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Party Legislation
These are the bills[?] that have been proposed by the Old Guard Party (CГП).
- FPT I - Religion Act
- FPT II - State Religion Act
- FPT III - Constitutional Reforms
- FPT IV - Military Act
- FPT V - Capitalism Act
- FPT VI - Health Act
- FPT VII - Education Act
- FPT VIII - Infrastructure Act
- FPT IX - Justice Act
- FPT X - Media Act
- FPT XI - Civil Liberties Act
- Cabinet Proposal of December 2902
- FPT XII - Capitalism Act
- FPT XIII - Religion Act
- FPT XIV - Infrastructure Act
- FPT XV - Income tax proposal of July 2903
- FPT XVI - Health Act
- FPT XVII - Justice Act
- FPT XVIII - Education Act
- FPT XIX - Flag Reform Act
- FPT XX - Two-Child Policy
- Olive Branch Cabinet Proposal of August 2904
- FPT XXII - Regional Name Return Act
- FPT XXI - Official Latinization of the Language, Educational & Budget Act
- FPT XXIII - Science & Technology Promotion Act
- FPT XXIV - Flag Reform Act
- FPT XXV - Crowning of a new Great Prince
- Budget proposal of September 2906
- FPT XXVI - Media Reform Act
- FPT XXVII - Maintenance of Culture Reform Act
- FPT XXVIII - Civil Liberties Reform Act
- Call for early elections, September 2908
- FPT XXIX - Constitutional Reform Act
- MGP XXX - National Service Act
- SGP XXXI - Military Reform
- MGP XXXIII - Justice Act
- MGP XXXIV - Charter School Act
- MGP XXXV - Sales Tax Reform
- Emergency Budget proposal of July 2916
- MGP XXXVI - Corporation Tax Act
- MGP XXXVII - Government-Market Neutrality Act
- MGP XXXVIII - Constitutional Reform Act
- Government of National Unity
- Call for early elections, July 2922
- Cabinet Proposal of June 2923
- MGP XXXIX - Military Reforms & National Service Act
- MGP XL - Health Reform Act
- MGP XLI - Economic Reforms (Mashkov II)
- MGP XLIII - Constitutional Reform Act
- Income tax proposal of July 2923
- Budget proposal of August 2923
- Budget proposal of May 2924
- MGP XLIII - Slavery Reform Act
- MGP XLIII - Regional Name Change
- MGP XLV - Sales Tax Law Reform
- MGP XLVI - School Reform
- Cabinet Proposal of June 2935
- MGP XLIV - Land Ownership Requirment Act
- MGP XLV - Party Proposal Act
- MGP XLVI - Cabinet Proposal Reform Act
- MGP XLVII - Religious Reform Act
- MGP XLVIII - Religious Schools Act
- MGP XLIX - State Religion Act
- MGP L - Economy Reform Act
- MGP LI - Salary Cap Abolition Act
- MGP LII - Justice Reform Act
- MGP LIII - Age of Adulthood & Education Act
- MGP LIV - Space Privatization Act
- MGP LV - Agricultural Subsidy Policy Reform Act
- MGP LVI - Foreign Visitor Act
- MGP LVII - Social Security Reform Act
- Cabinet Proposal of July 2937
- Cabinet Proposal of January 2939
- MGP LVIII - Gambling Legalization Act
- MGP LIX - Weapons & Immigrants Act
- MGP LX - Pornography Act
- MGP LXI - Sales Tax Decrease
- Ratification of the Commonwealth Nations of Terra Alliance
- Budget proposal of October 2941
- MGP LXII - Motto & Anthem Reform Act
- Ratification of the The International Monarchist League
- MGP LXIII - Population Control Act
- Budget proposal of November 2949
- MGP LIX - Axis Treaty Withdrawal Act
- Cabinet Proposal of January 2951
- MGP LX - Axis Military Treaty Withdrawal
- Cabinet Proposal of August 2953
- Budget proposal of August 2953
- MGP LXIV - Human Cloning Banning Act
- MGP LXV - Undoing Communism #1
- Call for early elections, June 2965
- MGP LXVI - Undoing Communism #2
- MGP LXVII - Undoing Communism #3
- MGP LXVIII - Undoing Communism #4
- MGP LXIX - Undoing Communism #5
- MGP LXX - Undoing Communism #6
- Cabinet Proposal of November 2965
- Cabinet Proposal of June 2969
- MGP LXXI - Sales Tax Reform Act
- Call for early elections, June 2970
- MGP LXXII - Sales Tax Reform Act
- Cabinet Proposal of December 2976
- MGP LXXIII - Succession of Crown Prince Rainer to the Throne
- Cabinet Proposal of January 2980
- MGP LXXIV - Title Changes
- MGP LXXV - Economy Reform Act
- Cabinet Proposal of November 2985
- MGP LXXVI - Regional Court Reform Act
- MGP LXXVII - Constitutional Changes
- Call for early elections, June 2992
- Call for early elections, November 3054
- MGP LXXVIII - Constitutional Changes
- Declaration of the True Character of Trigunia, Its Oblasts, Its Government, & Its Culture of July 3055
- Declaration of Freedom & Right of Return of Exiles, Hulstro-Trigunian, & Lutherans
- Cabinet Proposal of May 3056
- Income tax proposal of May 3056
- MGP LXXIX - Reforming Autocracy
- MGP LXXX - Economic Reform Act
- MGP LXXXI - Elected Executive Act
- MGP LXXXII - Health Reform Act
- MGP LXXXIII - Military Reform Act
- Call for early elections, July 3058
- MGP LXXXIV - Justice Reform Act
- MGP LXXXV - City Renaming & Additions
- MGP LXXXVI - Infrastructure Reform Act
- MGP LXXXVII - Education Reform Act
- MGP LXXXVIII - Media Act
- MGP LXXXIX - Omnibus Act
- MGP LXL - Population Control Act - "Two-Child Policy"
- MGP LXLI - Refugee & Visitation Act
- Cabinet Proposal of June 3073
- MGP LXLII - HoS Title Change
- MGP LXLIII - City Additions & Capital Change (Part 2) & Others
- Ratification of the Keris Co-Operation Alliance
- Ratification of the The International Monarchist League
- Budget proposal of November 3090
- MGP LXLIV - Omnibus
- Call for early elections, November 3092
- MGP LXLV - Lowering Taxes
- Military Intervention in Kazulia
- MGP LXLV - Reversing the "Two-Child Policy"
- Budget proposal of October 3096
- MGP LXLVI - Encouraging Population Growth
- mGP LXLVII - Bankrupcy Changes
- MGP LXLVII - Omnibus
- Line of Succession
- Call for early elections, May 3125
- Line of Succession
- Cabinet Proposal of January 3127
- MGP LXLVIII - Governmental Changes Act
- MGP LXLIX - Military Act
- MGP LXXX - Health Care Reform Act
- MGP LXXXI - Economic Reform Act
- MGP LXXXII - Legal Reform Act
- MGP LXXXIII - Culture & Media Act
- MGP LXXXIV - Omnibus
- Income tax proposal of June 3129
- Budget proposal of June 3129
- Call for early elections, May 3131
- Cabinet Proposal of July 3131
- NSP I - Executive Reform Act
- NSP II - Executive Reversal Act
- Call for early elections, July 3136
- MTP I - Economic Reforms Act
- MTP II - National Sales Tax Act
- MTP III - Military Act
- MTP IV - Governmental Reform & Country Name Change Act
- Cabinet Proposal of September 3146
- Ratification of the League of Island Nations
- Ratification of the International Free Trade Agreement
- Ratification of the Keris Free Trade Agreement
- Ratification of the Greater Hulstria Free Trade Agreement
- Ratification of the The Terran FIFA World Cup (TWC)
- Ratification of the The Minority Languages Treaty
- Ratification of the Interpol
- Ratification of the TOA (Terran Olympic Association)
- MTP V - Military Act
- MTP VI - National Sales Tax Act
- MTP VII - Economic Reforms Act
- Flag Fix
- MTP VII - Coronation of the new Great Prince & Tsar & Subsequent Name Changes
- Budget proposal of January 3153
- Ratification of the Macon Treaty Organization of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance.
- Cabinet Proposal of October 3156
- Ratification of the Treaty of Heinrichgrad
- Ratification of the Keris Co-Operation Alliance
- Ratification of the Terrean Trade Board
- Call for early elections, November 3157
- TIP I - Power Consolidation
- TIP II - Omnibus
- TIP I - Economic Reform Act
- TIP II - Opening of Religion Act
- TIP III - State Religion Act
- TIP IV - Health Reforms Act
- Cabinet Proposal of January 3270
- TIP V - State Religion Act
- TIP VI - Justice Reform Act
- TIP VII - Federal Education System Act
- TIP VIII - Media Privitization & Culture Localization Act
- TIP IX - Science & Technology Privatization Act
- TIP X - Restoring the Monarchy & National Renaming Act
- Income tax proposal of June 3271
- Budget proposal of June 3271
- TIP XI - Constitutional Changes
- Call for early elections, November 3276
- TIP III - Federal Education System Act
- TIP IV - Corporate Tax Act
- TIP V - Agriculture Decentralization Act
- TIP VI - Economic Reform Act
- TIP VII - Healthcare Reform Act
- TIP VIII - Abortion & Contraceptives Devolution Act
- Cabinet of National Unity Proposal of December 4228
- Temporary Cabinet Proposal of December 4228
- TIP IX - Education Decentralization Act
- TIP X - Corporation Tax Act
- TIP XI - Agriculture Decentralization Act
- TIP XII - Economic Reform Act
- TIP XIII - Foreign Workers, Investment, & Exchange Rate Act
- TIP XIV - Healthcare Reform Systems Act
- TIP XV - Abortion Devolution Act
- TIP XVI - Civil Service Professionalization Act
- TIP XVII - Viceroy Act, Part 1
- TIP - Three-Year Investment Plan: Year 1 Budget Proposal
- TIP - Three-Year Investment Plan: Year 2 Budget Proposal (4231)
- TIP - Three-Year Investment Plan: Tax Reform Proposal (4231)
- Ratification of the Dundorfian Free Investment Partnership (DFIP)
- Ratification of the International Free Trade Accord
- Ratification of the Cildanian Free Trade Agreement
- Ratification of the Free Trade League
- Ratification of the International Free Trade Agreement
- Ratification of the Keymon Free Trade Agreement
- Ratification of the World Financial Trade Center (WTFC)
- TIP XVI - Monopoly Act
- Ratification of the Terran Action Against Economic Depression (RP)
- kdkd
- TIP XVIII - Justice Reform Act
- TIP XIX - Arts & Libraries Reform Act
- TIP XX - Internet Liberalization Act
- TIP XXI - Forest Act
- TIP XXII - "Grow Trigunia" Act
- TIP XXIII - Housing and Public Transit Subsidy Act
- TIP XXIV - Pension Act
- TIP XXVI - Religious Dress Act
- TIP XXVII - Blasphemy Act
- ARCHIVE: Media Outlets of Trigunia
- TIP XXVII - Security Council Seat B Change
- TIP - Three-Year Investment Plan: Year 3 Budget Proposal 4232
- OOC/RP: Media Outlets of Trigunia (PLEASE, DO NOT DELETE)
- Council of Ministers Proposal of December 4231
- OOC: A New Last Name for the Monarch?
- Call for early elections, February 4234
- CP: 0.0 Five Year Plan
- CP: 0.1 Legislative Agenda - Religion
- CP: 0.2 Legislative Agenda - Health & Food
- CP: 0.3 Legislative Agenda - Infrastructure
- CP: 0.4 Legislative Agenda - Economy
- CP: 0.5 Legislative Agenda - Education
- Call for early elections, September 4403
- OGP: 0.6 Legislative Agenda - Religion
- OGP: 0.7 Legislative Agenda - Federalism
- Cabinet Proposal of November 4404
- OGP: 1.1 Voluntary State Religion & Church Tax Act
- OGP: 1.4 Establishing the Trigunia Investment Corporation
- OGP: 1.2 Tax Relief Act
- OGP: 1.3 Establishing the "Development Banks" Act
- OGP: 1.5 Establishing the Chamber of Skilled Craftwork Act
- OGP: 1.7 Education System Reform Act
- OGP: 1.8 "Everyone an entrepreneur: 1 Million New Businesses Initiative"
- OGP: 1.9 Liberalizing the Economy Act
- OGP: 1.10 "Silicon Tundra: Technological Leadership Initiative"
- OGP: 1.11 Official Selucian-ization of the Language Act
- Call for early elections, October 4406
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