienced and his story is still to be continued, with big achievements and aspirations. His amazing realizations are big-sized privatizations through so called *Privatization Acts*, legalization of gay-marriage and polygamy and the push of retirement age back to 65 years. He also fought successfully for a stronger local government. On August 4511 a bill that will change the name and the color of the party was proposed. The bill passed and the party had been renamed Rutanian Libertarian Party. In March 4513 he reached 91 seats with his party, furthering his agenda. On top of that he is currently in a small coalition with DCM and Hosian Party. The leader of the party successfully passed bills that improved the rights of the free market and the promotion of peace through the banning of WMD's and the abolish of import tariffs and other small-sized measures to improve deregulation. His struggles to create a Cabinet were in vain. Several new bills were proposed to change the Budget expenditure and the income tax. He proposed to also change sales-taxes. After fights and fights, stress and coalitions the party leader succeeded in achieving his goals, the party succeeded in privatizing and liberating markets, fighting for people.

Cengher Rareș-Finance and great adviser
April 4489-present,aged 55
Years active as a leader: 2
Years active as other: -33 (March 4509-present as a Co-leader and Finance)
-4 as Finance between 4531 and 4535

Cengher Rareș is renown for his influence in the party and the favors received by the leader. He became quickly a great leaner as leader took him from young age under his wing. As he grew he became clearly a great adviser, influencing greatly the leader, turning the course of the party and even important decisions inside the party. As for now he is designated to become the next leader of the party, sometime in the future. Because of his reputation and economic abilities in finance and other important sectors is one of the greatest co-leaders of all time and good adviser. He is also renown for his homosexuality.

Party's History
This party has a short history. The idea of the party begun appearing in January 4509, when multiple liberal, right-wingers, centrists and libertarians started to propose a new party that will counter the unbalanced leftist parties from Rutania. The party original name was Right-Wing Party, encompassing all kinds of right-wingers, even conservatives and nationalists. But shortly after the leader came into March 4509 to power, soon he took the charge of the party with an iron-fist and renamed it into the Rutanian Capitalist Party (RCP). Now only pro-market, liberal and progressives remained. But soon a new start for the party takes when it is renamed the Libertarian Party (RLP). Since its had been renamed in 4511, the party started to be more extremist. Its started supporting full capitalism, high levels of federalization and liberalization both in social and economical axes. The party petitioned a lot of bills that some of them passed, improving the life of the Rutanian people. In 4521 the party got a big chunk of the Peoples Assembly, after people preferred the Libertarian Party. The most supporting region of all-time for the party is Ardinia. The party got a lot of votes since and form a sturdy alliance with other right-wing parties. They ruled Rutania into Libertarian utopia for 20 years before they broke up.

In 4610 the party re-branded itself into National Liberal Party, a more conservative and stable party under Alexander Wright rule.

Rutanian Capitalist Party Manifesto: (OLD AF)
Our party had been founded by the great leader Boțan Gabriel with the premise to change for the better this beloved nation, called Rutania. He strove for a new and improved capitalism, that it will gloriously transform the nation in a beacon of economic growth, civil liberties, safety and pursuit of happiness.
The party will forever advocate for liberty, prosperity and progression.

In first part of his manifesto, he points out the importance of a market-based economy, how it is the only way to ensure that everyone lived in general better of in a free-market society.
He stated that privatization was the primordial upmost important element for freedom. He had seen all countries crumbling under socialist regimes with their so called *nice programs*.
Private property, extensive freedoms for entrepreneurs to start and regulate a business, limited regulations when necessary, to ensure safety. As minimum-wages, payrolls forced by the state and all kind of proposed manipulation of income inequality is futile, as inequality is the result of our nature and differences, equality becoming a devilish position, conformity, lack of individuality and collapse, poverty.
Also government spending in huge proportions is unacceptable, as it drives to corruption, bureaucracy, inefficiency, broken economy and high taxation with plenty of regulations, red-tapes so stretched that will crumble the market.
The writer proposes an utopian, idealistic view, in which capitalism is unhindered by the state, in which free-markets can help people, where coercion is non-existing and people are free to pursuit whatever they desire, not bad things of course!

In the second part of the manifesto, he stated clearly that he endorses great level of civil liberties, some of them are the freedom to marry whom you want (in most cases, except incest), to do whatever man wants to do with the body, the right to be armed, protection of LGBT rights etc. As leader is gay himself he firmly believes that freedoms must be ensured for a better society, combined with the markets that provide, resulting economic output (consumers) and productivity by providing needed materials (producers). The manifesto states that religious freedoms must be balanced, regulated whenever is needed to prevent harm and promoted where is no need of laws.

And in the last part is describing war as unnecessary element of humankind and must be avoided with all cost. He also endorses pacifist movements, preferring peaceful solutions as much as possible, war remaining as a last solution. Through this the well-being of everyone, inside and outside the state is assured.
He states that people should immigrate in nation freely and without the need of passport, either side of the border, but with strict checks of people to ensure that no one is a treat. Through the manifesto, the disgust for WMD's is shown, as it is a treat to the world peace and environment. Gabi hates military expenditure, warfare is needed to be regulated and minimized. Tariffs are inherently a bad thing, unnecessary evils to the market economy, as foreign investors are regulated too much.

The manifesto is neutral towards issues like ecological problems.

Our banner is a yellow flame.


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationmoderate unitaristexcellentperfect
Civil Rightsmoderate permissiveexcellentperfect
Foreign Relationsconvinced internationalisthighperfect
Government Responsibilitiesconvinced small governmentexcellentperfect
Militarymoderate militaristexcellentperfect
Religionmoderate secularexcellentperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
March 45137,031,04056,511,82812.44+12.449175012.13+91
March 45175,618,62561,942,8819.07-3.37677508.93-24
March 452112,150,93456,882,31221.36+12.2916175021.47+94
March 452512,831,17261,194,77920.97-0.3915775020.93-4
March 45296,651,14562,223,86510.69-10.287975010.53-78
February 45315,451,80460,287,7369.04-1.65677508.93-12
February 45355,149,99461,806,0458.33-0.71617508.13-6
February 45396,058,08862,460,5779.70+1.37707509.33+9
February 454316,802,12461,581,73027.28+17.5920875027.73+138
February 454719,360,59257,732,04033.54+6.2525175033.47+43

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the National Liberal Party.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
Forest management 4265October 4265October 4265passed
Ratification of the Selucian Official Diplomatic TreatyAugust 4265August 4265passed
Ratification of the Anti Globalist Alliance (AGA)June 4265October 4265defeated
Video Game Regulation 4265January 4265January 4265passed
Refugee Limitation ActDecember 4264August 4265defeated
Religious Freedom of Worship ActDecember 4264May 4265defeated
Disaster Relief Emergency Budget proposal of December 4264December 4264December 4264passed
Treaty Removal ActDecember 4264December 4264defeated
Bill on Public NudityNovember 4264November 4264passed
Cabinet Proposal of October 4264October 4264October 4264passed
Privacy protection for those in the public eye 4264October 4264October 4264defeated
Conservative Cabinet Proposal of September 4264September 4264September 4264defeated
Maliva for Security Council Position ASeptember 4263September 4263passed
Resolution to Condemn Istalia & request the Foreign Ministry consider sanctions or further action against IstaliaApril 4263April 4263passed
Economic Equity ActOctober 4262December 4262defeated
Peace for the People ActSeptember 4262September 4262defeated
Animal Protection ActMay 4262May 4262defeated
Ratification of the Sanctioned Security Council Embargo on KalopiaMay 4262May 4262defeated
Heritage ActFebruary 4262February 4262defeated
Cultural Preservation ActFebruary 4262February 4262defeated

Random fact: In order for a Cabinet bill to pass, more than half of the legislature must vote for it and all of the parties included in the proposed Cabinet must support it. If your nation has a Head of State who is also the Head of Government, then the party controlling this character must also vote for the bill, since the Head of Government is also a member of the Cabinet. If any of these requirements are not met, the bill will not pass.

Random quote: "The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn't deliver the goods." - John Maynard Keynes

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